Monday, December 28, 2015

Holiday Season

I hope that everyone is having a enjoyable holiday season with peace,your family,friends getting together with you to share this important time. I have to post a correction by the way from last post I made a mistake in which I stated that this blog has over 30,000 global readers. I am sorry for incorrect statement it's actually 17,000 plus readers global according to my numbers listed at bottom of blog here. Thank you to all my business,investment readers who make this blog worth publishing...

Have a Blessed Day,

John Norton

Friday, December 18, 2015

Feeling Illness

I am sorry to all my loyal blog reader for not posting anything about stock markets and business analysis. Unfortunately I have and still feeling not well (illness)  is got me for about two weeks over a barrel so I haven't been doing much to provide the critical analysis that everyone has come to expect from this blog. I will definitely resume doing posting here when I feel good again. I thank you loyal global readership of more than 30,000 that read this blog daily. I hope you'll be understanding of the serious nature of why I haven't been posting anything to this blog..
Thank you,
John Norton

Monday, November 9, 2015

Market Monday 11/09/2015

I hope this finds everyone doing great today. I haven't been able to write here because of being busy so I am critical focus here. Ok everyone lets get into how things are going with the broad spectrum indexes both in America and international. Well,this day started pretty normal as folks woke up to Monday morning business combination with checking their portfolios. Then the market opens with a bit of jitters about new Federal bank rate hike concerns. Then fueled by cheaper light sweet crude oil prices shifted markets in America Dow,NASDAQ etc to a downward spiral. If that isn't enough to make you want to puke,pulling the selling trigger,then maybe your very unusual. You see most got a moment of being dumb struck panic,following the heroes of herds, running away from a market crash. So once panic set in everyone just went with playing follow the idiots leading the bears going downhill. When it's all financial ruins for your portfolios you don't want to stick your hero head in the sand pretending everything going to be alright cause it's not. My wife Pamela famous for hammering into people the truth and I am no exception. A truly big blessing having a wonderful women in my life. Ok ok I know our personal life isn't why you subscribe here to this blog. So let's continue with market analysis so everyone can see what is happening. Hard core factors in play today that are very important to where were heading this week. Well oil is one two China economy is in a slump except for export market dumping of cheap products which drives prices up in foreign countries. Three weaknesses in global markets underpinning are directly effected by American and European markets So everything with  this contributed today to a 176.48 downward turn on the Dow,this combines with European uncertainties about Great Britain position being continued put everyone into panic. Some simple Monday monsoon analysis always helps cheer people up..Ya right! !Where we seriously going this week your asking? ? I think it's not going to be roses but instead more likely mixed with just peachy. We going to get critical by saying that the markets are going to have some important bright spots with energy,new home sales,banking but investors are going to cringe at what they see happen as the week continues. So be prepared continue market volatile sell off until it's peak about Thursday middle of day. So put on your rain coat be prepared to get very wet. From middle day Thursday to Friday bell close is going prove interesting for rain hardy investors. I think even with weak underpinning the markets are going to gain above the neckline about 25 points green. While it's not the sweet spot investors hoping for to happen it's certainly going to help. Just remember the old addage buy lots low sell at the top will make you a merry mere increasing fortune.

Have a Great Day,

Ps. Very tired to edit this so I am.just posting it as is going to get dinner,put my feet up.
Usually edit thought..

