This is my business blog page online of thoughts combined with comments on a variety of subjects in the modern business world. I have many ideas that I appreciate writing them here to this page. I always your welcome feedback so that this continues to improve the knowledge of everyone. This page is dedicated to the expansion of knowledge of all my readership about business and much more..
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Learning How To Investment
Think of all the people on Wall Street whoo have made alot of money on stcok investing is mind boggling. I am now trying to learn how to to the same thing that millions of wealthy have been doing for decades and that is making lots of money. It is allways interesting to me how people made themselves financialy rich doing not much actual labor to get there. I can see I missed the boat earlier in my life because my parent's told me to work hard labor jobs and one day you will be a success and I bought into it unfortunately. The truth is I did do those hard labor jobs and now that I am older I can see that is no way to ever get and retain wealth. I am greatfull to a few friends who showed me that stock investing is easy and it can make you very rich if you do the trading in the market correctly. I wish I had known all this in my 20 something age and started doing it then instead of doing it in my 40's now. Well, I guess your never to late to learn something new and try new ideas and hope that those things bring you wealth and happyiness. One thing that is about this investment thing is that there is too much to learn and it is too easy to burn out on information overload. Learning what you need to know is only the beginning of doing trading on the stock market as there is so much charts and different things to understand before you can trade sucessfully and not lose all your money. I am happy to say that the seminars I have gone to over the last few years have helped me alot in understanding what you have to do to make a great deal of money on each trade you buy and sell. I know now that without the seminars I have gone to i probabily would not have learned as much as I do know now about investing wisely in ones own future. So here I am newer to this way of making money and creating wealth and I can say it is challenging. You get to think this is so frustrating at times too because of the amout of daily information you need to learn and picking the right stock or funds to do our investment in a volitile market. I say this is not the type of money making that most people are told by family and parents to do but it is something if you can learn and it will bring you great joy and satifaction when you trade on the open market stock and all types of funds that are available to the small investor.
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