This week certainly seen some important data come out from the Treasury and the Fed Central Bank. Looking at the current US markets as the opening bell rings earlier this morning some interesting things you see in trends on the indexes. Lets get into the hardware and consume the hard facts about the markets downhill. First you see that in general the Peaks upbeat above the neckline are very sharp which anyone who trades in the markets knows that's a surface sign of a course correction coming express train. Usually the deep valleys are gaps in the markets broad index which can be easily judged as a shock factor in the markets. So,you ask what's the contribution factor for the volume volatility? Good Question..Here is the overall response to your questions,it's based on your support factors in the CPI Consumer Price Index,Federal Central Bank,GDP Gross Domestic Product,OPEC Light Sweet Crude Oil Prices,Production Quotas,New Homes Sales,Banking and Brokerage Fiscal Health ie. Credit Valuation,Ratings,Major Players in Corporate America,Global Companies and Financial Exchange Rates all play huge factors global markets shift. Ok let's dig deeper with market analysis so you see where we are this morning and where we are heading as of writing this Thursday morning at 9:31am. Now,for some expert crisis critique on what I am looking at here for the Dow Jones is down 65.34 Standard & Poors down 18.15 on the open bell adjust the rate as the day continues here on modest selling. The Global Markets are all trading downhill slalom Europe feeling the pinch with the German Dad 50 off it's usually upbeat margin now down average 10 percentage points on news that German industry is wading through a swamp land for industrial output. You look individual in-depth into the flaw in the Euro which is floundering on the pending US Fed Meeting in September. Fed Chairwoman Janet Yellen is sketchy about the current proposal for a 1% rate hike in the interest rate. Markets global reaction reading her comments reached a concern peak by the hurd in a global hurry to hit the selling triggers. Market analysts have traditionally painted a gloomy picture of this kind of global sell off. The big boys in Wall Street are keenly aware that when this kind of global sell situations happen their is definitely money flooded in the markets. Time for contrarian privateers who are hawks to start scooping up the good deals at bargain basement prices. While everyone threatens to jump out the window of Wall Streets highest buildings,my wife HM Pam L (Porter) Norton are making a huge haul on a loading our freight cars with cheap stocks,bonds precious metals,crude oil,alternative energy,transport etc. We are using our drag nets to make insane huge global profits on all kinds of markets. My wife Pam and I sit and launch into laughter at all the stupid suckers who lost their shirts not doing their market reading,research correctly. While we are beating the markets by a chartered factor of 15 to 25 to one margin on our investment strategies,others cannot even get a measly 5 to one on the markets margin. Well anyone can see why we are a business empire everyone takes a mouthful of Tums and Rolaids worried about who,what our next secret M and A Merger and Acquisition target is on global planet earth. They see the dynamic treo of God, HM John Norton and HM Pam L Norton coming for their business and they go oh no running for the exit doors crying foul because they smell leverage buyout coming. Wifey laughs it sucks to be them,oh well more for us!! Just like our created together Porter Airlines is a industry leader in passenger,cargo transport globally and our global Net A Porter high fashion clothing,jewelry etc is a founders,created by the both two of us smashing success. So included is our global publishing business with our own design,created layout by us Porter Magazine a huge fashion industry incon success story for HM John and HM Pam L (Porter) Norton. I know I am getting off the analysis drift here this morning but I thought that I would make a few important key points about a married success story. Yup you guess it well I do love my sweet wife Pam a lot a very important fact of life. Hmmm well it's time to post this article,move on to implement more important issues with the United Nations included.
Everyone enjoy your Thursday and have a great day.
Invest Smart in Your Future..
HM John Norton
Hon. UN Secretary General (elected)