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Market Watch 10/212015

Good morning to all my great business people,investors who are eagerly making money. Lets talk about what's happening in market news today,then I'll give my analysis on this week. First up on today's markets news is the Dow is up in green plus category with 18.34 the other broad US markets indexes are down with average about 27.0; points overseas European markets are taking a hard hit with the average point down slide 40.00 the German DAX is taking the worst hit with 100.19 points vertical slump. Lets look at Asia markets we see mixed bag with average shift both sides of underpinning shows 21 point modesty down on my last morning checking it. So what's the effects?  Why?  Ok. Here we go!! Analyst I am going to state the unpleasant truth serum. Global markets are reached a platinum plateau last week,now we got the everyone reaching for the Rolaids to calm those jangled nerves. You see the market has a nasty habit of sending signals that people think oh I think everything is going to rosey until you've looked at the identification,identical charts side by side then it becomes clear if you bought on a market hiccup that was a temporary green light. Yes,all of a sudden the light switch in you is on says oh no I screwed myself with buying all that stock. You gotta be tough when you buy investments it's all about a window of winning to losing ratio. You got to look at the charts carefully before you pulling the buy trigger to get it right. You want to add a income right?  Well then that means you got to rack up wins not mounting loss should be available average about 80 to 20 ratio. You do this kind of strategic layer in your investment portfolios your going to solidly beat the broad market indexes. Happy money is better than a empire based on empty pockets and a fat beer belly. Yup their a point to that ending statement.

Hope you have a fantastic day,

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Posting temporary suspension

I am sorry to my loyal readers,video watchers who depend on this blog for important weekly information concerning business and investment. I have put this on the lower part of my to do list for about the last two months. I am going to post this week starting on a regular basis as I was doing Monday,Wednesday,Friday schedule so be prepared for this to happen. Hope everyone is having a really great day..
John N.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Stock Advisor Report

This stock advisor report is for Friday 09/18/2015 with market conclusion based on broad indexes globally.

Click the YouTube link or
Go to YouTube channel (Yaway2)

Have a great Day. .

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Wednesday Investment Report

This is my stock investment report for Wednesday 09/15/2015

Please click the link or
Go to YouTube channel (Yaway2)
You'll find video post on my channel.

Have a great day.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Business Journal

I have decided to restart my weekly business video magazine due to lots of requests for it. Previously it gained lots on popularity on YouTube for me doing it. Well,now you can go to YouTube channel (Yaway2) Business Journal to watch my video magazine ever week. I will post it for everyone to watch it so look for information that will help you with your businesses.

Take care,
Have a awesome day.

Monday Stock Investment Report -(09/14/2015)

Hello, blog readers watch my YouTube video online now for Monday. Yes, unfortunately it's late due to being busy here, so it includes Monday and Tuesday this week.
Hope everyone finds it interesting to watch.
Note ; YouTube channel (Yaway2)

Have a great day..

Here is the Link,

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Friday Market Watch 09/11/2015

This week my market predictions have had technology hiccups unfortunately which is why my report is late.  Yes I am publishing the on Saturday do to the fact that my technology has been causing a problem. I am late in posting this report to this blog here but you'll see a few interesting market changes. I want to first start off with how the market has reacted all this week to all the volume. You do see a a lot changes in how the market started up the first of the week. Now you have numerous changes on the bottom of the markets that caused the downturn. Lets look at the causes for why this happens so everyone knows what to look at in charting it. The week set off on a course of plummeting mania with the jitters over the new fed jobs report which shows a small increase in additional new jobs added for working Americans. Then you tee off at the fairway shooting a angle slice right into the tree. Investment advisors looking at all the data coming at them tell dumb smucks that don't really read charts to market bailout. Then you got the institution guys who got scared about their government pension plans panic stricken head for the exit door. Worldwide others in the banks combined with bell weathers big money types of investors just held their ground. The end result is what you see mostly everyone got scared,panicked and sold their positions in their portfolio. The exit continuation from Monday became a monsoon downpour by the close of bell of Friday end of business day on Wall Street. You see that the Dow dropped average about 265 points on the charting index table with the NASDAQ,Standard and Poors all following suit down below the belt line. True to what China has learned about Wall Street panic herd mentality it started buying up tons of American debt and cheap stock  investments. This just worsened everyone worrying thinking that China going to leverage buy on the pain that everyone else's feeling in their portfolios. It will be interesting to see what happens after Labor Day vacation when everyone has to face the grim facts of their portfolios losses.  I think sensibly the first day Tuesday will wipe out most of last weeks losses with some information coming out that will raise speculations of global market gains. The fact of such a rosey picture will quickly fade away by Wednesday when common sense returns to the herd. You'll definitely see by Thursday a return to gloomy output and more people buying Rolaids to stop the pain of a downhill skiing without ski poles. So what about Friday you ask? ? Good question. . A totally flipped flop on the markets globally will effectively change the herds direction on Wall Street to thinking that sweet roses and wine has come back in morning only to get clobbered later in the day by another tidal wave of bad news from the Fed Bank and the Treasury Department on the health report on the American economy. This ones going to make people really pause and consider where we are heading in which direction. The smart people with the right tools are going to hedge their risk and opt. to stay in the markets waiting for the next leg up in valuation. Following the herd will certainly do one thing it will get you stepping on running which ever direction they are moving. You got to be smart by doing yourself a favor and follow your own charts hedgehog your own risks in the positions you own. This will make you a winner instead of a stampede of investors feeling sick over all their mounting losses.

