Friday, August 21, 2015

Friday Market Wrap Up

Well, today we see that my predictions of mud slides in the markets actually turned into a larger amount of downhill vertical free fall this morning. I predicted that the bears are going to go cracked up crazy selling everything they have trying to get out the exit door with the herd all getting crushed in the process. I am right as usual with the Dow Jones posting current data at 141.15 minus dive in the pit head first. Then you'll have to add like I predicted the NASDAQ,Standards and Poors etc all hitting the accelerator going down to pit with it. Yup, you think that's bad at the time of writing this blog post just look at the global markets they all have followed suit going average from 100 to 535 points doing a verified vertical nose dive. You got to bailout everyone the crazy bears are driving drunk drunk wanting to bailout..Oh wait a minute that right I am a contrarian I just remembered.. I got to thinking for a moment about all my emotional state with the mountain of losses in my positions in my portfolio.. I am so emotional I panicked like the rest of the herd running for the exit door crushing everyone on the way out. No. I just regained composed mental state now I am thinking rational here about all the good deals that this crazy crash is offering me. While everyone is popping Rolaids and drinking whiskey running away feeling pain I am looking at all the cheap deals in stocks,bonds and other investment vehicles available this morning. Your losses folks that your getting punished with in the markets I am busy in buying frenzy for me raking in profit like it's cotton candy. I am buying cheap and selling it on the margin shorting the stocks, bonds ETF etc making money. The more important longer term dividend payers I am buying at frenzy sweeping cheap beaten down investments into my portfolios. While the globe is saying how much everything sucks in the investment world I am filled with hot joy laughing all my way to the bank. I guess you get my strategy I love a market drop when it happens like this today. I am getting wealthy on other poor suckers misery index where the markets do mud slides downhill.. I can't wait for it to drop 300 or 500 points then I will increase my positions to becoming the Warren Buffett of market wealth.. Let's ride today with me in the driver seat while you'll be singing and whistling Dixie meanwhile everyone else is got out their crying towel..

Have a Awesome Day..

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