Well some new good news is in which shows a increase in overall sales by 27.8 billion dollars. This is good news for most businesses who have seen slower than usual growth this year. Overall this year has been troubled for retail in 2011 with many large chain stores and other small business feeling the pain equally. The last quarter of this year has been the best in three years for many sectors of business that had seen many failures. If you combined all the current growth though over a years time it still is not as good as it could be done. The new payroll tax law that is about to become law will further impact business by making employers pay more to keep employees on the books. The ugly truth is that even with the new economic data for the fourth quarter it still needs improvement. Well I am going out on a limb here and going to stare into my christal ball and make some new years predictions. OK. Here goes the banned predictions about the economy. Just making a dry humor joke.. Stop Laughing!!! The new year will bring a continue growth in retail and other sections of the economy for 2012 year. You will have to watch precious metals prices and employment data as a good indication of how the new year will shape up to being whether mixed or bad results. If precious metals stay high and unemployment climbs to 13 percent average you will see business take a wait and see attitude. This will greatly shape the consumer confidence and buying habits for the upcoming new year. While I am going with mixed bag review here I think that there will be some constriction on the stock market in the new year the market overall will be more favorable to investment. The big question is how will all this good news be received by the Fed Reserve and how difficult it will be to obtain credit for most employers? I think that it will be a shaping factor in year 2012 as business will be more inclined to investment and expansion if fiscal policy is geared to improvement. If the Fed and banks lower the lending rate to a better rate then you will see major economic good happen. Think your exempt your not because your in for a better ride in the new year with lots of good economic data to be happy about. This will make for a interesting new year in 2012 with all the changes that will happen so enjoy the ride.

This is my business blog page online of thoughts combined with comments on a variety of subjects in the modern business world. I have many ideas that I appreciate writing them here to this page. I always your welcome feedback so that this continues to improve the knowledge of everyone. This page is dedicated to the expansion of knowledge of all my readership about business and much more..
Monday, December 26, 2011
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