HaVe a GrEaTe DaY..

Note:  Watch the YouTube video link for Friday September 11,2015.

Friday Market Watch (September 12,2015)

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Wednesday (Economic Troubles)

This news Wednesday is coming to you later than I expected to post it I took a few days vacation from here to catch up on other important issues at hand. Now to the important impact that I see with market analysis combined with the state of that economy. Here we go with the unappealing facts we are facing coming at us soon. 1. Global sell signs again are evident everywhere that contortions in the economy are going to happen again Why? We already gone through one global markets distortion and then subsequent market vortex vertical drop with China combined with other economic power nations selling off everything. 2. Markets reached a knee jerk reactions global by a deeper gut wrenching sellout that sent the markets plunging downhill with no approach landing on a airport. 3. Jobs report within the last month shows weakness in new employment data adding below average performance registers only about 400,000 new jobs for current quarter. This adds to the current misery index of wages in America didn't keep pace with overall inflation currently. 5. The overall GDP is down by about 4 percent which is a performance predictor of economic health. 6.Federal Reserve going to jack up the discount rate to another appalling rate hike of possible 9 percent.  You add all this up with unpopular underpins in chart data currently it's all spells out another deeper crash coming starting within the next few weeks ahead. This one is going to hurt globally most particularly American investors who didn't plan for this happening. Sound the warning bells by the time economic TV networks and Wall Street figures it out their going to late to avoid the gigantic tidal wave hit them. So what do I do you ask?  Well you could take the idiots approach by leaving everything as is in your portfolio doing a buy and hold strategy. Your going get creamed with substantial loss in devastating devaluation of your net worth. You could just be a different kind of investor who follows the herd which ever way the wind blows. Your going to get cry foul as you get crushed by a stampede running away out the exit door while the financial TV networks tell you everyone's going to be alright. Now for the smart students of investment who do their education by following the data not emotional suicide. You got to screw your head on straight with logic by waiting for the bottom of the crash to happen. Only sell spare stocks,bondsT-Bills etc. that are losing money over a long time, you don't need them. Convert them into usable net worth that you can reinvestment when you buy in big at the bottom of the markets. This will increase your stake in the investments you buy overall because now you got exactly what you need extra money to invest. If you use this structure strategy then your going to beat the markets ever time by a huge margin. Don't be a lame duck who portrayed success, then reached a plateau of stupidity and flopped on the pavement crying foul. Do it smart young wisdom and knowledge, look at your data,use your charting capacities,make common sense decisions, you'll make a growing fortune while the rest of the herd went broke.

Take Care,
Have a Great Day..

Remember:  Wealth is a factor of knowledge and how you use it.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Friday Markets

I am sitting here writing this post the markets closed up today but globally the sell signals are still happening. I am going make it really short that the global market selling will slow down. You will begin to see next Monday a larger course correction going upswing gaining about 100 points. This will bring hope to investors who lost big in the markets earlier this week. It's a roller coaster ride to the bottom last week going downhill hitting a low of 588 or more on the broad market indexes. What a week for investors who didn't learn anything from my blog corner of the world. The smart readers tuning into my blog used my information gain traction in the downturn making money. The other poor saps on both Well Street and Main Street lost their shirts going bankrupt. It pays to be informed when you really want to make money in a bear market. I want to apologize to my readers this week for not posting on my regular Monday Wednesday,Friday schedule. I normally do post here but I am busy this week so I haven't been doing it as I normally do. Hope everyone has a nice weekend and read my post Monday.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Friday Market Wrap Up

