Farrah Fawcett 1947-2009
LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- Redmond O'Neal will be temporarily freed from jail to attend the funeral of his mother, actress Farrah Fawcett, on Tuesday, officials said.
Actress Farrah Fawcett, known for her blonde mane and gleaming smile, died Thursday at age 62.
Farrah Fawcett's 1976 poster
Fawcett moved on after just one season. By then, she was already a phenomenon, having donned a one-piece red bathing suit and a perfect smile for her legendary pin-up poster, which sold a still-record 12 million copies. "I became famous almost before I had a craft," Fawcett told The New York Times in 1986, four years after her divorce from Majors. (By then, she was already involved with Ryan O'Neal.) "I didn't study drama at school. I was an art major. Suddenly, when I was doing Charlie's Angels, I was getting all this fan mail, and I didn't really know why. I don't think anybody else did, either."
Bumpy Film Career
Though she left TV for what was assumed to be greener pastures – feature films – Fawcett's initial three big-screen vehicles all crash-landed. Her first, 1978's Somebody Killed Her Husband, was lampooned in MAD magazine under the title, Somebody Killed Her Career. It took some serious dramatic TV roles, including that of a battered wife in 1984's The Burning Bed (which earned her an Emmy nomination), as well as starring in small-screen biopics about pioneering photojournalist Margaret Bourke-White and ill-fated Woolworth heiress Barbara Hutton, for Fawcett to bounce back. "What would you do if someone said to you, 'You're so popular right now that you can be on the cover of every magazine, but if you do that, you might get overexposed and a backlash will develop'?" Fawcett told The Times after she had emerged from one of the valleys of her career. Still, she said of fighting for survival in Hollywood, "That's life. Everything has positive and negative consequences."
-- The following is roundup of reactions to the death of actress Farrah Fawcett, as compiled by Fawcett died Thursday, after battling cancer.
"" Ryan O'Neal said family and friends "take comfort in the beautiful times that we shared with Farrah."
She was 62.
• Ryan O'Neal, Fawcett's longtime companion: "After a long and brave battle with cancer, our beloved Farrah has passed away. Although this is an extremely difficult time for her family and friends, we take comfort in the beautiful times that we shared with Farrah over the years and the knowledge that her life brought joy to so many people around the world."
• Alana Stewart, her longtime friend: "There are no words to express the deep sense of loss that I feel. For 30 years Farrah was much more than a friend, she was my sister, and although I will miss her terribly I know in my heart that she will always be there as that angel on the shoulder of everyone who loved her.
• Jaclyn Smith, who co-starred with Fawcett in the TV series "Charlie's Angels": "Farrah had courage, she had strength, and she had faith. And now she has peace as she rests with the real angels."
• Cheryl Ladd, who became the third "Angel" in the series after Fawcett left after the first season: "I'm terribly sad about Farrah's passing. She was incredibly brave, and God will be welcoming her with open arm
• Craig J. Nevius, the executive producer and director of "Farrah's Story" and "Chasing Farrah": "Farrah was and is the true definition of an 'icon.' She was of her time but transcended her time. As unique as her name, Farrah was a completely original combination of poster girl, serious actress, tabloid celebrity, role model, talk show personality and social advocate: her career spanned more than four decades and personified the tremendous power and influence of entertainment on our culture.
"Not many stars can be credited with inspiring both a hair style and changes in legislation (surrounding domestic violence and more recently patient privacy). And she did it without posturing or campaigning but by simply choosing her own path and making her own rules. Farrah remained relevant to the very end. She will be remembered as the modern Mona Lisa and so much more."
• Robert Duvall, who directed and starred in "The Apostle" with Fawcett: "Farrah had an outstanding talent, better than most feature-film actresses that I've seen. She was great to work with and will be missed."
• George Hamilton: "She was the strongest woman I ever met who fought this battle for three years to the end. She never felt sorry for herself, and was the sweetest and kindest lady. I will miss her. "
• Tori Spelling: "Farrah was an inspiration to all and had the most amazing spirit. She was one of the kindest, sweetest, and funniest women of I've had the privilege of knowing and I'm proud to have called her a friend. Her smile will be greatly missed. My thoughts are with her family."
• Chevy Chase, who appeared with Fawcett in the 1995 movie "Man of the House": "Farrah was more than a beautiful star. She shared the most intimate part of living with the world even as she approached the end of her own life.
