Saturday, March 2, 2013

Milestone ..

Well I could be happy with a lot of things but I really have to rave about this blog has achieved another milestone. Yup your hearing me right I just looked at the profile report this morning and I must say thanks to all growing world wide readership. This blog averaged readership is 43 counties and growing give or take some depending on the needs of the massive amount of people that come to read this Not to shabby considering that I started this blog because one of my former women business assistants in my company suggested that I should share some knowledge online. In my usual fashion I said well that sounds interesting but I don't think I have the time nor the patience to sit down to write anything. Well,here it is now that she proved me wrong with this blog by the interest that everyone has shown over it's  life cycle. I want to publicly thank Cassady Hurd and Karen Brownelle both my former business assistants for their valuable input with our company. Their contribution to the ideas of creative blogging have definitely shown a need by our company to include blogging as a essential part of our brand management. So congratulations to both of them and good luck on all your new ventures.

The President and CEO

Business Phyco graphics

This morning I starting my day with the usually busy things to get done including sipping my morning coffee. Then it hit me I thought not many things in business really deal with the phyco graphics issue which really has a big important impact on customers purchasing a products or services. Well, what is phyco graphics? Good Question ... It is the collection of different emotional thoughts and responses to a various amount of data collection pertaining to a product or service. In other words if you buddy tells you that when your going to buy a car for instance he has a good deal and no problems with his Chevrolet Malibu. Chances are your going to go out to a Chevrolet Dealer to look at all the different models available for sale on the show room floor.. Then your going to remember the comments of your buddy and go ask the sales person to sit in a Chevrolet Malibu. After looking around at all the other manufacturers and models of cars your most likely to go back and buy the Chevrolet Malibu because it has a reputation for being a good car and higher brand value than say a Toyota Camry. This is a example of brand based customer phyco graphics in which the feeling of a person,family and friends influences every purchase they make in their lifetime. Every business must include this in any marketing program to create a brand that well known for value,quality and being  affordable to the customer. This is essential to building a brand that will sell itself by having a long term product or service life cycle. Simply put if your brand is well known for to the prospective customer for being worth the money chances are the customer will buy your product over and over again meanwhile recommending it to others to purchase it. This reduces your advertising and marketing budget in your business by having a brand that is known for as good investment.. Consider this to be essential to growth in any business for your company to beat your competition by knowledge of your customers demographics and phyco graphics.

Have a great day..

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Jesus Christ
Jesus christ does ministry to this women.