I think I will state the obvious and then hit the nail on the head this morning. Well to my readership it is obvious that what I predicted is true with wall street clearly cheerful over the movement of the markets to a positive position with some quick dips. If you look back a few weeks ago that I said this is going to happen with the market data bringing lots of smiling faces. So I hit the nail on the head about what the markets would do in the coming weeks. It is time to roll the clock ahead to now to look at the market data to see what's up next. Here's what I see which is that the cheers are going stop when the news that has been affecting Europe hits here on our shores of America. I am talking about the massive debt crisis that has buried several countries like Greece. When this economic tidal wave hits our country the effects are going to be devastating. The market effects are going to slam head long into investors with major declines in their portfolios. This wave of bad economic decline is just a preview to a the Commerce Department and Treasury department reports which will floor most people. Yes the full impact of this second wave of economic data news is going to cause lots of people to loose their jobs and everyone to feel financial pain. This will happen this year most likely within the next six months with the data that I am reading on credibile sites like Market Watch. So here I go again making a perdition about investing,jobs and the economy. I just hope that this tidal wave will not reach our economy here in America. The problem is that we in America are already reeling from poor GDP growth and chronic debt burden. This tide of upcoming crisis is going to worsen the ailing economy we have in America. I am hopefull that this wave of bad economic stimulus will be adverted quickly.. We in America have to our our financial house in order so that overall problems like the ones that come from overseas don't do damage to us. Have a great morning everyone and a wonderful day.. Smile..

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Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Next Big Tidal Wave
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