It is that time in the new year when most people are focused on all those new resolutions that they would like to fulfill. If your are a investor it is time to create a new strategy to successfully get boat loads of dividend in your portfolio account. It makes sense to do your research and go with cheap stocks which do exist in the busy market. The problem with this is the current market is beating down some big name stocks and pumping up the short term little Guy stocks. So should I go short term or play the long game by buying and holding? This is the matter of which custom strategy you go with as to where you invest your hard earnings into the market. If your like most of the small cap investors you will go with buy and hold in about 10 stocks that hopefully do small shifting in the market. The problem is with this strategy is you stand to loose most or all of your portfolio if those stocks go in the toilet. With the current market volatility you cannot afford to make this kind of common mistake. It is better to put a smaller amount into your stock portfolio and play them on the short game. By flipping the stocks on the short game strategy you minimize the risk and increase your overall profits. Sounds easy but trying to do it takes some skill to make it work in your favor. It is however the best strategy to make your investment portfolios grow at a level above 6 percent. This should be part of any investment goal to achieve a good return on your money. In other words make your money work for you by playing the short game to keep buying and selling on a short term basis. If your like me you look for good deals in the market and buy beaten down stocks then sell them as soon as goes up to a certain accepted level. This makes money while lowest risk at the same time is the way to beat the market by a seven to one margin. Do strategy in the current market and you will become a Wall Street fat cat and a favorite with all your new found friends. Happy investing!!

This is my business blog page online of thoughts combined with comments on a variety of subjects in the modern business world. I have many ideas that I appreciate writing them here to this page. I always your welcome feedback so that this continues to improve the knowledge of everyone. This page is dedicated to the expansion of knowledge of all my readership about business and much more..
Friday, January 20, 2012
Monday, January 9, 2012
Business Prospects
I continue to see some new economic data that is encouraging business expansion in this new year. If you look closely at the GDP this month the numbers tell the story of a revenue reversal in the positive direction for corporate America. The decrease in unemployment has most business people planning a new phase of experienced worker's hiring. This reflection is good for every part of the economy with most companies saying that first quarter earnings are up. Better quality workers are now available now with more people having a college degree that makes it more comprehensive the hiring process. Some businesses have now started offering better benefits packages to lure in these high skilled workers. Overall with this kind of improvement it is in favor of making this year a great year for corporate America to beat the overseas competition in every aspect of business. While the stock market is double what it was in the past year it still shows a shaky recovery for this year so far. Hopefully that will change in favor of a more solid recovery as this year continues. In order for this to happen their needs to be more investment by both government and private sector business so that the economy growth is more than 3 percent. It looks like we might see that happen if the stock market becomes more bullish and corporate America become more confident in the new green recovery. This will be good for the economy if all that I am talking about happens this year.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
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