Business Outreach
Getting into looking at how and who in business does reach out with their brand of supporting community develeopment. Business as a whole is allways very active in promoting housing and work based programs that increase both thea awareness and financial support of social community programs. These programs such as Habitat For Humanity which builds homes for the under privilideged and the United Way Homes for Life Program are all good examples of business and the community working togethe. By bringing these needed resources and the financial backing of the more wealthy companies we build a partnership to solve community problems in both urban areas and the rural popolulation too. Business can through enterprise zones and wealth generation bring more change with innovation than can most of what goverment do on this kind of basis. The Innovators and CEO's of all size companies contribute a combined total of 83 percent of all donations to community sponsored reinvestment programs such as the ones I previosly listed and many other that I have not listed too. Forbes Magazine ranks Fortune 500 list companies that share and contribute the most to community reinvestment and new develeopment by a ladder profile. These companies like Mac Donalds,Star Bucks,Penara Bread, Exxon Mobil,CVS Pharmacy,Shaws Supermarkets and many others contribute more per capita in donation and sponsorships than all the others out there according to both Forbes And Fortune magazine. Most Chambers of Commerce and local and national Business groups are heavy involved in civic development and support of charity and community reinvestment. With the joining of business and civic organizations together it is better able to address and manage problems both at the local and national level when their is a need to be filled. The engine of business is the leaders and problem solvers who can put forward both financial and intellectial resources to get the job done and solve the commmunity needs at a more efficient and greater stable platform than can most any other vehicle do that is available. To be realistic Looking at past data from Bloomberg Online business can step into to fray and be the catalyst for great changes in community affairs with out a blue print to start with. It can offer a fresh out reach to community leaders and give more suggestions and solve problems that otherwise would be left to the back burner or never tackled at all. Partnership in a world of every day change means that you can have both businesses and civic organizations work together to achieve common goals that solve issues that beneifit both sides. By doing all this you achieve a better system of commmunity and through private business outsourcing and in partnership with civic groups. You are then able to grow a very nice urban or rural landscape that is both astetic and funtional while also creating new jobs and homes where more people will want to stay and raise their families for all future generation to come. Business is allways the solution and will continue to be the ones who reaches out to better everyones lives in concert with government and civic organzations we can grow a better future tommorrows..

This is my business blog page online of thoughts combined with comments on a variety of subjects in the modern business world. I have many ideas that I appreciate writing them here to this page. I always your welcome feedback so that this continues to improve the knowledge of everyone. This page is dedicated to the expansion of knowledge of all my readership about business and much more..
Thursday, July 14, 2011
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