This is my business blog page online of thoughts combined with comments on a variety of subjects in the modern business world. I have many ideas that I appreciate writing them here to this page. I always your welcome feedback so that this continues to improve the knowledge of everyone. This page is dedicated to the expansion of knowledge of all my readership about business and much more..
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Remembering A Friend!!
Today is a deeply sad day for me as I have lost a good friend and the entire family mark the passing yesterday of a great personal friend of mine Gina White. I know that thoughout the past ten or more years that I have been fortunate to know her and be friends with her that she has allways helped me alot even sometimes when she sensed I needed it but did not ask for it. I just want to send my condolences to all her family and to say that i will miss her niceness,caring,giving and her smile and humor. This wonderfull person of real faith in God and lover of the Christian Church will be be surely missed by me,my mother and both my dogs who are friends of Gina White. As I sit here at ths computer counsole I remember a person who posessed more in good caracter,wisdom and personality than most women i have met in my life yet still she had not much for physical wealth but sure made up for it in a Masters Degree being blind and not able to see. Gina taught everyone that nothing is impossible if God is involved and to reach for your dreams allways no matter how many enemies you make and bad people that try to sell you out or drag you down as she allways said that to me including about a week ago. Her motto is allways been life is too short to to fail God and not persue things of Godly nature to include work,school and relationships etc. So I sit here and as a public statement of caring and appreciation for Gina White who loved everyone and shared everything she had I thank you Gina White for everything good that you gave me and done for me in my lifetime and being a good friend and a mentor to me all the years I have known you. Rest In Peace My Friend... Yours allways===>> Rick Norton
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