Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Cheap Imports

Good morning I hope that everyone is ready to make money today.. I got to thinking a lot about how global trade effects America versus our foreign competition. I know you think this means I am going to rant on some tangent about our competition. Truth is our foreign competition mostly is beating us at our own game in all the markets worldwide. Trade is a hot button issue which is important to every business no matter how big or small you are in the pond. The problem is that our competition is beating us by production of cheaper products that they are flooding the market with all them worldwide. OK. You say well it's alright that China combined with Europe have a sizeable lead but we make good products that the world wants to buy. This is the problem we have not figured out how to market our products that will compete with these powerful trade pacts and countries like China and Germany. My thought is we need to rethink how we market our products with a clear message to our customers worldwide showing them the advantages of buying American. If you do make quality products which we definately do that here in America then your buyers shouldn't be buying from your competition. When we can as American business fix this problem so that cheaper products made in China,Malaysia and Germany don't beat our products on the world markets. I think then we will begin to end the massive trade deficit and imbalance that currently exits which is hurting our economy.

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