Well, today we see that my predictions of mud slides in the markets actually turned into a larger amount of downhill vertical free fall this morning. I predicted that the bears are going to go cracked up crazy selling everything they have trying to get out the exit door with the herd all getting crushed in the process. I am right as usual with the Dow Jones posting current data at 141.15 minus dive in the pit head first. Then you'll have to add like I predicted the NASDAQ,Standards and Poors etc all hitting the accelerator going down to pit with it. Yup, you think that's bad at the time of writing this blog post just look at the global markets they all have followed suit going average from 100 to 535 points doing a verified vertical nose dive. You got to bailout everyone the crazy bears are driving drunk drunk wanting to bailout..Oh wait a minute that right I am a contrarian I just remembered.. I got to thinking for a moment about all my emotional state with the mountain of losses in my positions in my portfolio.. I am so emotional I panicked like the rest of the herd running for the exit door crushing everyone on the way out. No. I just regained composed mental state now I am thinking rational here about all the good deals that this crazy crash is offering me. While everyone is popping Rolaids and drinking whiskey running away feeling pain I am looking at all the cheap deals in stocks,bonds and other investment vehicles available this morning. Your losses folks that your getting punished with in the markets I am busy in buying frenzy for me raking in profit like it's cotton candy. I am buying cheap and selling it on the margin shorting the stocks, bonds ETF etc making money. The more important longer term dividend payers I am buying at frenzy sweeping cheap beaten down investments into my portfolios. While the globe is saying how much everything sucks in the investment world I am filled with hot joy laughing all my way to the bank. I guess you get my strategy I love a market drop when it happens like this today. I am getting wealthy on other poor suckers misery index where the markets do mud slides downhill.. I can't wait for it to drop 300 or 500 points then I will increase my positions to becoming the Warren Buffett of market wealth.. Let's ride today with me in the driver seat while you'll be singing and whistling Dixie meanwhile everyone else is got out their crying towel..

Have a Awesome Day..

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Mid Week Markets

Good morning all you investors filled with fear and shedding those tears on the down hill slope..I hope you're putting on your skiing equipment correctly because we've achieved free fall plummet on the markets today at opening of the bell for trading. The Dow Jones Industrial is up in heavy trading with a market cap at present of 17511.34 as I am writing this piece. That's the good news first but now here is the crying towel for everyone portfolios. The Dow and Nasdaq both reports down 35.84 on average below the belt which is certainly causing jangled nerves on investors who worrying about their pension and retirement plans. Well, lets see how I am doing so far with my predictions on market analysis this week? Ok..Let's recap I said we are going to have a bright beginning on Monday but watch out for the Bears who are going to run away with the cake as the week continues. I hate to say the truth but you know I am going to say it anyway, that hope you've got a whole roll of Rolaids for your nervous stomach this week. Put on the skiing skills your going to need it were going downhill folks with the markets this week. Better consider investment in bonds and safe haven investments until we get a course correction. It's only going to get worse before the course correction happens this month. Usually this correction happens on a Monday or Tuesday towards beginning of the month but August is really showing  a lot of market volume with volatility below the belt line underpins. To put it into perspective it's horrible for the normal investor who is charting any gains out of the markets this month. Then you get people like me who are controlled contrarians who love to watch the markets tank. Time to get in the market when everyone else is saying how awful everything is doing bailout. While people are losing their shirts on skiing downhill not me I am cleaning up on cheap beaten down stocks. You see being a contrarian is different you gotta know when to pull the buy triggers to get the good deals. You have to chart the buy signals on the markets when you see the the spike then you see the crisis set in when the spider bite hurts at the peak and the stock is out of gas, then you see the revving engine doing free fall in the stock sinking like the Titanic. When you see this on a Bears market you pull the triggers and get out your broom to start sweeping in the cheap sweet broken stocks. You can even do this with short term gains in ETF and repeat the same succession in bonds too. Button down investment isn't easy but then being a sensible investor takes years of research combined with sometimes getting killed on your portfolio positions to really realize you'll have to do it right. I always harp on doing your research carefully using all your characteristic charting data. You really need to develop a model of your positions that create a policy that puts you in the drivers seat. How do you do this you asking me? Taking your chart data for all your investment positions and then start making lifecycle charts for all the investments you presently own. I will tell you when your finished doing it compare it to your investment plan then the shock factor will set it realizing how many mistakes your making in your portfolio. I suggest at this point you'll start making changes by dumping underpaid and under performing stocks, bonds in your portfolio. You still need to have the usually core important diverse dividend paying stocks that do the heavy lifting keeping you adding money to your portfolio. It's critical to consider which diverse dividend payers are making sufficient money to keep them too. By following these simple investment principles you'll guarantee a 80 20 success ratio gains in your investments. You'll be the leader in your positions and overall portfolio meanwhile everyone else is a stupid sucker who didn't do their homework. Don't paste sucker on your forehead do everything right and you'll beat both the bulls and bears at their own game on the markets.

