I had a recent descussion with my new women friend recently about the fact that their os a lack of freedom of choice for the younger generation to pray to god and Jesus in the public school system. In pure simple terms according to my women friend the lack of knowledge in younger generations of morals and of bible based education is turning out kids who know nothing and have no values. I say this is great that some people realize the problems that public education has and what needs to be done to fix it. Sometimes I realize that problems take longer to solve but that there is also a future solution that makes sense to do. Looking at the scope of prayer in public schools being denied by law and the refusal of many schools not allowing the use of the pledge of alledgence on school you can certianly see the erosion of our basic of education. Should this continue we will have kids who know nothing about god and nothing about our countries history. I ask the basic question if we do this what are the future leaders of America going to be like? The answer is shocking and that it will be a nation of know nothing kids with no direction in life and worse no nothing about faith and totally lacking in moral caracter. This is wrong for us as a people and a nation to be doing this to our younger generations. The other problem is all the bad debt that is going to be piled onto them from our wastefull excess spending that we do in this nation. We need to reverse this problem too so our kids and grand kids are not saddled with our stupidity of financial mistakes. This being fixed for both us and the younger people along with a change to a good Christian based education will turn out kids with college degrees and a good life foundation in christian faith. These changes are important to do for the well being and productiveness of our younger kids who all need this changes.
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Saturday, November 7, 2009
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Jesus Christ

Jesus christ does ministry to this women.