I want to wish everyone a very merry Christmas to all my readers..

This is my business blog page online of thoughts combined with comments on a variety of subjects in the modern business world. I have many ideas that I appreciate writing them here to this page. I always your welcome feedback so that this continues to improve the knowledge of everyone. This page is dedicated to the expansion of knowledge of all my readership about business and much more..
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Business Solutions
Business Solutions To Community Progress
Let’s take a look at who in the business world supports community development. Many businesses are very active in promoting housing and work-based programs that increase both the awareness and financial support of social community programs. These programs such as Habitat For Humanity, which builds homes for the under privileged, and the United Way Homes for Life Program are all good examples of business and community members working together.
By bringing together these needed resources and the financial backing of the more wealthy companies we build a partnership to solve community problems in both urban areas and the rural population too. Businesses have more freedom to be create change and innovation than what our government is able to do.
The innovators combined with the ceo s of all size companies contribute a combined total of 83 percent of all donations to community sponsored reinvestment programs such as the ones previously listed and many more. Forbes Magazine ranks Fortune 500 list companies that share and contribute the most to community reinvestment and new development by a ladder profile. Companies like McDonalds, Starbucks, Panera Bread, Exxon Mobil, CVS Pharmacy, Shaw’s Supermarkets and many others contribute more per capital in donations and sponsorships than all the others out there.
Most Chambers of Commerce and local and national business groups are heavy involved in civic development and support of charity and community reinvestment. When business and civic organizations join together they are better able to address and manage problems both at the local and national level when there is a need to be filled.
The engine of business is the leaders and problem solvers who can put forward both financial and intellectual resources to get the job done and solve community problems from a more efficient and stable platform than can most any other vehicle that is available.
Looking at cooperative ventures with people of all types shows how businesses can be the catalyst for great changes in a community. They can offer a fresh opportunity for outreach to community leaders and provide more suggestions and solve problems that otherwise would be left to the back burner or never tackled at all. Partnership in a world of everyday change means that you can have both businesses and civic organizations working together to achieve common goals to solve issues that benefit both sides.
Doing this helps us achieve a better community through private business outsourcing, in partnership with civic groups. You are then able to grow a very nice urban or rural landscape that is both aesthetic and functional while also creating new jobs and homes where more people will want to stay and raise their families for all future generation to come. Business is always the solution and will continue to be that functional piece that drives innovative ideas in a inter connected world that we currently live in this millennium.. Businesses are the ones who reach out to better persons lives in concert with government and civic organizations, so that we can grow a better future for everyone.
Turkey Day
Well it's nice to enjoy the holiday season which i certainly did with my lifetime friends Dave and Liz who served up great food,football and lots of laughs Thursday evening. I did however just remember that i forgot my responsibility to you the readers of this blog to post here on Turkey day. So for all the reading public of this blog i am sorry for my being both lazy and late to posting to here. Hope everyone had a great thanksgiving and when Monday comes it is time to go back to work.
Have a great Saturday today..
Sunday, October 20, 2013
I know that many of you who read this blog will scratch their head trying to figure out what exactly this word means to a business. The facts i will explain in just a few minutes but before you go wandering off to read something else. Actually synergy in business is really important to know all about it since it deals with your companies front door. You can have great customer service and other parts of your business but if you don't know your synergy your bound to failure even before you have any kind of financial success. Knowingly ignorant of your customers demographics can limit your business in it's ability to provide the right products and services that the buyer wants. If you do your research regularly to find out who will prospectively buy your products based on demographics then you have a leg up on the competition. Pretty simple to understand what that all means but surprisingly a lot of business people fail to use it or don't know about it. Just opening and operating a business is not enough to make you a successful entrepreneur. I know that sounds harsh but being in business is not a nine to five job as it is a career instead to be self employment. You make the right decades of decisions in business that make you a recognized success or you flop and go to the unemployment line.. So choose your synergy well which will make you a long term success in business is the best thing to do..
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Credit Crunch
Well i think it certainly is interesting that my favorite business channel Bloomberg has missed the boat on the credit problem. It used to be that business in America could borrow cheap money to expand with new products or services. These companies shared one conman theme which is easy access to credit financing without the headache of higher interest rates. Lots of things have changed to where banks and lenders have greatly tightened the noose on businesses obtaining loans. This has come as a result of the Federal Reserve printing more money, fewer loans and climbing interest rates. You add in the Federal Reserve mismanagement of monetary policy which has caused banks to consolidate or go under water on their balance sheets. This all packages up to be that business in America has gone overseas to other countries more favorable tax and credit structure. This is why we have a growing unemployment in the nations workforce because business is being overtaxed,over regulated and credit availability has dropped to a all time low. If you want to make American business function to full capacity you have to fix several problems which are making it harder to do business in this country. The credit problem is choking the life of American business which is the blood of America itself. Yesterday I was watching the nations debt crisis playing out over the mainstream news channels and i thought what about the businesses of America don't they count for something. After all we are the engine that makes America great both large and small business vendors. If you empower business in America then you can solve many of the economic and political problems that this country is currently facing.