Have a Blessed Day..

Monday, August 17, 2015

Monday Stock Report

Hello my business and investor friends I have some interesting news to be happy about that I want to share it with all of you. Remember my prediction last week about a upward market movement? Well  here it is today just as I said it would happen with the behavior of the big boys of herd running hot and heavy investing in cheaper market stocks. Yes, Monday really is at 2:30pm today a bright picture with most all the indexes posting a whopping 35 point gain on all US markets. This is certainly really important to note considering last week we all got bludgeoned to a pulp as the Dow,NASDAQ and S And P took a seriously bad nose dive on bad economic news. The Treasury T-Bill and other government both short and long term notes are changed to a higher increase standard. Then you add another chink in the financial armor when the Fed decided to add another 1.5 percentage points to the discount lending rate. This just fueled the fire last week to send the shivers of woes through major market investors causing the herd to change course with a bundle of jangled nerves. Yup folks visions of another 100 plus point crash sent everyone running for the exit door to bailing out. Not so this week I think this is a course correction that will certainly last longer with more underarm support front overseas investors who win see a good opportunity to buy cheaper technology beaten down stocks. Don't forget that last week those same stocks were seriously undervalued giving many options for contrarian investors like myself to buy in big beaten down stock. The old adage is still true that if you want to make money on your portfolio then buy cheap below the belt and sell above the neckline is the way to do it. True there is many ways to make money on your portfolio positions but not all of them work to your advantage. You always got to do common sense investment by doing your careful research looking at McD and underpinned link lines. It's very important to look at stock curves to see if the stock your charting is going upward or going down like the Titanic in the cesspool tank..Note that if you've done your projection charts correct in combination with current market data you'll be better in a position to pull the buy trigger when stock is a good buy. I always find this works for me when involved in investment in a controversy type stock or bond. Thinking carefully about your short term and long term portfolio plan before you ever put your hard earned money into the markets is a important thing to do. Create a investment plan for not short and long term will help you achieve your stated goals. I get regular questions and comments asking for advice on how and where to correctly invest your financial net worth. The answer is you have to decide in the beginning what you want to achieve and go pursuing it in the positions your holding. Now to what you'll see this week?? I think looking at my charting here it's really conclusive that this week will see a few bumps in the road. Market investors will react to news coming from the political front including some economic news that will cause Wall Street to reach for the container of Rolaids to soothe upset stomach nerves. We will achieve a plateau on Wednesday with another next level upswing but by Friday you'll see markets level out to a steady 15 point average above the baseline. So what's going to decide this factor will be good economic numbers from the real estate with a sharp increase in new home sales. You will see additional important information from housing sector with a report on first time home buyers upside data spurring growth. Let's see what type of victory were going to sing at the end of business close bell ring on the Dow Jones Friday afternoon.

