I my usual fashion of trying to bring the truth to both business and investment worlds I sometimes have to add a new ideas to everything. Today is one of those days where I am going to tackle the other side of what business and investment van do to help.the community. So here is all the bananas in a one boat load for you to think of at the same time. LOL .. OK .. To do business and investment means that you make money which makes everyone happy and successful. However the downside of what most business and investment people do is be greedy so they never turn to helping the community that made them wealthy. I know your thinking here dude that is not true most business and investors give back through charity contributions to their community. The unfamiliar truth to most people is that greed runs high in the growing amount of people with financial wealth. In fact the people surprisingly who give the least to help the community is one top ten percent of the worlds most financially successful people. So giving to the community and charity organizations is good as a investment and great public relations for your business. In fact by giving to the community you reduce your marketing and communications by giving your business a good name for the giving it does to support the community. Consider this the next best marketing tool when your sales and marketing department tryouts new ideas to lure in new customers to your business
Have a great day..

This is my business blog page online of thoughts combined with comments on a variety of subjects in the modern business world. I have many ideas that I appreciate writing them here to this page. I always your welcome feedback so that this continues to improve the knowledge of everyone. This page is dedicated to the expansion of knowledge of all my readership about business and much more..
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Business politics
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Market Gain
I often like to poke fun at the pundits most of them are very critical of my market analysis. Today I think I will just point out something that is beginning to be a narrow but important trend in investimg. You see while a lot of the big guys who are institutional investors are ingnoring the facts while some smaller guys are making big gains by buying alternative energy stocks and bonds. Yup, that's right while most of the herd guzzles down expensive technology stocks some smart guys are putting their money into green energy. I will be the first one to say that while it is not attractive looking part of the market compared to say big technology stocks like IBM and Cisco but it sure does make a lot of money. You see that even some big names like Warren Buffet have started to really realize that you have to look for new investments. This is the right place to invest your money so that you make a consistent profit even if it becomes a bear market. That is the beautiful part of this that no matter which way the market goes up or down your still a winner. Why?? Well Green energy is the present and is here to stay including more users and technology that is being put into use every day. So with that thought in mind it is a solid investment that will continue to grow with more products,producers and higher demand for total consumption with this industry.
Happy investimg and have a great day.
Monday, February 18, 2013
Stock Futures
Good morning my fair weather robbins I hope your day is a gourmet breakfast feast with plans to.make money. As you know I am the fearless investment guru who pulls the punches on high volume investments on the market daily. Today I thought I would share something with all my readership about making money on stock futures.Yup it sounds silly to think that you as a investor can bet and hedge on future things on the market but hold your britches up because you really can do it. I know your already muttering to yourself saying I am nuts that for certain this time I have lost my mind. Just a minute there party of readers while I pause to sip my morning Java boy does that taste good today. OK .. Here's the thing guys and gals you can make money on futures with a not so well known instrument called ETF (Exchange Trading Funds) which has just as much value as the physical stock or bond but without the bear risk involved. I am not saying that it is bullet proof from market swinging but as a short term investment vehicle it beats the market by about a five to one margin reliablility. Not to shabby for just owning a piece of paper that can be bought and sold many times in almost assured your going to make double or triple your original investment back in a short time. What I am saying is if you want to make money on the market you need to reduce your hyper inflation risk so you increase your portfolio instead of losing your shirt. To the small investor this is really important since capital investment is usually small so it is easy to lose it all in a bear market or with market flash crashes which sometimes happens even to the wisest investors. It is important to know when to invest but you need to know what is good investments in the market with a large volume of choices to pick from stocks,bonds,ETF,mutual funds and the lists continues. So be a contrarian by buying into solutions that group your portfolio into a winning combination of a broad spectrum of investments so you keep your risk low. If you do this your going to.make money on your portfolio by consistantly beating the market no matter how much bear or bull swing your faced with daily.. Have a great day now..Smile ....
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Unintentional Absence..
I just want to post to here to apologize for.my absence from regular posting to.this blog but due to management of lots of new projects at the same time I have not posted to this blog recently. Sometimes other things get in the way of keeping up with this blog so I am just a very busy person. However I am going to change the posting schedule so that it does post important things using the auto post option on this blog. Many readers over the years have comment statements suggesting that I should consider additional media output through useable networks. I have to some degree done that with this blog but not done all of it to current date. In between my busy schedule I will began to add these new networks to increase the function of this blog. Hopefully everyone will have a positive response to the new changes that I am making which reflects the comments as you the readers of this blog. I tip my glass in toast to you as my readership of this blog with a big smile to have a really great day.
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