"Graceful in life and graceful as she neared the end, I found working with her to be one of the nicest experiences I've ever had in film."
• Jackie Collins: "Farrah Fawcett was a beautiful, talented and thoughtful friend. When she starred in my movie 'Hollywood Wives - The New Generation,' she was the consummate professional, sometimes working until 2 a.m. She was a shining light in Hollywood, and she will be missed by all who knew her."
• Elizabeth "Terry" T.H. Fontham, American Cancer Society national volunteer president: "We are saddened at the news of the passing of Farrah Fawcett. Ms. Fawcett served as the American Cancer Society's chairperson for Women Against Cancer in the early 1980s, appearing in a public service announcement where she encouraged viewers to avoid smoking and get regular cancer checkups. Her public battle against cancer these past few years is a reminder of the work still to be done, and of the toll cancer still takes. Her support of those efforts, and her unique approach to life, will be missed."
• Marie Osmond: "Farrah debuted on the original 'Donny and Marie' show with Lee Majors from 'The Six Million Dollar Man.' Standing next to this stunningly gorgeous woman as a teenager, there was no doubt in my mind that she was going to be a 600-million-dollar star. Many people have since asked me: Was Farrah as beautiful in person? The answer is yes. And the courageous way she handled the trials in her life proves she was not only beautiful outside but inside as well.
LOS ANGELES, California -- Redmond O'Neal will be temporarily freed from jail to attend the funeral of his mother, actress Farrah Fawcett, on Tuesday, officials said.
Actress Farrah Fawcett, known for her blonde mane and gleaming smile, died Thursday at age 62.

This is my business blog page online of thoughts combined with comments on a variety of subjects in the modern business world. I have many ideas that I appreciate writing them here to this page. I always your welcome feedback so that this continues to improve the knowledge of everyone. This page is dedicated to the expansion of knowledge of all my readership about business and much more..
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Farrah Has Her Funeral Today
I wanted to post this for a long time and hoped Farrah would live longer than she did so she would come to knowing me personally. In fact I hoped someday she would read my letters that I wrote to her on the internet and hand written to her before she died on June 25,2009. I can only hope that she read my letters and she came to knowing that someone esle on earth loved her very much and that about me it was personal with her and not being a fan of her celeberty status. I fell very much in love with Farrah in 20's age at the time and I wanted to meet Farrah and even still this year I wanted her to get to know me and share a mutual life story with each other in person. I have stayed silent about my feelings for Farrah Fawcett for almost twenty years now. I want to write this tribute to the one and only women on earth I really loved and wanted to marry and have children with. Through out my life other women were allways jealous of some mystery blonde haired women and only my ex-wife got to know the truth which sent her over the edge and she tried to kill herself over it. I have stayed silent about my love for Farrah except for my hand written and internet letters to her personally as I thought it best to do this for Farrah's well being. I have known that Farrah had many people that she was close to and cared about but that she never got to know a real marriage partner in another state in person really hurts me. I tell myself that maybe she got to read my leters and know me in person she would have maybe loved me over time and made arrangements to start a relationship with me. Farrah I wish you could read this and would still be living so we could share a life story and journey together. Farrah my darling I wish allso you would have chosen marraige with me instead of those you did do. We could have had a great life together and now that your gone I don't know how to live without ever being able to see you and have a realationship with you. This is a awefull last few days for me that you my dearest Farrah have died on me and one that kills my heart and all that is good. For me Farrah I held you dearest to me and loved you as a real good women of faith,caring,caracter and being the best women on earth to become married to and raise a family with and have a great fun filled life with. I hurt greatly over your death my sweatheart Farrah and want so much for your family to know how much you have and still do mean greatly to one man on this planet earth. I sit here and grieve for you in sadness and misery that you are gone and you will never get to know me in person. I want to thank Allen Miller and Alana Stewart and Redmond Fawcett her son and Greg Lott for the caring that they showed the most important love of my life and anyone else who I did not list here. I hope that my dearest Farrah's family including Redmond in California and DAD etc. in Texas to know that I miss her and will allways love her and that I send my condolences to them on this day of her funeral June 30,2009. I know that I belong going to her funeral today at the church service and cemetary to say goodbye to her and but I was never invited
unfortunately and that also hurts. I will one day in the future kneel down at her grave site and place a wreath of roses on her and I will come to see her as much as I can from here on. I will be placing letters and wreaths and flowers and speaking to her at her grave this I am going to do for the one women who I love very much and will continue to honor her for the rest of my life.. Even after no one else goes to see her where she is at the cemetary and she is forgotten in death sadly. I will see to it she is cared for, she will never be forgotten by me as I will continue to see her and care for her and her grave. God Bless you Farrah and I Love You Sweetie Forever.. This is my feeling in the open now and I wish she (Farrah) could read this today living instead of a funeral for my one true love Farrah Fawcett.. Rest In the Peace Of God and Heaven My One True Love..