Have a Great Day.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Economic News

Well last week was admittedly a real big flop on blogging due to feeling illness. This put my ordinary writing on this blog back to the stone age which didn't help my normal readers stay informed about stock markets and business. Today my readers here I am going to do a lot of market analysis giving you the necessary details for my predictions for the beginning of this week. Yes, there is a lot of new trends in the market for this for this week and month that I you want to know. The first thing I want everyone to know about there's a market downswing last week is that its a short term trend. Today is Monday it's 12:15 p.m you're seeing a total reversal in the markets from last week with certain gains being posted on technology sector. Looking at current underpinnings popular stocks show more volatility due to economic worries which is driving everything earlier this week week. As this week goes on you will see greater market stability happen as more technology companies get there stock earnings reports that will bring some good news . First quarter earnings reports for major companies in America shows a mild increase and overall better  profitability than last year. Year 2014 earnings reports where a disaster for corporate America with major companies losing big on the Dow Jones combined with being  clobbered by weakening of the Dollar. You add a larger problem with cheap imports from China and Malaysia etc this drove American business to a all time low in corporate earnings. This year so far is significantly different with more important upside to smile about in American business. You see it in every sector of business posting growth that is above the neckline on all available current data which certainly is good news for bankers,investors and CEO of major companies. I think your going to see more volume in the major markets because the economy is getting better this year. Yes, your going see continued volatile data make investors and business running away temporarily from investing. This is a shorter trend because the factor that drives this is the banks and the Federal Reserve. Let's face it last year credit was scarce to obtain and banks weren't into lending for new business start ups in year 2014. Totally different this year most businesses are making a profit and corporate overhead is down making a better favorable climate for business. So the current direction we are heading American business and the Dow Jones will definitely profit more this month on the short term. The long haul is not written yet so we will have to see what happens with big business in the third quarter this year.

Have a Great Day.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Business, Stock Market Updates

Good morning, my awesome inspired readers of this blog, I hope were all excited to get out there making some big green bucks. Well without further a do I am hitting the pavement running this morning with some news and predictions to report here. First piece of the financial picture is that this morning the market snapshot isn't favored for the buyer of stocks. Looking at the markets everyone is down by a large points volume. Wall Street still continues a selling binge as it did last week with both large institution and corporate investors bailing out of the markets. The reason for this sell signal on the markets is in advance of corporate tech companies reports for this quarter. Technology company earnings for this quarter are down which is also causing the herd to feel insecure about stock future,ETF and mainstream technology stocks. The added with the underpinnings on the markets still shows a shaky downhill curve on market data charts. This all contributes to investors continue to move their portfolios to safety havens like T Bills government bonds and shorting cheap stocks to make money. This may sound like a prescription for a roll of. Rolaids but when you've looked at the charting characteristics for this early week you'll understand why people are bailing out. The woes persist from last week with more bad news in corporate earnings still on it's way. You combine this change with the dollar up 1.64 against most all the other global currencies except China this is causing flat economic GDP performance on the index. Market speculators are pushing profits into other safety havens to avoid a sudden market contortion that will hurt their long term investments. You add it up this week is pretty much going to continue the same with radical shifting of wealth into a safety zone. This is what I see happen so far and I don't see that going to change until maybe after corporate profit reports come out. When all this happens you might see some market indexes upswing but it won't be a radical climb given the overall pressure of the woes in the current economy.

Let's all become Billionaires!!

