I think I will state the obvious and then hit the nail on the head this morning. Well to my readership it is obvious that what I predicted is true with wall street clearly cheerful over the movement of the markets to a positive position with some quick dips. If you look back a few weeks ago that I said this is going to happen with the market data bringing lots of smiling faces. So I hit the nail on the head about what the markets would do in the coming weeks. It is time to roll the clock ahead to now to look at the market data to see what's up next. Here's what I see which is that the cheers are going stop when the news that has been affecting Europe hits here on our shores of America. I am talking about the massive debt crisis that has buried several countries like Greece. When this economic tidal wave hits our country the effects are going to be devastating. The market effects are going to slam head long into investors with major declines in their portfolios. This wave of bad economic decline is just a preview to a the Commerce Department and Treasury department reports which will floor most people. Yes the full impact of this second wave of economic data news is going to cause lots of people to loose their jobs and everyone to feel financial pain. This will happen this year most likely within the next six months with the data that I am reading on credibile sites like Market Watch. So here I go again making a perdition about investing,jobs and the economy. I just hope that this tidal wave will not reach our economy here in America. The problem is that we in America are already reeling from poor GDP growth and chronic debt burden. This tide of upcoming crisis is going to worsen the ailing economy we have in America. I am hopefull that this wave of bad economic stimulus will be adverted quickly.. We in America have to our our financial house in order so that overall problems like the ones that come from overseas don't do damage to us. Have a great morning everyone and a wonderful day.. Smile..

This is my business blog page online of thoughts combined with comments on a variety of subjects in the modern business world. I have many ideas that I appreciate writing them here to this page. I always your welcome feedback so that this continues to improve the knowledge of everyone. This page is dedicated to the expansion of knowledge of all my readership about business and much more..
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Next Big Tidal Wave
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Stock Market Pendulum
Well, it certainly has been a gut wrenching roller coaster ride this week for investors. The news out of Europe just hit hard home here in the US and has given many investment people cause to reach for the tums rolaids. Just when everyone thought the European debt crisis was over here comes the next wave of bad news. It really has investors scratching their head and taking a selling off panic in their portfolio.. The mainstream on main street herd has just pulled out of the market thinking we are heading for a huge gillatine crash in both stocks and bonds. This is not true because if you are a smart investment guy,you are looking at the charts to see what they are showing you.. That certainly is a different picture of a simple market correction that is going to last a short few days. Any good trader knows to be a success in investment you have to jump in when everyone else hits the panic button on wall street. You do the opposite of what the herd does as a contrarian and your the one who gets rich.. If you play your games short and long correctly your going to make lots of money. So with that said about investments this week do yourself a favor and buy in heavy while the market sinks. Then when the reversal comes next week ride the wave to to crest and then sell off your stocks which is calked shorting the market. By doubling your profits this way you beat the market instead of the market beating you on your short game..For the long game I recommend buying solid dividend paying stocks and investment in bonds like Vanguard Total Equity Return.or Janus High Yield Investor to hedge your risk. Thus you beat the market and make.money no matter which way the markets swing up or decline.. Hope that this helps everyone to make a truck load of dough..
Have a Great a Day...
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Economic Perspective
I recently found myself talking to a couple of college students about the economy. In talking to them I found out that they have been actively looking for a job by putting out over fourteenth job applications a week. These students told me that even with the constant effort that they still have not gotten a paying job. They are so dissatisfied with with the situation with employment that these college women are going to move to another state to secure a paying job. This discussion about jobs was joined by a middle fifties person who said that he worked in construction all his life until it went sour in this decade. He said that going back to college was is not a easy decision for him but it seems to be the only one he could do to get a better job. I am finding that lots of people are in the same predicament with the slow economy that is effecting a huge part of the population in America. The disappointed people I am talking to said that the overall job problem is a menace to their lives. For some I have talked to they ate trying to get full time employment but they are currently working part time presently. Many people are doing this type of employment but it is not enough to pay for basic expenses for their family. It is tough to get a job and even harder to keep one because so many people are either under employed or totally unemployed in America. This problem needs to be dealt with so that every American has a good paying job and government is not doing discrimination against any part of the population. In the last decade government regulations have and are becoming more discrimination against everyone except the rich in this nation. This is causes more people who want to work left out because government has taken away their freedom and ability to live through the use of cruel regulations. This is just additional layer of problems to the already bleak economic and social situation that exists in America today. I think back to Ross Perot who said what is needed is to cut government and shrink the number of regulations in America so that we begin to be a nation of freedom instead of a dictatorship. I agree with his analysis of what has to be done to put America back to the front of leadership instead of being nearly a third world nation. I think that if we do tough decisions and do the items listed above America will have a great renewal and experience huge amount of growth in the coming years... Let's do the right things in America and put this country on the right track so that we improve the lives of everyone instead of practicing discrimination.
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Business Expansion
I thought today I would turn to something that has been recently in the news. Most businesses both large and small are in certain sectors of the economy are actually growing this year. Yes, even though the economy overall is still showing weakness some well known companies are actually expanding. This is good to see growth in technology and utilities such as Microsoft and Teco which until recently have been hit hard by huge losses. Some other not so well known are making amazing strides in picking up new contracts and adding new workets. This makes the smart smaller companies more able to generate more revenue than the large conglomerate companies in a weak economy. The fitness of the modern business is heavy depending on outsourcing and new product innovation. Some areas of the economy are ready to start booming like the housing sector which has recently started additional new home orders. This will effect a lot of other people in other businesses if this continues since real estate is the core predictor of how much expansion the economy will do in the future. So look for most businesses to group together with mergers and to consolidate in order to go ahead with planned future expansion. This kind of business plans will work for some businesses but for some others it will spell their overall demise due to lack of financial liquidity. The big gains will be in technology,utilities and manufacturing which continue to most flexibility and profit margins this year. The best business plan is to start into a business that would be in one of the new growth economic sectors so you would be sure of your success..
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