-==>> Rick<<<<<==========
I prayed for you everday for you to get well Farrah and I want everyone to know this.
This is a horrible day for Farrah and for me and her family. Please make donations to make her grave and legacy a National Shrine and for the perpetual care of her. Please also give donations in her name to the American Cancer Society and all other charities she supported I ask of this to be done for Farrah and by the me the man who loves her. Thank You...
Note: I am going to try to make her and her legacy and her grave a National Shrine and I am going to try to get worldwide support for this I hope this can be done as I feel this is the right thing to do for the women I love. I will try the rest of my life to accomplish this for Farrah because she deserves this to happen to her. I promise Farrah Darling you are not going to be forgotten at all my love.
unfortunately and that also hurts. I will one day in the future kneel down at her grave site and place a wreath of roses on her and I will come to see her as much as I can from here on. I will be placing letters and wreaths and flowers and speaking to her at her grave this I am going to do for the one women who I love very much and will continue to honor her for the rest of my life.. Even after no one else goes to see her where she is at the cemetary and she is forgotten in death sadly. I will see to it she is cared for, she will never be forgotten by me as I will continue to see her and care for her and her grave. God Bless you Farrah and I Love You Sweetie Forever.. This is my feeling in the open now and I wish she (Farrah) could read this today living instead of a funeral for my one true love Farrah Fawcett.. Rest In the Peace Of God and Heaven My One True Love..
-==>> Rick<<<<<==========
I prayed for you everday for you to get well Farrah and I want everyone to know this.
This is a horrible day for Farrah and for me and her family. Please make donations to make her grave and legacy a National Shrine and for the perpetual care of her. Please also give donations in her name to the American Cancer Society and all other charities she supported I ask of this to be done for Farrah and by the me the man who loves her. Thank You...
Note: I am going to try to make her and her legacy and her grave a National Shrine and I am going to try to get worldwide support for this I hope this can be done as I feel this is the right thing to do for the women I love. I will try the rest of my life to accomplish this for Farrah because she deserves this to happen to her. I promise Farrah Darling you are not going to be forgotten at all my love.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
My Birthday Today and Micheal Jackson Death
I wanted to write something good about my birthday as to the fact that now as of today I am 41 years old. I guess I can say Yippie and celebrate another milestone for me in life but I wish I could be enjoying this day with my ex-wife Michelle and my dog Brownie. I really want them both to be here with me to share this day and every day with both of them. For this I am very sad and miss them both Brownie and Michelle alot on this day on my birthday and will pray for them. I made it another year on earth and that is great since so many other people I have known are dead and gone. I can look foward to who knows what for a future ahead but I am Glad God will be there to help me and hopefully bring Brownie and Michelle back into my life and I love them both. I also want to reflect on Micheal Jackson dead at age 50 yesterday which comes as a great surprise to me since I thought he was in good health. I never much cared for his music but I did respect him as a great music talent and proformer. I think that he did alot of good for the world being a caring and giving man but I did not know him personally. He did however bring in to focus many issues in his lifetime and gave his time and money to helping the less fortunate people of earth. I give him credit for all the good and accomplishments he made in his life and for all the people he helped. I hope he is not forgotten for he did alot of good and even though he was strange as a person but he still made a good worldly impact on earth. I still think it is sad that someone die so young at the age of 50 and leave behind kids that needed a father and a role model as he certianly was to many people all over this planet earth. Basically I think he made a difference in a good way and did alot of good for all the people he knew in his life though his music and personally as a man which is good. I give the Jackson family and all of Mike Jacksons family my condolences and his friends too. I hope some day the Jackson family will heal and come to terms with the loss that they are now going through. Rest In PEACE Micheal JACKSON with God now... Amen..