Friday, July 17, 2015

Important Friday News

The markets are about to close for this week with some important news to report to my investment and business readership I am not one to delay this new trend in the markets today so here's the nuts and bolts. We started this week with the markets overall under the benchmark of the neckline on most of the indexes. Yes, some bright spots happened this week but after those faded into the background Wall Street players went on a selling binge. The reason for the sell signals is very clear with a lot of major stocks losing their position being down average 20 points. Meanwhile small time investors chose to put their money into the short term bonds market waiting to see which way the indexes are moving. Most investors playing it safe this week chosen important investment vehicles like ETF and T Bills included to avoid market down shifting. The dollar posted some gains against the Yen,Dauchemark,Pound and other global currency this week. This contributed to a slow reversal mid week on some stocks but overall it's not enough to change the below average stocks at close of trading bell Friday today. What'll happen next week I am convinced by looking at the charts data is hot markets upward movement with a lot of roses to take advantage of next week. Your going to see a sunny side up of the markets underpinnings which will contribute to a above the neckline performance. Large investors will buy heavy in the telecom,oil,gas,utilities and cheap underwater stocks to drive the markets to a rally about 80 points by middle week. This is going to be driven by other important news about the presidential campaign and other hot economic data will further the cheers on the market rally. This is what I see for next weeks market prolonged market upswing. Let's see if I am right and have a great weekend.

Have a Blessed Day..

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Market Investment Watching

Well I gotta toot my horn because again my prediction about the markets was really accurate. Let's rewind to last week when I said that the Dow Jones world be down about 20 points on the spectrum index. The NASDAQ,Russell 500,1000 and other indexes globally would react to a Wall Street herd mentality running away from the markets with selling frenzy  Looking at the numbers you could easily see that after vacation people got serious about major investment strategy. The shift in the markets reached an all time low on points percentage on Thursday. You witnessed a slight upward in the markets closing out the week. The entire underpinnings effectively changed and capped the performance on major markets on Wall Street by Friday's closing bell.The bright spots in the economic news is that specific upscale  companies like Boeing,Microsoft,Google posted gains which helped the Dow climb out of some of hole from earlier in the week. The NASDAQ reached a reactive point by posting a slightly better positive gains of about 10 points above the neckline. So, here it is a new beginning week for investors, so what do we have to look forward to on the charting of the markets? This is seriously a no brainer folks looking at Wall Street what things are changing the markets this week.You have a global nuclear deal with Iran,OPEC oil price changes for light sweet crude,finance ministers of oil producing nations agreement on production quotas,new real estate  number in America,Federal SEC commissioner appointment which are involved in the overall effects for the startup of this week. Well since I am the great market prognostic guru blogger. This is my prediction for how this week is going to efficiently change the broader market industry indexes. Ready set go. .. I think that this week is going be a market upward momentum with posted gains in certain economic sectors like banking for example. This has recently been hard hit by a change in federal credit oversight. Then looking at the changes that are a result of  the Tarp banking bailouts within the last few years combined with  problems of new bank regulations the markets have seen seriously a decline. You can expect to see real estate to have continued growth which will help boost the overall economy. Looking at another bridge to focus on is the GDP (gross domestic product) which measures overall wealth combined with  production outputs for American companies. You will see a continuing constraint on the GDP because of American total increase in debt to China. The focus in the markets underpinning you will see that the trade deficit will have a definite impact with certain industrialized nations. It's definitely  a definition factor on major investors minds who are the money movers. These are institutional and large corporate investment companies combined with leading businesses like Berkshire Hathaway. Watching what and who they invest in at a specific time will give you valuable chart data that you should pay attention to as you consider where to properly invest your hard earned money. Always use your chart data to plot your positions in the markets to insure the herd isn't suddenly going to change in a radical direction against you. Being a smart investor takes work with a keen eye on what the underpinnings are doing for specific indexes your charting daily. Wisdom in a portfolio is a process of knowledge of which stocks and bonds are good investments based on peaks troughs combined with bottoms of the markers. You'll need to make the right decision on when to go in big or bailout before you'll lose your entire portfolio.  By  following my advice you'll build a strong winning combination into your portfolio that will continue adding more money to your portfolio over both a short and long term time period.

Have a Great day...

