Well I gotta toot my horn because again my prediction about the markets was really accurate. Let's rewind to last week when I said that the Dow Jones world be down about 20 points on the spectrum index. The NASDAQ,Russell 500,1000 and other indexes globally would react to a Wall Street herd mentality running away from the markets with selling frenzy Looking at the numbers you could easily see that after vacation people got serious about major investment strategy. The shift in the markets reached an all time low on points percentage on Thursday. You witnessed a slight upward in the markets closing out the week. The entire underpinnings effectively changed and capped the performance on major markets on Wall Street by Friday's closing bell.The bright spots in the economic news is that specific upscale companies like Boeing,Microsoft,Google posted gains which helped the Dow climb out of some of hole from earlier in the week. The NASDAQ reached a reactive point by posting a slightly better positive gains of about 10 points above the neckline. So, here it is a new beginning week for investors, so what do we have to look forward to on the charting of the markets? This is seriously a no brainer folks looking at Wall Street what things are changing the markets this week.You have a global nuclear deal with Iran,OPEC oil price changes for light sweet crude,finance ministers of oil producing nations agreement on production quotas,new real estate number in America,Federal SEC commissioner appointment which are involved in the overall effects for the startup of this week. Well since I am the great market prognostic guru blogger. This is my prediction for how this week is going to efficiently change the broader market industry indexes. Ready set go. .. I think that this week is going be a market upward momentum with posted gains in certain economic sectors like banking for example. This has recently been hard hit by a change in federal credit oversight. Then looking at the changes that are a result of the Tarp banking bailouts within the last few years combined with problems of new bank regulations the markets have seen seriously a decline. You can expect to see real estate to have continued growth which will help boost the overall economy. Looking at another bridge to focus on is the GDP (gross domestic product) which measures overall wealth combined with production outputs for American companies. You will see a continuing constraint on the GDP because of American total increase in debt to China. The focus in the markets underpinning you will see that the trade deficit will have a definite impact with certain industrialized nations. It's definitely a definition factor on major investors minds who are the money movers. These are institutional and large corporate investment companies combined with leading businesses like Berkshire Hathaway. Watching what and who they invest in at a specific time will give you valuable chart data that you should pay attention to as you consider where to properly invest your hard earned money. Always use your chart data to plot your positions in the markets to insure the herd isn't suddenly going to change in a radical direction against you. Being a smart investor takes work with a keen eye on what the underpinnings are doing for specific indexes your charting daily. Wisdom in a portfolio is a process of knowledge of which stocks and bonds are good investments based on peaks troughs combined with bottoms of the markers. You'll need to make the right decision on when to go in big or bailout before you'll lose your entire portfolio. By following my advice you'll build a strong winning combination into your portfolio that will continue adding more money to your portfolio over both a short and long term time period.
Have a Great day...