I know that it is on the minds of most of my readers as to what should be done with the government debt crisis in America. I know I have been watching like most people the political fallout in Washington DC. over the possible extending of our fiscal problems due top piling on more debt to shore up the Federal Reserve banking system. In my newspaper piece which you can read at http://www.streetsights.com/ I go into some facts about how our economy is going to faulter more with the increased financial burden of more trillions of debt piled on a allredy hurting economy. I do not go very heavy into the fundermentals like I am going to do here today as my editor at that paper limits my space that I can print in my column. So, heres goes the facts and I am going to spread it on thick here today about our national financial problems. First up is that we can not as a nation of oabout 350 million people can no longer pay the burden that Congress and President Oboma have piled on us. We don't have the money so how do you expect a nation to pay for something that goverment keeps messing up on and that is finances. POINT BLANK.. WE ARE BROKE!!! This great nation is suffering with a lack of funds and our economy is suffering to mostly because we all allow govermment to spend our hard earned money to fund waste programs. This does us nothing as a nation to increase our net worth in trade and every other facet of American economic growth. To do nothing and support foriegn banks,corporations and goverments is just insane meanwhile the majority of Americans are forced to work two or three jobs or be homeless and broke perpetually because no one in this country has the guts in public policy to just say no to more government expansion. By increasing the national debt 2.5 trillion dollars more that is going to really sink our economic system which the elected folks in Congress and the President don't seem to understand that we as a nation are in no financial shape to incurr more debt and cost to us. Some how that point seems to be really being missed is even as technology and inventive that we are we are all hard workers out in mainstream America. But the bulging debt that our government keeps increasing on us as American citizens is just to much for us to handle. I was just reading a story on CNN that says the Congress has agreed to not put more spending cuts in place that what private analists like Fitch and Moody who recommended it. This recommondation to our elected representitives that 4 trillion in spending cuts is greatly needed to just start getting or finanicail house in order was just laughed out the door. It seems that all the elected officials in Washington DC. just want more of the same which is to put off doing the nations business by cutting government and shrinking our expendetures. We drastically need to shrink government like what Ronald Reagan did in the 1980's in order to save money and properly invest in our nations future. Debt my father used to say is living beyond your portfolio and their is no excuse why you should be oweing money tthat you will probabily never be able to pay back. Well, our country should learn from our older generations whether living or dead that you can not spend what you don't have in the fisrt place and so we should not be borrowing money for our grand kids and great grand kids to pay for in the future because we got to have shiney new thing tha cost us billions or trillions. If your goung to get a handle on our financial mess then we got to as a nation of free people and a goverment of elected representitives stop the debt and stop raising taxes to pay for wastefull spending. If we finally get elected people who just say no to waste,fraud and abuse of the American people we will begin to turn our great country around and make it the nation of no debt. This is a big task but in order to make our country great again we need to get serious about how and what we spend money on that way we all benefit from a better future for all of us as Americans.

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