Monday, October 14, 2013
Market Rally..
I know that most people would be more willing to bailout on a market that hands down this year a loser. I am sure that some will sit in their office chair laughing at my following comments. You see that i am a contrarian market investor who has consistently beaten the market with a three to one market average. I am not bragging here but while most of the herd has run out the door losing their portfolios i made money. The facts speak for themselves while everyone bailed out on bad stocks and junk bonds i bought in at every bottom curve in the market. I have made myself a growing income including certian circle of business people. I have used this same power investment strategy in business,stocks and real estate to beat the competition meanwhile they failed. The fact that some people in my business have objections and skepticism have quickly discovered that my formula works. They are shocked that they never tried this to make money on their own. The fact is I am revealing exciting information that most corporate gurus know about. The rest of mainstream people don't know this why you have a huge difference between rich and poor is information. So if you have the information and the will to carry it out you can rise from regular blue collar job to Gulf Stream jet money bags.. Food for thought for those people who don't believe you can make a better life for yourself and your family..
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Return to Blog..
Well it certainly is not a happy thing for me to have to temporary be absent from this blog here again this year. The good news is with some new equipment upgrade it is easier now to manage doing this for you the readership. I am going to continue where i left off early this year with more financial news and predictions . So I am going back to my style that everyone loves which is to be the economic pundit.. Begin looking for new exclusive exciting articles and viewpoints about business,stock investment and of course financial items of interest. Have a great day..
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Hospital Visit
I apologize for not posting here to my loyal readers but I have been in the hospital..I just got out of the hospital Wednesday evening and hopefully I am getting well sooner..
Thanks for your continued support of this blog and my businesses..
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Cheap Imports
Good morning I hope that everyone is ready to make money today.. I got to thinking a lot about how global trade effects America versus our foreign competition. I know you think this means I am going to rant on some tangent about our competition. Truth is our foreign competition mostly is beating us at our own game in all the markets worldwide. Trade is a hot button issue which is important to every business no matter how big or small you are in the pond. The problem is that our competition is beating us by production of cheaper products that they are flooding the market with all them worldwide. OK. You say well it's alright that China combined with Europe have a sizeable lead but we make good products that the world wants to buy. This is the problem we have not figured out how to market our products that will compete with these powerful trade pacts and countries like China and Germany. My thought is we need to rethink how we market our products with a clear message to our customers worldwide showing them the advantages of buying American. If you do make quality products which we definately do that here in America then your buyers shouldn't be buying from your competition. When we can as American business fix this problem so that cheaper products made in China,Malaysia and Germany don't beat our products on the world markets. I think then we will begin to end the massive trade deficit and imbalance that currently exits which is hurting our economy.
Friday, March 15, 2013
Market Predictions
Good morning to all my faithful readers of this blog. Well I hooked another anonymous scoop this day which I want to share with you. You see I am a research fanatic when it involves both business and investment. This time I pulled off a really interesting find when looking over the chart data this morning.. Most of the best financial gurus missed this one by a long shot but I found it. So here it is while the market is on a rocket ship ride past 14 thousand and could go much higher this year. The little known thing I found shows a very steep drop coming before mid year of June. So while it is great to ride the wave of green in your portfolio you better have a bottle of tums soon because the market is going do a reverse course correction. Many investors are going to get hurt by this crash when it hits a bottom of about 500 points.. This is not a flash crash but instead a permanent correction in the market due to poor home sales,weakness in the economy and climbing interest rates. So just invest in a broad range of both stocks and bonds that will weather this kind of market correction. By doing this you will limit your market risk which you need to do so you bullet proof your portfolio and your current investments..
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Work Break
This is the most emotional for your employees the three mandatory half hour break times every day. The thing that really as a employer you can do to improvement of this time useage is to offer more options. You see any smart business man knows that in order to keep employees happy you have to add more benefits.These benefits can be a video game system,free lunch and other things that will increase employee loyalty. Giving never hurts when your trying to build a business and your employees are a important part of your business just as much as your customers. So the next time your management teams comes to you to say you need to make changes think about addition of some of these corporate important improvements.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
News Channel ..
