Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Spending Time Making Changes

I thought to would sit here and write something about making changes in life and what it means to start doing something new. I am going to launch a new company soon and in fact this week if I can finnish all the needed paperwork. I really hate doing the paperwork and the costs it takes to put together a new business but i am going to do this anyway cause I am not happy with my current way of doing things. I wish that you did not have to go though submitting lots of Federal and State forms just to be self employed and make a living wage to support yourself. Sadly it is made increasing more difficult to become a new businesss and to stay in business for a long time because of expanding government regulations. This week I have decided to start doing a new business that I never have done before and hope it becomes a success over the long term. I has been a few years since I have done any kind of self employment and so i feel I am rusty at doing it but I realize if I don't do this then nothing is going to change for the better fo me. In doing this new business and other business ideas that I have I hope to be able to change my finance situation and also buy a different home that is bigger and nicer than the one I own which is too small for me. Basically I am tired of the home I have and want something better and I need the money to get this home and other things too that I don't have now so this is good motovation for doing this business ventures. I want to do radical changes in my life and so this week I am going to start doing those changes for the better and happyiness of me... I hope I will succeed with my plan and become a happier person from the plan i am going to be doing.. This is all I got to say today and hope for the best to come to me sooner...

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