Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Economic Health

I am quickly posting this economic chart for everyone to look at because its got really important value to it. The numbers on the charts characteristic tells a bigger story about overall economy stability. Take a look and see what you think of it,its really grabbed my attention span.

Take Care-Have a Bless Day,
HM John Norton
The Hon. UN Secretary General

No Silk Stockings

It's my usual Wednesday stock report with some interesting thought given to my unique critical analysis. I thought I would start off my new theme today about the overall global markets with No Silk Stockings here. Ok.. A bit of humor to start my late afternoon is always something that is a icebreaker especially when I am way to serious my wife Pam says jokingly with a winking eye. Well let's get out my Dr. Watson magnifying glass and look at the global markets and people portfolio future. Well, I have if you notice posted a interesting chart that shows that the markets are very bullish this week. So, you say why's that happening I thought all my investments are safe? Umm. Here is the reason they aren't safe but that again depends on how you play the markets. If you plan on playing the long game with technology stocks this week to be honest you got clobbered with huge losses. Technologies and real estate sectors took the worst hit this week due to huge skepticism over the Fed Bank Chair Janet Yellen recent chilly comments about a interest rate hike above the belt line. Global evidence shows the instant ouch factor with the global markets herd going into manic mode selling everything to get out before a steep freefall happens. You know that ever time the Fed Chair says the words rate hike the Dow and Standards and Poors plus global markets go into Umm. Lets see pause for a few minutes then hit the panic button..Oh No. Time to sell!! The overall idea that the Fed Banks going to tinker again with interest rates sends people people running to medicine cabinet to gulp down a larger sum of Rolaids or Tums to stop that nausea feelings. Look everyone at the chart data closely you will see some familiar things in it and a interesting trend this week. Bulls running the markets mean that everyone running at a fever pitch feeling that lost their market advantages combined with sour apples,that a market recovery will happen. Well everyone knows the DYNAMIC TRIO God,John and Pam are jumping in both feet on all those baleful feeling,while the bulls crying foul at how things stink on Wall Street. Not us,Yup,this week is time to buy on everyone else rash decisions,like my very lovely wife HM Queen Pam L (Porter) Norton says" You snooze you lose" which is a common sense idea. We been and are continuing making a market truck loads of stocks,bonds etc,cash that is big double,triple digits dough on everyone missed opportunity,market mistakes. Watch out Warren Buffet here we come this Dynamic Trio got truck loads buyers fever,you'll be sitting on the edge of your seat sweating,wiping your brow hoping your not the next corporate victim. Berkshire Hathaway? ?? Well,let's continue with this fascinating analysis of the middle week for August 31,2016. So,as I was saying you can see in the data chart a steep upheaval in the markets,in other way of saying it were in for a bumpy ride ahead. Stocks future indexes have and are as of today running in the red zones which means that a bigger dip is expected. I am going pessimist mode here but the MacD,Russell,other charts shows the story. You got a lot of big institution investors hauling in their market involvement due to recession jitters. You see global markets reaction to the news about Germany banks nearly totally ruined by economic recession,Swiss Banks making larger changes to offset EU problems,American banks like Chase Manhattan,Citigroup also doing restructuring to stay ahead of pending European Union collapse. You then add another layer of pain by watching OPEC change their prices for Light Sweet Crude Oil. What's happening is the markets are sharply reading,reaction to being squeezed by bad economic news on top of it all. So,where we heading is a good question? Hmmmm..  You know I going get to the awfully bad punch line,market constriction going to continue with a few bright rosey spots which is going to come as we escape our cave dwelling to check out the Fed Banks final decision this month. The other thing that going to effect it all is China economy,which is a huge credit lender to the G-20 industrialized nations,most particular America. These factors are going to continue global effects for the next month and possible towards the end of 2016 fiscal year. So,their you have it folks in a nut shell with a critical critique of global markets and business going forward this week and beyond.

Take Care-Have a Bless Day,
Wise Investment Creates Wealth

John F Norton
HM Scotland
The Hon. United Nations Secretary General (elected)
Planetary Leader of Earth..

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