Wednesday, October 26, 2011

News Reports

I just want to let everyone know that you can now see my very first news documentry on CNN NEWS by going to I-REPORTS.CNN.COM/JNorton1 or go to CNN.Com and Click I-REPORTS and search for me under my name (John Norton).  I have gone a long way in journalism now being on CNN NEWs and I am proud of this accomplishment as well as now I am told that I have been awarded a new column in one of the newspapers (Street SIGHTS) that I write for as a community service project which is just awesome. I never thought that my creative skills would take me to such a new level much less my becoming a journalist which never had I done in life until the last few years. WOW!! Well I have worked hard at it and it has not come easy doing it but I love doing this I have to admitt to that aspect. Look on CNN NEWS to See my NEWS I-REPORTS and also listen to my talk show (Modern POLITICAL THINKING) on WWW.BLOGTALKRADIO.COM/JOHNNORTON and all the other newspapers and magazines I write for weekly.. Have a great day and enjoy it everyone.. SMILE!!

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