Well i think it certainly is interesting that my favorite business channel Bloomberg has missed the boat on the credit problem. It used to be that business in America could borrow cheap money to expand with new products or services. These companies shared one conman theme which is easy access to credit financing without the headache of higher interest rates. Lots of things have changed to where banks and lenders have greatly tightened the noose on businesses obtaining loans. This has come as a result of the Federal Reserve printing more money, fewer loans and climbing interest rates. You add in the Federal Reserve mismanagement of monetary policy which has caused banks to consolidate or go under water on their balance sheets. This all packages up to be that business in America has gone overseas to other countries more favorable tax and credit structure. This is why we have a growing unemployment in the nations workforce because business is being overtaxed,over regulated and credit availability has dropped to a all time low. If you want to make American business function to full capacity you have to fix several problems which are making it harder to do business in this country. The credit problem is choking the life of American business which is the blood of America itself. Yesterday I was watching the nations debt crisis playing out over the mainstream news channels and i thought what about the businesses of America don't they count for something. After all we are the engine that makes America great both large and small business vendors. If you empower business in America then you can solve many of the economic and political problems that this country is currently facing.

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Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Credit Crunch
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