Friday, June 26, 2009
Death of Farrah Fawcett
Well I think it is something I should do today is to write about the people who died Thursday June 25th 2009.. I can't believe that Farrah Fawcett has died of cancer after her 3 year battle with cancer. It is shocking that someone I thought very highly of and admired very much for her beauty and kindness as a person is gone now. I allways from the time I was a teenage man wanted to meet her and be her friend. This is the pits that I will never get to meet her and have that one special friend named Farrah Fawcett. I hate what death does to everything good on this earth as it destroys only the good on earth and leaves the bad people with some exceptions to continue living. I am feeling cheated that I will never get to meet Farrah in person and have that friendship I allways have wanted. Farrah never got to know me and will never get to unfortunately know the impact of what she did as a women to me. She is the standard including Princess Dianna Spencer by which I rate women as a worthwhile marriage partner and allway have done this in my life. Farrah I wish you could know that you mattered very much to me and I looked at you as a exsample of the best of what female is on earth. Yes I have met a few women in my life in your class of beauty,brains,creative and very loving caring person but then you are special to me. Many women throughout my life never understanded that you are the standard by which I compared all other women by and about. You achieved many great things in your life and I admired you for all the good and for the deep faith in God you are about. I write this as a tribute today to you Farrah as my heart is numb from your dieing from cancer that I cared about you. I am sad that will never get to know me but that I have prayed you would get well and not die from cancer. I have seen in my life alot of people die but you are a special person just like Dianna Spencer as you made every one have to be more like you. This is good that you made other women realize that there is someone who is special and try to make themselves try to achieve the same kind of success as you did. I want to personally send my condolences to Farrah Fawcett's family and those who are close friends of hers. I lost my dad in 2007 and miss him alot so I know how it feels to lose someone you care about. With this sadness I say good bye to you Farrah Fawcett and will allways remember you as the Playboy women who ever other women I have dated and been married to had to live up to being you. So Rest In Peace Farrah and know that I cared about you and thought the world of you secretly. I hope that your family and friends will read this as well as Ryan O'Neal your husband and I thank them all for staying with Farrah to end of her life. You are all good people and deserve to be commended for the good that you did to help her with her vison and with her life and death.. Farrah you were the kindest and most caring women I have ever gotten to know even though it was remotely throught television and other media. I will not forget you and the very high standard of womenhood you set for the world and your courage and success. This is very sad for me to sit here and be writing this about you Farrah Fawcett a real icon of Beauty...
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Blogging Makes Money
I have decided to add Adsense to my blog to improve it and hopefully be able to get more of my friends to join me here.. I know this is new to me doing blogging but i want to continue to improve this as time goes on. I hope to add video in the future and and eventually more interesting stories to this as i workout the bugs of becoming fimilair with this new median of the internet.. Keep my fingers crossed that I am able to do a better job at this as time goes on and make the needed changes that make this a better place to visit.
Visiting With Church Friends
I do have to write this piece this morning that I am going to see and spend time with some church friends as i think this would be good to do today. My truck is another issues though as I inspected it later in the day and it seems as though I developed another leak gussing from the tranfer case and turque converter for my 4 wheel drive.. This happened yesterday after I blew my rear driveshaft and still not sure if I fried the tranny but I don't think that happened. Maybe I am lucky and did not blow up the tranny after all I hope for that but I know the rear universial for the drive shaft just shattered and most of it is missing.. I hope i can just store the OLD Boss till I get the money to fix it or decide to junk it. I need to buy another good running truck or van to take up the slack in the meantime for this loss so i can still drive something around. it would be nice to finally have a truck or van that is much newer and runs good plus something I don't have to stop and fix every day I want to use it. I don't mind the repairs if it is minor stuff every once in a while but not when I got to fix it every day and week that really is awefull.. I hope to pick up my Guitar this week to from the music store and also work on my bike a little so I can ride it again. This is Birthday week for me and hope things get better for me now and the future so i can accomplish more things i want and need to get done..
