Well, I thought I would share some valuable lessons about being a business man including some valuable life lessons that I have learned from when I lost everything in later part of 2010 going bankrupt. I have to say that looking back about two years ago I made some bad company decisions including investments in the stock market that all lead me to fail and have to reorganize my business ventures and how I invest money. That is how you learn is from your mistakes which is very painful to do and by using a different plan for rebuilding your businesses and portfolios by never making the same mistakes again. I look at some examples of corporate failures turned into a larger success like Donald Trump who went 440 million dollars in the red and lost everything only to have the clothes on his back after all the creditors got finished with him. While my mistakes as a Executive have not been as bad as Donald Trump and many others who have hit bottom their is one thing you learn from Donal Trump and my own mistakes is to get back up and go start something new with a new larger plan to gain back all you lost. I know it sounds absurd but really if you think about it you can really turn everything around if you already have the knowledge and the skills to do it plus having the contacts in a network to accomplish it. If your a good manager you know how to turn failure into success and success into a conglomerate company because you have already learned from your prior mistakes and made the changes to fix the problems. So this is what I have done with our businesses is to make the changes that are needed and go after a aggressive corporate strategy to grow our businesses into the global conglomerate which is what we are becoming as of now from our reorganization of two years ago. The future has changed for our business in the fact we have put in place many new people and technology that will continue our vision of growing a global conglomerate business that will compete in the 21 century with other multi national and international brand names. So looking forward to the future of our brand we hope to make it a well known name that is based on quality and diversity of products including services that will make us the preferred choice of all consumers world wide. So sharing with everyone some of our global vision to hopefully to become a greater partner in business development including the global community with lots of new ideas,products and services that will put us as the recognized leader in the world. So this is what we are all about in our businesses and our plan on continuing to expand our broader base of business in the world today with all the future of our businesses.. One day in the future we hope to be a trusted brand that is like Wal Mart,McDonalds, Starbucks,Shell Oil like so many others that no matter were you go everyone will knows us and use our product and services, this is what we hope to achieve.
Have a Great Day!!

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