This is my business blog page online of thoughts combined with comments on a variety of subjects in the modern business world. I have many ideas that I appreciate writing them here to this page. I always your welcome feedback so that this continues to improve the knowledge of everyone. This page is dedicated to the expansion of knowledge of all my readership about business and much more..
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Stock Market Data!!
Well after pouring over data from the analysts I want to wiegh in on the new emerging market. Question are we on a doom and gloom curve or is this really a turning point for Wall Street? I have covered many different types of of ups and downs but this one really is very interesting to me and it should be to all of you too who read my blog. The reasons are not allways obvious to the naked eye but they are still there if you want to go through the pain of analisys of it. Yup the makets sure has been giving some unually different signals lately and not many of the gurus got it right except for me. I said last time that we are going to have a short period of sunny economic data and then we are going to see a even worse crash than we ever had before except if Congress cuts out the redicules spending that it has been doing. This sudden growth is unfortunately only short term and we still have the worst budget deficit in all of our history of America. That is just one factor in the larger piece of the pie which does not include the facts of the other economic woes that are hurting us all. Let us start out with the other facts likes falling home values and prices and credit is very tight and hard to get from lending banks and credit card companies. Ok most people would say that is not great but we can manage that over a short term policy change in the FED Bank and tax structure. But wait a minute before you get to far in to the sun you got to see the red ink thatwe all have to deal with both in goverment and in personal budgets. You see that over the last 30 years the average rate of saving in this country has steadily declined while wages have also either stayed the same aor in most cases lost value maening the average middle class working wage is not kept up with inflation. Oh man that old buzzard is back and that is called inflation and it is increasing it's grip on the pocket of every working man and woman including businesses and investors. Simlple put into prospective we are all having to pay more for everything while we get less value for all that we buy. I could not help for instance a guy I met in passing at the local gas station who complained about the price of a gallon of milk and eggs as well as $4.26 a gallon for gas to fill up his car which was echoed by another woman standing on the opposite side of the gas pump after I was walking past her pumping gas in to her SUV truck. Just think if we are all feeling squeezed now and think about how business is doing with this new sunny but volitile economy? Well mixed review I get from talking to other company CEO'S who welcome the good news that they can plan on maybe expanding and Wall Street seems bent on pitching this new green shoots as a turning point in a better economy to come. The facts of dat don't speak to that at all and any shrewed business CEO knows that it is time to wait and see if this will last any length of time for economic recovery. If history is any judge then we can all see this robustness in data and the results are sadly fleeting given that businesses in this country has been through this all before and have no disire to get burned by Wall Street and FED bank hype. this is really more a overdue market correction which should have happened last year but failed to happen due in part to goverment bailouts and shoddy management on Wall Street and the list goes on of the woes we suffered through last year. The climate of business and investing this year has been a little better but we are still over shadowed by debt burdons in goverment and the private sector companies who are struggling to pay down the amount of debt owed and still remain functionally liquid. You just need to look at this new growth and see how many millions of people who are still losing their homes,savings and yes businesses to see how hard it is to have such a rosey picture of a growing economy. I am not going to sit here and say that all this sun is a bad thing and actually it is great just to have it but we still have a rough economic climate for investors and businesses to expand and to pur money into a emerging growth economy. With all the maket signal ponting both ways it is hard as a investor to decide what way the wind is blowing these days but one thing is for certian you had better read your data and play it conservative so that when the next shoe drops and it will your not going to wipe out your a part or your entire portfolio. So you ask where should I invest presently and how much should I do that? Get the latest market data and it clearly points to energy and telecom stocks as well as raw materials such as corn and sow beans but also to going big on certian technology makers that make circuit boards for aerospace and mobile phones. Stay away from bonds and the Tresury FEd T bill notes for now as they are a poor investment. By following this advise you can not lose your money ...
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