I wanted to post this for a long time and hoped Farrah would live longer than she did so she would come to knowing me personally. In fact I hoped someday she would read my letters that I wrote to her on the internet and hand written to her before she died on June 25,2009. I can only hope that she read my letters and she came to knowing that someone esle on earth loved her very much and that about me it was personal with her and not being a fan of her celeberty status. I fell very much in love with Farrah in 20's age at the time and I wanted to meet Farrah and even still this year I wanted her to get to know me and share a mutual life story with each other in person. I have stayed silent about my feelings for Farrah Fawcett for almost twenty years now. I want to write this tribute to the one and only women on earth I really loved and wanted to marry and have children with. Through out my life other women were allways jealous of some mystery blonde haired women and only my ex-wife got to know the truth which sent her over the edge and she tried to kill herself over it. I have stayed silent about my love for Farrah except for my hand written and internet letters to her personally as I thought it best to do this for Farrah's well being. I have known that Farrah had many people that she was close to and cared about but that she never got to know a real marriage partner in another state in person really hurts me. I tell myself that maybe she got to read my leters and know me in person she would have maybe loved me over time and made arrangements to start a relationship with me. Farrah I wish you could read this and would still be living so we could share a life story and journey together. Farrah my darling I wish allso you would have chosen marraige with me instead of those you did do. We could have had a great life together and now that your gone I don't know how to live without ever being able to see you and have a realationship with you. This is a awefull last few days for me that you my dearest Farrah have died on me and one that kills my heart and all that is good. For me Farrah I held you dearest to me and loved you as a real good women of faith,caring,caracter and being the best women on earth to become married to and raise a family with and have a great fun filled life with. I hurt greatly over your death my sweatheart Farrah and want so much for your family to know how much you have and still do mean greatly to one man on this planet earth. I sit here and grieve for you in sadness and misery that you are gone and you will never get to know me in person. I want to thank Allen Miller and Alana Stewart and Redmond Fawcett her son and Greg Lott for the caring that they showed the most important love of my life and anyone else who I did not list here. I hope that my dearest Farrah's family including Redmond in California and DAD etc. in Texas to know that I miss her and will allways love her and that I send my condolences to them on this day of her funeral June 30,2009. I know that I belong going to her funeral today at the church service and cemetary to say goodbye to her and but I was never invited
unfortunately and that also hurts. I will one day in the future kneel down at her grave site and place a wreath of roses on her and I will come to see her as much as I can from here on. I will be placing letters and wreaths and flowers and speaking to her at her grave this I am going to do for the one women who I love very much and will continue to honor her for the rest of my life.. Even after no one else goes to see her where she is at the cemetary and she is forgotten in death sadly. I will see to it she is cared for, she will never be forgotten by me as I will continue to see her and care for her and her grave. God Bless you Farrah and I Love You Sweetie Forever.. This is my feeling in the open now and I wish she (Farrah) could read this today living instead of a funeral for my one true love Farrah Fawcett.. Rest In the Peace Of God and Heaven My One True Love..
-==>> Rick<<<<<==========
I prayed for you everday for you to get well Farrah and I want everyone to know this.
This is a horrible day for Farrah and for me and her family. Please make donations to make her grave and legacy a National Shrine and for the perpetual care of her. Please also give donations in her name to the American Cancer Society and all other charities she supported I ask of this to be done for Farrah and by the me the man who loves her. Thank You...
Note: I am going to try to make her and her legacy and her grave a National Shrine and I am going to try to get worldwide support for this I hope this can be done as I feel this is the right thing to do for the women I love. I will try the rest of my life to accomplish this for Farrah because she deserves this to happen to her. I promise Farrah Darling you are not going to be forgotten at all my love.

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