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Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Resolving Issues With a Government Agentcy
I have one heck of a time trying to resolve a issue with the US Dept. of Veterens Affairs over the last couple of days in calling them because of recieving a letter about five weeks ago and unfortunately lost the letter. It is nice when you actually talk to someone who is nice to you and willing to help you but it can be frustrating as heck to have to call many different parts of the same agentcy in a couple of different states and get many different responses. I find this to be true in trying to resolve a issue in a letter I mistakenly lost about about five weeks ago and now finally got the right phone numbers from the internet after pouring through several thousand doucuments and different parts of this agentcy from the Veterens Administration web site on the internet. It is very frustrating to try and find where to make a call to as the web site and the people you talk to allways refer you to another call another phone number and mailing address just for one simple issue as to wether or not the letter sent to me was a valid demand for payment or it is a fraud letter trying to get money from me either in the Veterans Administration or someone who is in another part of this country trying to committ fraud against me.. I truely after calling six different phone numbers and talking to alot of people in different parts of this agentcy am still puzzled as to what to make out of this problem and to do about it.. I would pay it if the letter is for real but what I keep being told is that the there is nothing wrong with my dad's file for his life insurance policy that he had. The Veterens Affairs offices I have spoken to so far on the phone don't see any complaint in his file or demand for repayment of the money nor do they see any letter mailed to me but only one letter dated June 9th was mailed to my mothers address here. I recieved as part of the my fathers insurance settlement that he wanted me to have and the Veterans Administration paid on the claim made by me after they just admitted to researching the claim before paying any money to me and family after my Dad died in Oct. 29,2007...He did put my name on it and and family and the first Veterans insurance representive spent a long time on the phone with me and said that she does see that I am a benefiterary on his life insurance policy that no letter was ever mailed to me and his file shows no demand for repayment of the insurance check of $3169.08 that they gave to me by mail. I just called the St. Paul Minnisota regional office and the Philidelpia Pennilvania office which handles insurance claims and collections on those claims and the women named Kim Perri told me that I don't owe them anything and further more were puzzled looking at my Dad's records why any letter would be sent to me at all since my Dad's file has been closed for a little over a year now. I also called the Dept. of Debt Management Center in Saint Paul Minnisota and the women I spoke to today that also no letter was ever mailed to me demanding repayment of the insurance money and nothing in my dad's file shows anything of a unpaid debt for my dad or from me and my mother. I recieved the money according to Veterens Administration in Philidelphia,Pa which handles insurance claims the claim that my mother and I both and cousin Barbara made was valid and his file was then closed June 09,2008 after the payment was sent to me and my mother and my cousin Barbara. The two representives at the regional office in Philidelphia on named Kim Perri and the other named Maira Stumplewood told me that the lettter was a hoax and so did the other representives I talked to at Debt Management and Pension Benifits all told me the same thing no letter was mailed to me for demand for repayment of the money I recieved and told me my fathers account is correct and just fine no reason to contact us again about this issue. I still was told to be sure about it that just mail a handwritten letter to the Veterens Administration at a post office box address for this agentcy respond to by mail. I am still not certian if I am being lied to by the reps at the Veterens Administration and even if any thing was real about the letter. I just am not sure at all since I have been burned by government agentcys before and so I lack trust in most of them. One thing is for certian is I decided to still write the letter anyway today to the address I have been given and hope for a reponse from the Veterans Administrations and I am told today that if nothing wrong on the response from the Agentcy office in Philidelphia,PA then just forget about it and I was oppolgized to by the last representive that I talked to on the phone at the Veterans Affairs call center for what she calls a Agentcy error on the part of the Veterans Administration. I have to say humm?? cause I don't know what to believe and who is telling the truth or just lieing to save their job and or it is for real and I will have to pay back the money.. Lots of questions I have about this issue and still feel someone is trying to do something bad to me after the all the phone calls I have made to this government agentcy.. Is it a legal trap diliberately set for me hoping I won't be able to pay the money back and go to prison the rest of my life or is it a hoax and somebody in goverment again trying to defraud me as has happened before to me or someone else is printing this scam letter trying to get money from me???? This is the questions I have about this issue after this Veterans Administration file on my father has been closed for a year now and what more I can do to resolve it I am not sure but I will try to do this so no legal problems come from it.
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