I just want to note that this blog has come a long way from being a rank of nothing to finally adding video to it weekly now. Wow, folks that is really quite a jump forwards towards pleasing and keeping my readership you all out there around the world happy. Well, It sure is a learning curve doing this blog and I have come to the conclusion that more work is needed to be done to get to the blog where I want it to be as a respected news source. I am committed to constant improvements on it and as you see already I have added a new dimension to this blog by adding video and more commentary on it. So keep checking back as I tackle the news and important issues of the week that hopefully will interest my readership and keep the coming back for more of this blog. I want to let everyone know that you can call a new phone number for my new media company (Norton Media Group Co.) and leave comments about this blog and my talk show.. The phone number is (727)-487-2060 and that is a business number anyone can use or email MODERNPOLITICAL@GMAIL.COM .... I am also in the process of creating a paying newsletter that will be available hopefully next month for anyone to subscribe to online and available on a email system of some type but I am figuring that all out presently how that will all work out for doing this new project. So lots of new things to do and in between my business ventures,talk show,market trading,publishing and music just to name a few things I will get this newsletter going and get it deployed soon..
Have a great day everyone .. Smile...

This is my business blog page online of thoughts combined with comments on a variety of subjects in the modern business world. I have many ideas that I appreciate writing them here to this page. I always your welcome feedback so that this continues to improve the knowledge of everyone. This page is dedicated to the expansion of knowledge of all my readership about business and much more..
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Wall Street Investing
Well, It is another ho hum day on wall street today as the doldrums continue in financial markets with most everything losing traction on the Dow and NASDAQ composite indexes. If you want to make money in a market like this one this month you better get your pencil ready and do your homework really good. It sure does not hurt to keep a pack of tums next to your bed and desk to ward off the restless market syndrome you are going to have before closing bell each day. You see with this kind of market down slide and then sharp jerk up before closing bell at the end of trading day you could play long ball on your game. If you are a good contrariety investor then only do it if your investing in dividend paying stocks that offset market panic swells when the investors hit the exit door. I am always fond of trading on the down swing in the market so you can pick up some good cheaply beaten down stocks and bonds at a below fair market value. For with this strategy by doing this you are going to severely increase your profit potential when it is time to hit the dump button at the top of the of swing up hill on the stock or bond. You got to be proactive on this way of trading on a uneven market and use your available tools to achieve real time strategic success on wall street investing. I have said it many times before but it is worth repeating here that if you don't have the guts and nerve to be a investor then you should consider going back to working a nine to five job making peanuts for yourself. On the other hand if you want to risk it all and want to make money hand over fist in a just a matter of minutes or a few hours a day then you come to the right vehicle to do it. Wall Street is by no means for everyone and it has taken me two decades of learning to come to understand how to correctly invest a portfolio and where,when to do it so as to minimize core account loss. If you think your good at a lot of things you will have a rough ride with investment at first because let's face it the ones on Wall Street don't like new people horning in on their secrets of getting rich and they will do most anything to get you to lose your shirt while laughing at you. In one word money managers are RUTHLESS and that is why they are rich just like bankers are rich too because they guard their wealth and secrets of making it available to a very select few insider.. Market insiders are a complete contradiction to every ones sense of fair game and that is how they keep getting richer by normal peoples ignorance of how everything works on a trading platform. How do you think the rich in investment banking and Wall Street seemingly never go with out a Gulf Stream jet,Armani suits and fancy everything in life? It is pretty simple to see it if you look careful at the whole idea of investing it is a game of chance an big risk involved in doing it but play the game the right way and you gain a quick fortune like all the bulls do or head for the exit door with your crying towel and your tail between your legs. Having said that you can minimize your portfolio risk if you watch for certain signs that the market gives out on a minute by minute real time basis on what ever stock or bond your invested in at the time you trade it. Yes, it is a business and it is a very profitable one at best but you got to learn not to put your heart in it like prize possessions and know when to buy and when to sell it to make your profit quota for that day. If you learn by doing it and minimize your mistakes which you are bound to make then you can make yourself into another Warren Buffet as this is part of how he made himself the richest man on earth. Take my advise it is a good wealth building vehicle that will if done right wipe out all your debt and make you a overnight favorite with your new found friends as being rich does that on Wall Street over and over again..