Monday, June 22, 2009
Truck Problem Conflict
It's monday and I just tried to drive my truck which worked good for a while until the driveshaft in the rear shattered a my transmission spewed fliud every where.. I guess that the old Boss is ready for the junk yard and I am forced to buy another vehicle sooner than what i was hoping for would happen.. This is close to my birthday and now I am forced to walk every where and I don't like it.. You just never know how bad life can be until it hits you and you have to find a solution to it to fix the problem. I hate older trucks because you got to fix it daily and you never stop pouring money into it in parts and labour costs. I think this might be the end of this vehicle permanently this time as I am going to buy something else soon if and when I got the money for it.. This is a very bad day having this truck quit and having to walk to do everything. I wish these type of days did not happen and then life would be a little better for me..
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Transportation and Everything Else
Well I started out this week on a good note being that I fixed my battery problem for the I don't know probabily 500th time this year. So now my truck runs and drives all though it seems to be not much better than the last time I drove it. It did this time however blow the raidiator overflow tank and leaked fluid ever where again. I just put a new one in less than a year ago and now it is blown again. I sure wish it would stop doing this as it is very expensive to keep replaceing it and the hose or hoses that connect to it. I find owning this vehicle to be alot of compounded problems and as soon as I fix one another problem starts happening. I just got it to drive again and now more things to fix as it seems to continue to do this weekly to me. On a better note though I finally ordered my Gibson guitar and hould be able to play it sooner I hope..
I also donated to CBN a christian ministry to help feed the people in africa and around the world that need help. With my donation it will help Operation Blessing distrubute food and clothing and needed medical supplies to the poor in this world who have nothing. I am glad i can help people even though I am dirt poor myself and don't have much to name. Today is a mixed day for me and I sure hope tommorrow brings something better as in good to me.
I also donated to CBN a christian ministry to help feed the people in africa and around the world that need help. With my donation it will help Operation Blessing distrubute food and clothing and needed medical supplies to the poor in this world who have nothing. I am glad i can help people even though I am dirt poor myself and don't have much to name. Today is a mixed day for me and I sure hope tommorrow brings something better as in good to me.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Hello Friends
HI Friends,
I just thought I would add a little noted comment here that you can join me on Facebook and on this blog all at the same time.. My facebook profile is under my name and my user name is rn57002835 if you want to give me shout that is great.. Today I am hoping to add some some new songs that i have in my head and finally write them down on paper and maybe if I can do it make some cool music out of it.. Funny thing what happens to you if you forget it and try to remember it later because you feel stupid and wish you written it down.. Take care every one and I will write more later..
I just thought I would add a little noted comment here that you can join me on Facebook and on this blog all at the same time.. My facebook profile is under my name and my user name is rn57002835 if you want to give me shout that is great.. Today I am hoping to add some some new songs that i have in my head and finally write them down on paper and maybe if I can do it make some cool music out of it.. Funny thing what happens to you if you forget it and try to remember it later because you feel stupid and wish you written it down.. Take care every one and I will write more later..
Transpootation Problems
Well, Today is wednesday and I thought Iwould write a short peice on my current delemma. it seems that the old Boss machine is acting like more and more a junker clunker these days in spite of my repairing it repeatedly. My poor heap of metal called my red truck is really showing it's age as it just turned 20 years old this year. To make matters worse it seems bent on blowing hoses faster than I can keep up replaceing them which can and does aggravate me to no end. I forgotten how many times i have had to cut a hose and clamp it just to stop it from leaking or worse spewing all the fluid everywhere. I just keep telling myself it going to get better but then something else goes wrong and I am forced to fix that too. I recently had another leak in the tranny somewhere and decided for a short time just to park it and not drive it till I fix this problem.. Talk about frustration that in addition to this my truck seems to be a nagging source of complaints from who ever rides with me that they are calling it junk. I want to buy another vehicle but that costs money and I still and not any closer to rich finance wise than I ever have been in life. I could ride my bike but that sucks in rain and other nasty weather when you need to drive something safer and faster to get where you want to go. I note that I have not wote on my blog in a while and should be keeping it current but i am busy writing songs and books and a movie I hope to start filming soon. Oh well you can't do everything at the same time but i sure do try to do it that way.. It was really nice to hear from my best friend Fred over the last week and to catch up with what is going on in his life. It is also great to get a e-mail from a book publisher who is showing interest in possible publishing one or more of my books that I am writting. I sure hope this publisher is serious about doing this as I would like to to get these books out on the market soon. That's all for today that comes to mind and I will write something more later...
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