Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Debutante dishonesty!!

Well the morning is allways a new time on creating a list of things to do and places to go. waking up in a world of ungodly persons makes someone feels like the odd man out sometimes. In reflecting on ones own life experiances and who you might date and one day in the future might be married to allways be carefull to get to know ever aspect of a debutante. I am allways remember that passage in the holy bible where Jesus taught the parable that ended with saying a strange women is a deep pit that you can fall into and never get away from the destruction and deceit that such a person of evil origan can do to mans life,liberty and freedom. I see in my own life and the lives of some friends that Jesus is right. My experiance has taught me to look and ask questions from your prospective future women friend or wife what they really think and to check out everything they say all the time. women unfortunately in the later part of the 20 and 21st century have been taught to be a whore and lie,cheat and steal and to be evil. granted some women in our modern times that we live in are good to the heart and the core of values but sadly those that are of good are a small percentage now. I can clearly see the moral code and values of the female gender have erroded to the part of cave prehistoric evil mentality driven by hated and greed. It is shocking to me that a women that I know says with joy and boldness that she uses men and she is hoe short for as she and many other women explain it as being a whore. I recently sat with this women and asked her why she is proud to be a whore and the response I got is that all her women friends are the same. This truely makes me see why the American family as a unit failing because one part of our human race is raising the following generations to have no morals and anything that is evil is now considered to worth great value. The worst of it all is that women of marriage age have adopted Satan and other evil things in there lives instead of reading the bible and following Jesus Christs teachings. So much has been written about the modern family and in perticularly the American family for which I am really concerned about and how it is going to be in the future generations if we as a family and country called America continue to teach the next generations that anything goes and doing evil to your fellow human is ok. Morality used to be a standard by which we as a people and a nation used to do but now we have women getting pregnant for money and strung out on drugs and calling themselves a whore. It worries and concerns me that with this attitude most women have now and self image being very poor how are we as a human race going to survive and prosper in the present and future. Women are a primary component to the family structure and needed to continue the human race. I know when I write articles like this it makes one think that I hate women or that I have a grudge against women but the truth is no and I love women but I am discouraged by the loss of morality and self worth that I see women of my generation x and younger are about now. I wonder if this is just a fad or is this adoption of a permanent shift in female thinking that is the absence of god and any moral or ethics other than anything evil is normal?????.. I do reconize the shift in the last 30 years from good and god to evil now with anything goes and it is ok to what ever you want to do with no morals and ethics. From a Christian point of view which I come from this is very wrong and the holy bible needs to become the backbone of the modern women and American family as well as the rest of this planet earth. This would end the falling apart of the modern family and increase the morals and ethics of everyone. People would many times say that my ideas and opinions are too futureistic or too radical for this new mellenium but then I hear and see the same general complaints from many people I have talked to over the last decade. I find that friends are the most vocal about this shift that I write about in this article and hear about them having to deal with this agony and annoying problem. I think a larger descussion of these problems and ideas is what might help alot of people in perticularly women who are lost in a abyss of lies and faulty ethics and morals. I welcome all comments here bur please no swearing here in your responses.
Jesus and god is the light and the truth for all man and women on earth and reading the holy bible gives you wisdom and knowledge which everyone on earth should do.
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Quote: it only takes one man with ideas of good to change the world...
Thomas jefferson wrote this on 1776 in a speech to the new nation now called America.
I love America and christian bible doctrine even though I have frustration and anger at the loss of our faith in god and our freedom and liberty and our constitution in the origianal form that it was written and adopted for America by Americans.
God bless the good of the world.
Rick n.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Decisions to make!!

Well it is hard to make a decision sometimes when you feel pulled on a few different directions at the same time. Meeting new people is certianly great except when you have to explain how you do a certian task or project and how it all fits intoy way of doing life. Sometimes it is frustrating to fail at having someone else reach hopefully the same conclusion as I have done. There is allways going to be a difference by two persons being different ages but aside from that it is still a daily challenge to just sometimes make any agreement work at all. I really think the older you get the more set in your ways you become and the less you likealing changes in ones life. Yes that might seem cynical but age unfortu
ately does make a difference. I have written many articles over the years about how people do a bout face when meeting Jesus christ and accepting the bible principles into ones life. The sad part is that it usually takes a tragic personal event toake that conversion to Christian faith even if the person had a different viewpoint early in childhood years. Change sure is a funny thing to grasp sometimes in life. I recall many times in my life where change was not for the better of me but then you learn as you age to accept the bitter things as well as the good too in life. This is true of anyone living on earth and seeing a new mellenium unfold as of the time frame that we are in beig the 21st century.
Rick n.

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