This is my business blog page online of thoughts combined with comments on a variety of subjects in the modern business world. I have many ideas that I appreciate writing them here to this page. I always your welcome feedback so that this continues to improve the knowledge of everyone. This page is dedicated to the expansion of knowledge of all my readership about business and much more..
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Year of 2010 and Decade comes To A Close Tommorrow!!
Well all my friends as I sit here and reflect on this year and the this decade coming to a end I have alot of things on my mind. I have alot of people who have made a big difference in my life and I want to thank them for all they have done. To my family and close friends I thank you for putting up with my sometimes changing personality and ideas over this year and decade. I want to thank George And Laura Bush The past President and first lady of America for their support of me and for offering me several White House cabinet jobs and for thier personal friendship and kindness, generousity over a long time. I want to Nancy Reagan for her kindness and help over the phone and for her insights and coaching that she has done over about two decades and thanks Ronald Reagan also and sad to see you dead and gone. I am greatly thankfull for the interesting phone calls and the friendship of Queen Elizebeth of England even though sometimes we have had a occassional misunderstanding this year and past years. I wish to thank Queen Elizabeth for offering to make me a Knight in a public ceremony and for all the other wonderfull things she has offered me this year and in past years. I want to thank past Prime Minister Tony Blair for his thoughtfull phone calls to me and for all the other people who have made my life richer at 10 Downing Street London,England and Buckingham Palace for thier knidness and interesting chatting on the phone with them and for all thier help. I decided to come forward and thank the people who around the world have made my life interesting and helped me. I don't gain any money or anything else by doing this writing about all this just thank I want to thank the people who I have met and also those I have talked to on the phone at great length about the status of the world today. I want to thank German Chancelor and President Angela Merkel for her friendship with me and phone conversations about world problems and her openness and willingness to listen to my thoughts and ideas this year and for her offer to insist on my attendance to the Nato meetings in Brussells Belgium and the G_12 economic summit as a representitive of America. I want to thank current President Barack Oboma and His wife and White House cabinet people including Attorney General Eric Holder,Defense Secertary Donald Rumsfeld and others from the White House with the interesting phone conversations this year. I also want to thank Barack Oboma for offering me a cabinet level job as Secertary of State to replace the current person Hilliary Clinton and to take over her job and to consider me for a duel role as head of running the campain reelection team for Barack Oboma's second term in office. I wish to be your friend still as you asked me Barack if we could be friends and work together the answer is still yes to that and I enjoyed talking to you alot and thanks for inviting me to lunch with you and meet with you at Camp David. To Vladimir Putin of Russia thanks for calling me several times and you got lots to talk about but sorry I was in so much of a hurry when you called me so I could not get alot of my points across to you this year. To murdered India Prime Minister Benazear Butto I miss talking to you on the phone and your friendship and as you had much to talk about and opened your heart to me about many things. I talked to Benazear Bhutto's son who asked me if I could get Nato to provide protection for him and his family fearing his whole family would be soon murdered and he wants to run for Prime minister in his country in the footsteps of his mother. I want to thank Donald Trump for his invatation to be on his tv show the Apprentice and his hope that I would win and all his kindness and help from the Trump organization in perticular his staff. I want to thank the tv shows producers in Hollywood California for asking me to join the TV show THE BIGGEST LOSER this year and for offering me a plane free plane ticket and all exspenses paid to their tv show set on location. Oh Yes I do want to thank Jimmy Carter for his phone calls to me this year and for his support and his solid advise on dealing with world leaders and the powerfully rich I thank you it helped greatly. If I have missed anyone in the world who I have forgotten who called me or met me in person or both I do appologize for my error and will gladly add your name to my list of public thanks.. This year has been a busy year for me and so too this decade and I just want to give credit to all the nice people and foriegn goverments who have come to me for advise and for all the great things offered to me by them, I thank you.. I hope that year 2011 will be a great new year and another chance to make hopefully a bigger difference in the world and promote my country of America and the Christian values that I hold dear to and become a greater success for myself too. In passing thought my life has been biszare in many ways but very much interesting and sometimes very dangerous to live with the secret enemies I have to deal with on this planet earth which are allways a real threat to my continued life and freedom but I have learned to manage it all with Gods help. I want to also Thank God and Jesus Christ for allways being here for me and for saving my neck from being ruined or worse dead. Have a blessed day to all my friends around the world and to my ex wife Michelle,my family and my two dogs Buddy and Brownie.... Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!
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