This is my business blog page online of thoughts combined with comments on a variety of subjects in the modern business world. I have many ideas that I appreciate writing them here to this page. I always your welcome feedback so that this continues to improve the knowledge of everyone. This page is dedicated to the expansion of knowledge of all my readership about business and much more..
Thursday, October 6, 2011
World Finance Problems
I can sit here today and say I told you so about the stock market combined with the Jobs Bill in Congress including bailing out overseas financial problems but that would be just the tip of problem. You see as I reported last week on my radio show and this blog that with all the debt being racked up over in Europe some day it is going to come back here a effect us in America. Well, look now as the very same scenario is playing out in both America and the EU global banking system as it is hemorrhaging and guess who gets the job of propping up all those foreign banks and failing countries like Greece? It is America if you guessed it right and we kicked in more billions this month to the IMF and World bank combined than even the rest of the powerfully industrial countries called the G-12 league of nations. It is ironic to me and I think to my readership here that I called the play first on what Washington was going to do even before it happened that one persons vision on business and finance could see what it took a army of Washington bureaucrats months to come to the same conclusion on policy. Look at the bright side this so far the stock week market has done just what I said it would do in that it surged in most areas of the economy but be for warned that it is only too many that forget what happened last time investors got this kin of green light from Washington and overseas. They found out the hard way that putting your money at risk is like watching your hair on your head get burned and saying to yourself oh that does not hurt so bad because the Fed and others say good things this week about how rosy the economy really is doing. Come on lets face the real facts our overseas partner countries are failing and so are we doing the same and it seems that some fat cats are white washing the truth to America. I said it a while ago if we as a nation accept the status quo we are only cooking our own goose by spending more than we as a nation can generate in overall wealth. Today we are the second largest debtor nation on all of earth and fastly spending ourselves into a pit that we will never get out of if Washington's bureaucrats have it their way as they have completely mismanaged our nations finances by writing bum checks with promises to pay our creditors which they know will never be paid in full. If you do that to many times to the likes of our largest creditor which is China and others on the list what do you think they are going to do after they see the light of day? Simple answer to that and that is they are going to have a sweet talk with Washington and a ceremony of ripping the rug out from under us as a nation which is going to turn America into a depression economy worse most likely than what happened in the 1920's when people starved in mass and not many had a paying job except if your were a government bureaucrat in some fat cat cushy job at tax payers expense. Now a days it can be seen quite clearly that more time this recession continues it continues to become more pain for the regular working class and businesses to function with any kind of good coming out of it. You know what I mean you walk down the local street in your town or city and look at how many businesses have closed up for good and more people are losing their jobs every day and maybe your one of them of someone your know is drastically effected by this recession. Do the math and you see for yourself that at the current rate of decline and debt spending we are doing in America most businesses and people will be unemployed for long time to come or go belly up completely sooner. If your going to run a nation on debt your going to fail and that is just what we see here in America and in Europe that is mirroring our own financial crisis by doing the very same idiot policies that put everyone in a giant global financial hole. If you run a country with sound monetary policy which means that you got to balance the books just like running a business by doing that you then begin to success in paying your debt off and gaining in overall wealth by investing it wisely in production output combined with quality goods and services. Well America can do the same thing and achieve a greater profit share to our nation of about 350 million people if we just stop the insane way we spent money we don't even have on garbage programs and bloat in government. Yes, business can make the changes but so can as a partnership government can do it here in America. We as a nation got to buckle down to the task at hand which means not putting it off to the future and just do it in that we stop our failed investments and policies that have buried us in the monster hole we find ourselves in currently by doing the jobs and getting it done to save our own nation.
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