I just want to thank all my blog global readership for your continued support. I hope everyone on this new years evening has a wonderful year 2017. Peace be with you.
H.E. United Nations Secretary General
H.M. of Scotland
Hon. John F Norton Jr.
This is my business blog page online of thoughts combined with comments on a variety of subjects in the modern business world. I have many ideas that I appreciate writing them here to this page. I always your welcome feedback so that this continues to improve the knowledge of everyone. This page is dedicated to the expansion of knowledge of all my readership about business and much more..
I just want to thank all my blog global readership for your continued support. I hope everyone on this new years evening has a wonderful year 2017. Peace be with you.
H.E. United Nations Secretary General
H.M. of Scotland
Hon. John F Norton Jr.
Well,today their are lots of market changes including this week to put some sunshine on it. I am not going to get very technical analysis on all the dynamic global shifts. I am going to just make this report more simplified since I still have other issues today to deal with finding solutions. This week seen many brief bright spots in how the markets have reacted based on stock,bonds trading performance. So,I'll start with the beginning of the week and finish with today's data on global markets. We started the week with a dollar levels above the neckline against both European currency and slightly lower preforms on Canada and Asian markets. This means that with this trend it's going to usually continue the rest of the week which is what happened on end of closing bell on Wall Street today Friday. We next started the beginning of the week with serious scepticism about crude oil prices which have been steadily slipping. So,this has a chilling global effects on both global prices and combined with increased amount of supply. This is a market driving factor in financial markets view of stay or bailout in global investments. The second factor is global GDP which has posted a meager gain of 3.6 points available average on charts. The third thing is global trade which has seen some serious volatility this week,it's origin is actually on a chart a lot on longer term projected positive gain usually 6 months. The fourth factor is both energy and technology sectors which have seen this week under performance. Stocks have lost all the gains in the beginning of the week to close out on Friday bell mostly available average of 24 points on American markets, Looking at overseas markets the difference is more profound with Canada down average 40 points.European markets posted improved gains with average 15 points. Asian markets declined available average 80 points over this week period. Real Estate posted small gains in new home construction meanwhile the opposite effect happened in decline in new homes sales. So here we are Friday with the markets on Wall Street showing weak performance barely able to get above the belt. My prediction is this is going to continue into next week from beginning to about Thursday afternoon when we will see some exciting news about corporate profits. The other news is that OPEC will make a change in global supplies and prices will change to something better. I think the last thing we will see is a new Federal Bank report on economic health which will provide some interesting development in the markets.
This is how I see things for the close of this week for my market research and analysis. Have a great weekend everyone.
Hon. H.E. UN Secretary General
HM King Scotland
John F Norton Jr.
Hello Folks,
Check out the Crude Oil Chart,you'll find some interesting new data in it after OPEC recent production cut decision.
John Norton
Well,it's Monday time to start to blog again after being unable to do this for awhile. I said I was going to return to doing this financial,investment and business blog but unfortunately I got to be really busy. The point is unfortunately I just didn't do it but here I am now writing something important. Reflection on how long I actually am a blog author is usually something I don't have the time to do. I think from memory it's ten years I actually writing this blog online for all the world to look at,comment on my valuable insights into business and financial investing. The stock markets this month have been and still are volatile because of uncertainty about the new rate hike the Federal Reserve Bank did recently. I see the overall shock factor in business CEO,banks and investors when the Federal Central Bank announced this rate hike is just the first one to hit people globally. "Were going to space the rate hikes over a long period of time,so it will jump start the sagging economy." You have to be kidding because CEO,Investors,bankers paused to consider that overall statement. The next reaction is UH OH followed by reaching for the Tums antacid,quickly swallow while contemplate what next to do. Then reality hits Oh SH..... their goes my retirement funds,better call my broker to preserve what I got,hedge my risk,hopefully I don't get raped by another market crash. The volume in the US markets is up a lot which has temporary plus for those who've gotten recently clobbered by European Bank tinkering with Europe monetary system. You have to remember we are a heavily connected global earth,when one seaming minor things happens financially it's goes usually global pain effects. Market instability fever spreads like wildfire from just one or a series of financial events. You see the global effects when the Fed starts making decisions that cause peoples nerves to be jangled. Some will try to hedge their market risk by moving their investments into a safe zones such as utilities,transport,main stream retail stores like Wal-Mart,Target and manufacturing sectors. Most will just get total panic stricken and bailout of everything in their portfolio accounts. This negative herd mentality spreads like wildfire through Wall Street,Main Street and then it goes global with people pushing the panic button. That's when you see a huge global markets constriction with people getting run over in the process trying to stop the global tidal waves from hitting them. Business people are notorious for seeing the tidal waves and bailout before they lose it all. The unfortunate dopes that didn't see it heading their way,they got run over,swept out to sea,portfolio accounts went from wealth to poverty in the space of a day or a few days. Market investment is just like owner of a business because it's filled with huge risks. Once you make the commitment to doing it,invest in it,your putting yourself out their to be either a successful business or your going to mowed over by the competition. Alright enough of my analysis of business and portfolio investment. I do hope everyone enjoys reading my naked critical analysis of business and profits on investment included.
Have a Awesome Blessed Day,
John Norton
Hon. H.E. UN SG (Planetary Leader)
Hon. H.M. Scotland