Yup, it is your financial guru and resident critical tactical business analyst. I just want to rave this morning over my newest ventures with my news channel. You see I have done it again a empire builder.. Oh No!! I can hear the criticism already from other business people and Wall Street investment analysts. You see I have quietly been creating a global news service which is growing in popularity. The facts speaks for themselves according to social media and Google demographic data which I track regularly. Norton News Corporation is on track to become a mainstream media outlet ..Yes, you heard me right this is a global news and information service that will eventually compete with the regular giants like CNN,Fox,ABC etc. Sounds really great to achieve this but I have been building corporate America for most of my life. This is a challenge for me to do with so many good sources of news out there but this is something I want to be offering on a global scale.. So, this year I started this news service to provide just that to a global educated audience..
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Stock Market Upswing ..
Good morning to all you early birds it is the fearless critic here. Has anyone seen the run the stock market made this week? Well it sure is impressive to run up 200 to 300 points gain and maintain that momentum all week. Normally you might get this kind of run following a sharp decline which would be a flash run up or down course corresponding to the way the market correction. This is different this week with a boat load of good economic data. You combine this with the news from the Federal Reserve bank that they are going to cut the discount rate a half a percentage point. The third part that has added more good to the economy is the news from the chairman that they are going to print and pump more money into the economic system. This has fueled Wall Street investors to buy heavy into the market this week. Normally investment gurus like myself are sceptical about the market based on long term experience. This time I have to say I am pleased with the upswing which gives plenty of opportunity to make money if you are investing in blue chips and staying away from bonds. Buying into solutions in stocks that are considered solid proformers like Boeing and Verizon is a wise choice. So, I recommend that everyone jump into the market and go make yourself some quick easy profits this week while the upswing rally continues..
Have a great profitable day.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Support People
I frequently harp on important issues here that are something that most business people don't pay attention to while being a corporate guru. You see in business good people make you money and bad people cost you lots of money when you employ them. So the backbone of any good business is your support people who do marketing,sales,tech and customer service. Yes, every good owner or manager knows that if you want to grow a successful business you need a highly skilled and trained support workforce. This unfortunately is where most companies fail to recognize that you need these types of people. You should as a management promote these types of people since the best possible future chief of operations or another type position would best be filled with a lower level with higher technical expertise. By using skilled workers you increase your productivity but reduce your overall costs of doing business. So does it work?? Yes, you need to tap your labor pool to find out who can do what within your company. A good start to finding out your companies strength is by using a internal survey distribution to all your employees. If you can't do that ask them on social media to respond to a employees survey online. You need to know these items so that you can make a proper management decision with every employee you have working for you. Simply put the support people will grow your business meanwhile costing you less than if you have to train some new outstander. Then the decision becomes easy to make with regarding who is a right fit for your company and what employees are just excess bags.. Think of these things next time you walk past the employees in your business doing your employees review process..
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Milestone ..
Well I could be happy with a lot of things but I really have to rave about this blog has achieved another milestone. Yup your hearing me right I just looked at the profile report this morning and I must say thanks to all growing world wide readership. This blog averaged readership is 43 counties and growing give or take some depending on the needs of the massive amount of people that come to read this blog.page. Not to shabby considering that I started this blog because one of my former women business assistants in my company suggested that I should share some knowledge online. In my usual fashion I said well that sounds interesting but I don't think I have the time nor the patience to sit down to write anything. Well,here it is now that she proved me wrong with this blog by the interest that everyone has shown over it's life cycle. I want to publicly thank Cassady Hurd and Karen Brownelle both my former business assistants for their valuable input with our company. Their contribution to the ideas of creative blogging have definitely shown a need by our company to include blogging as a essential part of our brand management. So congratulations to both of them and good luck on all your new ventures.
The President and CEO
Business Phyco graphics
This morning I starting my day with the usually busy things to get done including sipping my morning coffee. Then it hit me I thought not many things in business really deal with the phyco graphics issue which really has a big important impact on customers purchasing a products or services. Well, what is phyco graphics? Good Question ... It is the collection of different emotional thoughts and responses to a various amount of data collection pertaining to a product or service. In other words if you buddy tells you that when your going to buy a car for instance he has a good deal and no problems with his Chevrolet Malibu. Chances are your going to go out to a Chevrolet Dealer to look at all the different models available for sale on the show room floor.. Then your going to remember the comments of your buddy and go ask the sales person to sit in a Chevrolet Malibu. After looking around at all the other manufacturers and models of cars your most likely to go back and buy the Chevrolet Malibu because it has a reputation for being a good car and higher brand value than say a Toyota Camry. This is a example of brand based customer phyco graphics in which the feeling of a person,family and friends influences every purchase they make in their lifetime. Every business must include this in any marketing program to create a brand that well known for value,quality and being affordable to the customer. This is essential to building a brand that will sell itself by having a long term product or service life cycle. Simply put if your brand is well known for to the prospective customer for being worth the money chances are the customer will buy your product over and over again meanwhile recommending it to others to purchase it. This reduces your advertising and marketing budget in your business by having a brand that is known for as good investment.. Consider this to be essential to growth in any business for your company to beat your competition by knowledge of your customers demographics and phyco graphics.
