Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Blog Changes Today..

Hello everyone I just added many new options to this blog and updated the blog to fix outdated stuff that no longer works..

John Norton

My News Business

Norton News Corporation

I would like to introduce all my business readers to my new Global News Channel as I finally decided to do this after many close business associates and friends convinced me that I should create a company that will compete with the mainstream sources like CNN,ABC,NBC,CBS,FOX NEWS etc. ... This will become a branded company offers a effective alternative to the current media outlets and will eventually serve in the future the entire planet earth including America. This company that I just started 30 days ago is providing current news and opinion stories that effect and shape the world we all live in today. So it is my pleasure to announce this news channel and it's growing important status to become what I hope will eventually serve as a global brand for accurate and reliable journalism delivered in a timely manner worldwide. You can read now the blog and be connected to it on most social media such as FACEBOOK,TWITTER, BLOGGER,TUMBLR,OAKURT,PINTEREST,GOOGLE,YOUTUBE and soon it will be a dot.com web site that will serve the entire planet including America. This is just the beginning of this new company with a ambitious plan to make this a mainstream news source that will beat the competition with a better brand and more interesting diverse items of interest..

BLOG- http://nortonnewsco.blogspot.com
(Nortonnewsco) on social media listed above...

EMAIL- nortonnews63@gmail.com

Blog Hits Milestone..

Hello to all my readership well this is really awesome to report that this blog has hit a new milestone now with over 10,000 readers total in just a short amount of time. I never thought that this would ever happen in my wildest dreams but I just looked at the new stats and sure enough it is really showing that is how much this blog has accomplished in such a short time. So with my profound thanks to all my readership worldwide I wish to thanks everyone for their participation and continued support in this business blog..

John Norton

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