I frequently harp on important issues here that are something that most business people don't pay attention to while being a corporate guru. You see in business good people make you money and bad people cost you lots of money when you employ them. So the backbone of any good business is your support people who do marketing,sales,tech and customer service. Yes, every good owner or manager knows that if you want to grow a successful business you need a highly skilled and trained support workforce. This unfortunately is where most companies fail to recognize that you need these types of people. You should as a management promote these types of people since the best possible future chief of operations or another type position would best be filled with a lower level with higher technical expertise. By using skilled workers you increase your productivity but reduce your overall costs of doing business. So does it work?? Yes, you need to tap your labor pool to find out who can do what within your company. A good start to finding out your companies strength is by using a internal survey distribution to all your employees. If you can't do that ask them on social media to respond to a employees survey online. You need to know these items so that you can make a proper management decision with every employee you have working for you. Simply put the support people will grow your business meanwhile costing you less than if you have to train some new outstander. Then the decision becomes easy to make with regarding who is a right fit for your company and what employees are just excess bags.. Think of these things next time you walk past the employees in your business doing your employees review process..

This is my business blog page online of thoughts combined with comments on a variety of subjects in the modern business world. I have many ideas that I appreciate writing them here to this page. I always your welcome feedback so that this continues to improve the knowledge of everyone. This page is dedicated to the expansion of knowledge of all my readership about business and much more..
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