Have a great day..
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Business politics
I my usual fashion of trying to bring the truth to both business and investment worlds I sometimes have to add a new ideas to everything. Today is one of those days where I am going to tackle the other side of what business and investment van do to help.the community. So here is all the bananas in a one boat load for you to think of at the same time. LOL .. OK .. To do business and investment means that you make money which makes everyone happy and successful. However the downside of what most business and investment people do is be greedy so they never turn to helping the community that made them wealthy. I know your thinking here dude that is not true most business and investors give back through charity contributions to their community. The unfamiliar truth to most people is that greed runs high in the growing amount of people with financial wealth. In fact the people surprisingly who give the least to help the community is one top ten percent of the worlds most financially successful people. So giving to the community and charity organizations is good as a investment and great public relations for your business. In fact by giving to the community you reduce your marketing and communications by giving your business a good name for the giving it does to support the community. Consider this the next best marketing tool when your sales and marketing department tryouts new ideas to lure in new customers to your business
Have a great day..
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Market Gain
I often like to poke fun at the pundits most of them are very critical of my market analysis. Today I think I will just point out something that is beginning to be a narrow but important trend in investimg. You see while a lot of the big guys who are institutional investors are ingnoring the facts while some smaller guys are making big gains by buying alternative energy stocks and bonds. Yup, that's right while most of the herd guzzles down expensive technology stocks some smart guys are putting their money into green energy. I will be the first one to say that while it is not attractive looking part of the market compared to say big technology stocks like IBM and Cisco but it sure does make a lot of money. You see that even some big names like Warren Buffet have started to really realize that you have to look for new investments. This is the right place to invest your money so that you make a consistent profit even if it becomes a bear market. That is the beautiful part of this that no matter which way the market goes up or down your still a winner. Why?? Well Green energy is the present and is here to stay including more users and technology that is being put into use every day. So with that thought in mind it is a solid investment that will continue to grow with more products,producers and higher demand for total consumption with this industry.
Happy investimg and have a great day.
Monday, February 18, 2013
Stock Futures
Good morning my fair weather robbins I hope your day is a gourmet breakfast feast with plans to.make money. As you know I am the fearless investment guru who pulls the punches on high volume investments on the market daily. Today I thought I would share something with all my readership about making money on stock futures.Yup it sounds silly to think that you as a investor can bet and hedge on future things on the market but hold your britches up because you really can do it. I know your already muttering to yourself saying I am nuts that for certain this time I have lost my mind. Just a minute there party of readers while I pause to sip my morning Java boy does that taste good today. OK .. Here's the thing guys and gals you can make money on futures with a not so well known instrument called ETF (Exchange Trading Funds) which has just as much value as the physical stock or bond but without the bear risk involved. I am not saying that it is bullet proof from market swinging but as a short term investment vehicle it beats the market by about a five to one margin reliablility. Not to shabby for just owning a piece of paper that can be bought and sold many times in almost assured your going to make double or triple your original investment back in a short time. What I am saying is if you want to make money on the market you need to reduce your hyper inflation risk so you increase your portfolio instead of losing your shirt. To the small investor this is really important since capital investment is usually small so it is easy to lose it all in a bear market or with market flash crashes which sometimes happens even to the wisest investors. It is important to know when to invest but you need to know what is good investments in the market with a large volume of choices to pick from stocks,bonds,ETF,mutual funds and the lists continues. So be a contrarian by buying into solutions that group your portfolio into a winning combination of a broad spectrum of investments so you keep your risk low. If you do this your going to.make money on your portfolio by consistantly beating the market no matter how much bear or bull swing your faced with daily.. Have a great day now..Smile ....
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Unintentional Absence..
I just want to post to here to apologize for.my absence from regular posting to.this blog but due to management of lots of new projects at the same time I have not posted to this blog recently. Sometimes other things get in the way of keeping up with this blog so I am just a very busy person. However I am going to change the posting schedule so that it does post important things using the auto post option on this blog. Many readers over the years have comment statements suggesting that I should consider additional media output through useable networks. I have to some degree done that with this blog but not done all of it to current date. In between my busy schedule I will began to add these new networks to increase the function of this blog. Hopefully everyone will have a positive response to the new changes that I am making which reflects the comments as you the readers of this blog. I tip my glass in toast to you as my readership of this blog with a big smile to have a really great day.
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