This is my business blog page online of thoughts combined with comments on a variety of subjects in the modern business world. I have many ideas that I appreciate writing them here to this page. I always your welcome feedback so that this continues to improve the knowledge of everyone. This page is dedicated to the expansion of knowledge of all my readership about business and much more..
Friday, June 26, 2009
Death of Farrah Fawcett
Well I think it is something I should do today is to write about the people who died Thursday June 25th 2009.. I can't believe that Farrah Fawcett has died of cancer after her 3 year battle with cancer. It is shocking that someone I thought very highly of and admired very much for her beauty and kindness as a person is gone now. I allways from the time I was a teenage man wanted to meet her and be her friend. This is the pits that I will never get to meet her and have that one special friend named Farrah Fawcett. I hate what death does to everything good on this earth as it destroys only the good on earth and leaves the bad people with some exceptions to continue living. I am feeling cheated that I will never get to meet Farrah in person and have that friendship I allways have wanted. Farrah never got to know me and will never get to unfortunately know the impact of what she did as a women to me. She is the standard including Princess Dianna Spencer by which I rate women as a worthwhile marriage partner and allway have done this in my life. Farrah I wish you could know that you mattered very much to me and I looked at you as a exsample of the best of what female is on earth. Yes I have met a few women in my life in your class of beauty,brains,creative and very loving caring person but then you are special to me. Many women throughout my life never understanded that you are the standard by which I compared all other women by and about. You achieved many great things in your life and I admired you for all the good and for the deep faith in God you are about. I write this as a tribute today to you Farrah as my heart is numb from your dieing from cancer that I cared about you. I am sad that will never get to know me but that I have prayed you would get well and not die from cancer. I have seen in my life alot of people die but you are a special person just like Dianna Spencer as you made every one have to be more like you. This is good that you made other women realize that there is someone who is special and try to make themselves try to achieve the same kind of success as you did. I want to personally send my condolences to Farrah Fawcett's family and those who are close friends of hers. I lost my dad in 2007 and miss him alot so I know how it feels to lose someone you care about. With this sadness I say good bye to you Farrah Fawcett and will allways remember you as the Playboy women who ever other women I have dated and been married to had to live up to being you. So Rest In Peace Farrah and know that I cared about you and thought the world of you secretly. I hope that your family and friends will read this as well as Ryan O'Neal your husband and I thank them all for staying with Farrah to end of her life. You are all good people and deserve to be commended for the good that you did to help her with her vison and with her life and death.. Farrah you were the kindest and most caring women I have ever gotten to know even though it was remotely throught television and other media. I will not forget you and the very high standard of womenhood you set for the world and your courage and success. This is very sad for me to sit here and be writing this about you Farrah Fawcett a real icon of Beauty...
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