I woke up to more news today that congress and the president have not reached a agreement on solving the financial hemorage that exists in America. I wanted to start this piece out as a nes stry but some how I can not ignore my my feelings about putting our great country of America back to a debt free nation. I think I will put some shocking facts in my piece for everyone to think about starting with every man,woman and child born to this country now owes goverment $40,000 that is real dollars and that is alot of money. I think that if your born to a great place like we are in America we should not be burdoned by reckless spending from our past generations. If you want to spend money you should be should first save it to be a smart investor but some how goverment in America has a really reckless attitude and track record of abuse of the dollar bill. You certianly would not run a business in the red as our great countries goverment does do or you would soon find your out of business. That is no matter how much your products or services are loved by your customer you still would eventually face a day of reckoning that you have failed. Well in reckoning on goverment in America that day is unfortunately coming for reckless spending and taxation and I for one don't want to see all the people who are going to get hurt by it. I feel that every American is entitled to a fair shot at living a good long life and not be sadlled by debt. We as a country were formed as a republic and only in the last twenty or more years of my life have I seen a real effort to ruin this republic of America which is wrong to do. Why is goverment spending more money than it takes in in taxes every year? Answer.. We as a nation of supposed to be free people are being enslaved by debt we do not have any say in over happening to us. The second part is to the answer that we are a number two in the world as a debtor nation with China being our biggest creditor which is really scary considering that China has overly vowed to destroy us in every way. This policy is nuts to be putting our nation at so much risk by China being the almost full owner of our nation and it's economic systems. Why are we as America giving our worst enemy in the world so much power over us and our sovernty? The answer lies in greed and back room deals in Washington DC. that give COMMUNIST RED CHINA everything they want and more while the rest of America is told put up with it or shut up and don't say anything. This is a very bad public policy that errodes our nation and opens us up to a grand take over by our biggest enemy which happens to be China and it's allies. We as a nation need to cut the spending to at least even with what the nation needs and get rid of the rest of it so we put our financial house in order. We don't need to be at war with other countries when we can not afford it and we don't need to spend borrowed debt on $100.00 screwdrivers and the latest gaimmicks and programs that do nothing for us. It is time we bite the bullet and get to cutting out goverment waste and abuse of our resources so that we actually are giving ourselves and future generations a better life instead of ruining it for all of them. I know that most would not want to read that we are in real danger of our goverment collasping due to too many years of blank check and reckless spending in goverment on all levels in America. I come from being born in the late sixties and I have seen many changes both for te good and for the bad in America but our leaders in America have this attitude that one they get elected they no longer have to abide by anything which is a uniform mentality and way of doing business. These very same elected people are too busy exepting themselves from the very same laws and economics that all the rest of us in America have to suffer with which is really wrong. We need to make a sound economic plan and stick to it so that we as America no longer are by latest figures by the U.S. Treasury Dept. 156 trillion in total debt . The rising of our national debt rapidly by the end of this fiscal quarter we will achieve about 175 trillion dollars debt total is really appalling for all of us as a nation to be burdoned with as a country and a great people. If we take bold steps to rain in the spending and start a saving plan in America we will turn our country into a debt free nation and a global power house that we can be if we get the guts to get the job done and shrink goverment on every level to a manageable size which would make it better,smarter and better run organization. Here I have outlined some things that can be done to get our country back on track and make our country a industry power broker like it once was in the last century and later. Let's stop bickering about the job that has to be done by shrinking goverment and get our financial mess cleaned up so we can get our country moving again as a business,country and a free nation of people.. This is a really good plan to start with here that I have put for open discussion that can be modified and added to as needed. I welcome comments on it from my readers and hope that it is taken as a serious plan for now and the future of America to improve a great nation that we certianly are and hope that we continue to be in the future.

This is my business blog page online of thoughts combined with comments on a variety of subjects in the modern business world. I have many ideas that I appreciate writing them here to this page. I always your welcome feedback so that this continues to improve the knowledge of everyone. This page is dedicated to the expansion of knowledge of all my readership about business and much more..
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