Friday, December 10, 2010

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Winter Cold Blast and Climate Changes!!!

Hello everyone today well well cold sure has come to this northern region and today it is 14 degrees here which I say is nice for the snow lovers but not for me. Yup you know that christmas is coming soon and in fact 15 days it will be here. Wow this year has surely gone fast and this year has been a strange one for me and alot of people I know. Can hardly believe that it is perdicted a foot a snow for tonight and a warming trend this weekend if you call fifty degrees warm. I see the weather map and most of the country is in a artic type freeze right now. Just a few weeks back old man winter dumped about three feet of snow in Chicago and the twin cities of Minnapolis and Saint Paul Minnasota. I have been to that area and you can tell the climate change from the rest of the country as even during summer it is still sometimes during the day bitter cold and never gets past fourty degrees day time temps. I don't know how those people can stand that type of cold and want to continue living with it full time. This year is even more different as the extreme south of the USA is getting bitter cold temps just the sameas new england is getting this December. I think the whole country has changed due to major climate changes that are reflection of the slow deterioration of planet earths noorth and south poles as well as the deforestation of the amazon rain forest and other key parts of the worlds eco system. One recent study suggested that I watched on discovery channel suggests a more grim prospect for the future of earth and that is going to have another Ice Age which would wipe out most of life thst currently exists. My opinion is that after watching and studying the data from various sources of information and different core samples from earth plus much more it all points to some where in future time this planet is going to suffer a catastrophic event that is goiing to change earths core and crust to a frigid cold or blazing inferno. Either way the search for another planet is a neccessasary thing to do and will give the hoe to all animal,human and plants and treees etc. when this planet is no longer habitable. You also have to look at the large metorites in space as a real continued threat to our existance on earth due to the size and number of them. The fact that we as earthlings have already experianced the destructive power of this kind of event hitting earth and we can look at a good example of that event that created the grand canyon in Arizona. So that alone could set this planet into another ice age or worse. Another more recent type of climate change example is Mount Penatubo when it erupted and spewed lava and ash that covered most of the earth with it. The ash other particles were carried some as far as 15,000 miles away from the mountain itself which harmed plant and amil and human life for many years to come. These are just some climate events that lead me to think that with the cold being so exstreme this year and each year it ha s gotten worse that on a scientific basis I think it worth noting that with all the wars and famine and poverty and other things that plague this planet are revelavant but not as important as where earth is headed to and why and how are we not going to prevent our race and all plant and animal life from being wiped out by natural events such as a Ice Age or metorite slamming into our planet from some far away place.. I think we as a human race have much more to learn from our planet and galaxy history and present as to how and what is going to be a real threat to our continued existance and how best to prevent this planet from from dieing on us. some more recent estimates show from scientific data that Nasa Space agentcy and independent research suggests a far more darker prospect for the overal longeveity of earth based on it's current rate of decay that we may only have only have another mellenium or about one thousand years of life of time left before this planet is a dead planet for life and resources. That is not a good prospect for earth and something that is more to fear and get to understand about earth that we all live on than man made problems. even though some of those are acellerating these planet and climate changes. Some important things for my readers world wide to ponder and do something abot to improve earth. Have a great day everyone and enjoy your weekend!!! BIG SMILE!!!!!

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