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Tuesday Market Watch

Well by now everyone has enjoyed their holiday with family, friends and now gone back this early week  to the world of work.. Some interesting news to report here is the SEC regulatory agency is considering a new commissioner to head the financial markets oversight body. For anyone who doesn't know what the SEC is its the Security and Exchange Commission which regulates all financial stocks,bonds,Brokers,Brokerage houses etc on Wall Street and private equity investment. This regulator can change everything that is traded on all markets including the Dow Jones and other lesser known markets like Russell 500 etc.. Now to other important news for today market investors ate still feeling the effects of weekend holiday celebration. You see that people are now diving into their portfolios ready to jump into  the market with good investment deals available today.  This means good deals will spur broader market interest and investment with large institutional investment leading the herd combined with other big money investors following suite. You look at the news wires about Wall Street  and global chart data which always moves the markets up or down Certainly you can see today more investors are going short on stocks,bonds because of economic numbers from Office of Management and Budget and, Federal Reserve. Market jitters still are persistent but as the week continues the market will show a. significant gain overall based on good news coming from real estate sector,banking and news about important corporate profits from major companies. Look for this to add a major upside in the markets later this week by as much as 20 point or more fueled by investor confidence. This is how I see the markets will react later this week based on current data today.

Have a Great day...

Saturday, July 4, 2015

July Fourth Holiday

Hi folks just a quick note to wish everyone a safe, happy godly holiday today. While everyone is hopefully drinking responsible having a good time it's always good to check your portfolio investments to see what your winning or losing with stocks and bonds. Do look over your charts to see what's market trends are in your charting for the week. Yes, the markets are closed on Wall Street for trading for the holiday weekend. This is still a market that makes radical movement from pressure from overseas investors. You know therefore that these people don't run on the same time clock and strategies that we do in America.. So given that this is how our market system works paying attention to every detail will help you avoid being a victim of the change. You will be better able to predict when the herd of leading investors chooses a different direction so that your not facing the problem of your  portfolio sagging in the negative..

Have a Great Day.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Holiday Weekend Coming

Well, most people woke up this morning to a new day realizing that their is a celebration of our countries freedom this weekend. Yes, it's almost here with July 4th parades, fireworks displays,cookouts, combined with general relaxation with family and friends. I am writing this Thursday afternoon to inform everyone to have a happy holiday weekend. Their is definitely defiant market swing this week as a result of the Federal Reserve changes in the discount rates. This governs many different economic factors that are important to know which I will address in a few minutes. The economic GDP this quarter is showing slow growth with a tracking and projected growth of about 2.8 on the index of leading indicators. The stock market tickers does tell the story with investors feeling the pressure from sluggishness in the economy overall.  The bright spot is leading companies like Boeing,Apple,IBM,Bank America Corp.,and other competitive global businesses are reporting new posted above average earnings growth for this quarter. A broad economic overview shows the trade deficit with our international partners closing the gap so that America is in better shape compared to our industrial overseas partners like Germany,Japan,England,France etc. The jobs situation is still a problem with more people having their jobs phased out or outsourced to other foreign competitors. Some of the economic problems in America is due a change from manufacturing to a high technology combined with  services a based economy. This trend doesn't seem to be showing any signs of slowing for the immediate future. When you are looking at how the market reaction is on a chart basis you can clearly see the economic picture in clear focus. We do have some winners in business with certainly the same in markets in technology stocks but overall things are still not a rosy picture for business and investment this quarter. Looking ahead on projected gains for next quarter we will have to see what impact of improvements the economy will do..
You can look for the next quarter to be mixed results with some corporate giants continuing to post gains while other parts of the economy remain at a stable 2.1 percent of GDP output.  This reflects a drop stock profitability in combination with a increase in a return to higher inflation for the next fiscal quarter. The Federal Reserve will lower the discount rates another full 1 point or maybe more in a effort to jump start the economy. This will certainly help the economy to begin growth at a larger rate of GDP overall for next quarter including the rest of the year..

Have a Great Day..
Your comments are welcome. .

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Blogging Again. .

I have decided to return to writing again with a focus on writing good articles about economics,business and stock portfolios investment advice. So look for lots of new hard hitting market,business advice with solid professional ideas from a real world of business and investment knowledge.. Just remember folks to follow me here combined with  checking back frequently to see what new posts and powerful ideas I have for business and market direction that will make you wallet growth happen..

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Much Easier With Knowledge.

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