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
New Bailout Spending Package
Well it is soon to be a break time here at work so I want to address the new 4 trillion dollar deficit reduction bill proposed by president Oboma. With out getting to much flower in the yeast here it is just going to make things better for all of America when government spends less and taxes all of us working folks less too. It is really going to help American business which will look at this with much enthusiasm but remember how many times they have been promised something and had the rug ripped out from under them. When it is all said and done my thought is that it really is just a smoke screen for new taxation on everyone because now supposedly the US Treasury is going to broke. HelloWashington DC., Americans are saying wake up you can not spend us into oblivion without some kind of pain along the way in economics and the rest of our country becoming the single largest debtor nation on earth. It seems that as soon as most people get elected to office they make a u-turn and forget they work for this country and go to the side of greed not caring who they make the laws about just simple exempting themselves always from it. That is the same attitude of political correctness that has made us a debtor nation with China our biggest creditor in the world and also our biggest threat to our soviernty. You see when we as a nation continue to over spend our GDP and our capacity to pay our bills what do you think is going to happen? The answer does not take a economist to tell you that your stupid and you SPENT yourself broke on all the government socialized state combined with over taxation and killing the business creative people with burdening regulations that drive them out of business. You can not expect to keep business in this country afloat when you tax them into never land and you drive investors way from investing in America. I remember Ross Perot who said that if your going to get America running again you got to cut government bloat and stop taxing and heavy regulating everything and everyone in this country into being broke which makes sense to me. you see the last round of blind side economics that just happened recently by raising the national debt another 2.7 trillion dollars is just madness. When is the elected people in Congress going to start making the right decisions and reverse the economic pain that is being felt by the rest of Americans? The answer might not surprise you if you are old enough to remember alot of history in America. Congress loves to spend money and write blank checks that you and everyone else is stuck paying for while quite factually exempting themselves from all the wrong that they are doing to all of America. If the Fed would get the monetary policy right and stop monkeying with interest rates that cause flash stock market crashes and nervous investors heading for the TUMS for bad stomach jitters then we could solve another problem. By working on the problems that America has instead of failing to address it you can get a clear direction to go and make a sound policy decisions that put America back to work and back to economic stability. You have to at some point make the right decisions that put America back on a solid ground by doing it or you will fail completely as a nationn and that would be the wrong thing to do for a great nation that our founding fathers so wonderfully created called America. In order to right all the wrong that is being done to current generations and all future generations the right time is now to begin cleaning up our mess and getting our country out of the economic hole we have dug ourselves into by changing how we do business. That is really not as hard as it si to do but we as a nation have to come to terms with our mistakes and start fixing them before it really is too late to fix these mistakes later in the future.. Food for thought to all my readership as to how much you are all going to effected by the coming wave of new spending and taxation in our great nation of America..
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Tax Code Changes
I am writing today to update everyone on the new tax code changes that are being kicked around in the U.S. Congress and by the President which are going to significantly effect everyone in America. Let us start out with how this new proposal will work at it's present bill state without admendements as it is a giant step in taxing corporate America into a higher bracket by adding another 22 percent tax hike to every American business. While not addressing the real issue of government spending gone way out of control in the matter of way to many programs that do nothing except spend tax dollars that are wasted on them. For my readers you can look for the combined income tax rate for personal income tax is according to the now sponsored bill going down by 12 percent in the next year but if your the employer your going to feel the pain of a giant tax increase. This kind of taxation is going to chill the economy and with the allready high unemployment rate at 9.1 percent employers are going to seek to not hire any more new workers for the immediate future until government gets it's act together on controlling spending. If you tax the rich who all make over a million dollars which is also a new proposal then what will ahppen is the loss of blue collar sector jobs that make the goods and services that the rich people buy which is nuts to do that. Of course some tax on wealthy people is good but not to tax them at 43 percent of their income is just not going to help the economy in America get out of the very serious hole that it is in presently. If you tax corporate America into a position of nearly failure on the bottom line then you will see the back lash over it in the banking and every other critical part of the economy. WHY? Well that is eay to answer in that big and small companies combined are more likely to look overseas to continue in business since tax codes in most european countries like Sweden favor American investment. So the the next thing that will happen is a sucking sound of more current jobs and companies moving their operations over to europe and malaysia which will hurt more deeply here in a worse recession in America economy. By shifting jobs over seas which will happen with the new tax code structure you will have less investment and innovation in America combined with more unemployment plus more need to spend money on government social programs in order to support the people who are effected by it. It results in a losing scenario that will push America into a more difficult phase of government growth and less private sector jobs combined with little to no investment here at home in our economy. You can only think back a few years to when Steve Forbes proposed the flat tax and bingo card tax form on how easy it would be to to get America back on a solid financial footing but sadly it failed to gain the much nedded support in Congress and the White House at the time. It really is part of the solution that both Steve Forbes and Ross Poreout combined came up with that would begin to fix our tax code and all the financial mess.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Friday, September 9, 2011
Talk Show
I have some reflections of doing a new talk show in which is harder than I originally though it would be for me to creating a interesting radio show. Well, Modern Political Thinking is continuing to keep going on blogtalkradio and live on radio stations so I have decided to make some changes in that area in order to attract listeners base. I am now going to offering a new segment part on my show called (TURNING POINT) in which we will be exploring one currently important issue in major depth every week. I am asking my blog readers and listeners to my talk show to email me suggestions as to what issues you would like to see on this blog and hear me talk about every week. You can now Email them to me .....
If anyone wants to be a guest on my talk show please email me and tell me about yourself and what you do for a living. Example.. (Journalist for Time Magazine,Director of POLITICAL PARTY,Federal Reserve Bank President,President Of Major Company ETC..) this would be the kind of people who my shows listeners would tune into on my talk show that is interesting for them.
My Talk Show...
Radio Stations..
If any radio station wants to pick up and carry my talk show live on air I would gladly accept them just email me at the above address. I am looking for new radio stations to carry my show live with Them to boost my ratings and overall listener base..
If anyone wants to be a guest on my talk show please email me and tell me about yourself and what you do for a living. Example.. (Journalist for Time Magazine,Director of POLITICAL PARTY,Federal Reserve Bank President,President Of Major Company ETC..) this would be the kind of people who my shows listeners would tune into on my talk show that is interesting for them.
My Talk Show...
Radio Stations..
If any radio station wants to pick up and carry my talk show live on air I would gladly accept them just email me at the above address. I am looking for new radio stations to carry my show live with Them to boost my ratings and overall listener base..
New Video Magazine
In keeping with doing a lot of progressive changes that I feel keep things interesting in response to some recent requests to put a video business magazine online. I have started a new weekly video series that everyone and my blog readers can go to now to view it on YOUTUBE. This new weekly segment is called (Business Journal) which is dedicated to business,jobs the economy and much more.. just pont your mouse to the following address.. Look for Business Journal
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