This is my business blog page online of thoughts combined with comments on a variety of subjects in the modern business world. I have many ideas that I appreciate writing them here to this page. I always your welcome feedback so that this continues to improve the knowledge of everyone. This page is dedicated to the expansion of knowledge of all my readership about business and much more..
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Year of 2010 and Decade comes To A Close Tommorrow!!
Well all my friends as I sit here and reflect on this year and the this decade coming to a end I have alot of things on my mind. I have alot of people who have made a big difference in my life and I want to thank them for all they have done. To my family and close friends I thank you for putting up with my sometimes changing personality and ideas over this year and decade. I want to thank George And Laura Bush The past President and first lady of America for their support of me and for offering me several White House cabinet jobs and for thier personal friendship and kindness, generousity over a long time. I want to Nancy Reagan for her kindness and help over the phone and for her insights and coaching that she has done over about two decades and thanks Ronald Reagan also and sad to see you dead and gone. I am greatly thankfull for the interesting phone calls and the friendship of Queen Elizebeth of England even though sometimes we have had a occassional misunderstanding this year and past years. I wish to thank Queen Elizabeth for offering to make me a Knight in a public ceremony and for all the other wonderfull things she has offered me this year and in past years. I want to thank past Prime Minister Tony Blair for his thoughtfull phone calls to me and for all the other people who have made my life richer at 10 Downing Street London,England and Buckingham Palace for thier knidness and interesting chatting on the phone with them and for all thier help. I decided to come forward and thank the people who around the world have made my life interesting and helped me. I don't gain any money or anything else by doing this writing about all this just thank I want to thank the people who I have met and also those I have talked to on the phone at great length about the status of the world today. I want to thank German Chancelor and President Angela Merkel for her friendship with me and phone conversations about world problems and her openness and willingness to listen to my thoughts and ideas this year and for her offer to insist on my attendance to the Nato meetings in Brussells Belgium and the G_12 economic summit as a representitive of America. I want to thank current President Barack Oboma and His wife and White House cabinet people including Attorney General Eric Holder,Defense Secertary Donald Rumsfeld and others from the White House with the interesting phone conversations this year. I also want to thank Barack Oboma for offering me a cabinet level job as Secertary of State to replace the current person Hilliary Clinton and to take over her job and to consider me for a duel role as head of running the campain reelection team for Barack Oboma's second term in office. I wish to be your friend still as you asked me Barack if we could be friends and work together the answer is still yes to that and I enjoyed talking to you alot and thanks for inviting me to lunch with you and meet with you at Camp David. To Vladimir Putin of Russia thanks for calling me several times and you got lots to talk about but sorry I was in so much of a hurry when you called me so I could not get alot of my points across to you this year. To murdered India Prime Minister Benazear Butto I miss talking to you on the phone and your friendship and as you had much to talk about and opened your heart to me about many things. I talked to Benazear Bhutto's son who asked me if I could get Nato to provide protection for him and his family fearing his whole family would be soon murdered and he wants to run for Prime minister in his country in the footsteps of his mother. I want to thank Donald Trump for his invatation to be on his tv show the Apprentice and his hope that I would win and all his kindness and help from the Trump organization in perticular his staff. I want to thank the tv shows producers in Hollywood California for asking me to join the TV show THE BIGGEST LOSER this year and for offering me a plane free plane ticket and all exspenses paid to their tv show set on location. Oh Yes I do want to thank Jimmy Carter for his phone calls to me this year and for his support and his solid advise on dealing with world leaders and the powerfully rich I thank you it helped greatly. If I have missed anyone in the world who I have forgotten who called me or met me in person or both I do appologize for my error and will gladly add your name to my list of public thanks.. This year has been a busy year for me and so too this decade and I just want to give credit to all the nice people and foriegn goverments who have come to me for advise and for all the great things offered to me by them, I thank you.. I hope that year 2011 will be a great new year and another chance to make hopefully a bigger difference in the world and promote my country of America and the Christian values that I hold dear to and become a greater success for myself too. In passing thought my life has been biszare in many ways but very much interesting and sometimes very dangerous to live with the secret enemies I have to deal with on this planet earth which are allways a real threat to my continued life and freedom but I have learned to manage it all with Gods help. I want to also Thank God and Jesus Christ for allways being here for me and for saving my neck from being ruined or worse dead. Have a blessed day to all my friends around the world and to my ex wife Michelle,my family and my two dogs Buddy and Brownie.... Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Remembering A Friend!!
Today is a deeply sad day for me as I have lost a good friend and the entire family mark the passing yesterday of a great personal friend of mine Gina White. I know that thoughout the past ten or more years that I have been fortunate to know her and be friends with her that she has allways helped me alot even sometimes when she sensed I needed it but did not ask for it. I just want to send my condolences to all her family and to say that i will miss her niceness,caring,giving and her smile and humor. This wonderfull person of real faith in God and lover of the Christian Church will be be surely missed by me,my mother and both my dogs who are friends of Gina White. As I sit here at ths computer counsole I remember a person who posessed more in good caracter,wisdom and personality than most women i have met in my life yet still she had not much for physical wealth but sure made up for it in a Masters Degree being blind and not able to see. Gina taught everyone that nothing is impossible if God is involved and to reach for your dreams allways no matter how many enemies you make and bad people that try to sell you out or drag you down as she allways said that to me including about a week ago. Her motto is allways been life is too short to to fail God and not persue things of Godly nature to include work,school and relationships etc. So I sit here and as a public statement of caring and appreciation for Gina White who loved everyone and shared everything she had I thank you Gina White for everything good that you gave me and done for me in my lifetime and being a good friend and a mentor to me all the years I have known you. Rest In Peace My Friend... Yours allways===>> Rick Norton
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Your Money Invested!!
Hello Friends,
I woke up this morning with alot of ideas and money on my mind today and how it is best to invest it. I have been reading the financial section like I do every week and something really hit me that I don't think many other editors have written about much and that is the price of gold and other more valuable commodities. I just struck me that with all the Federal Reserve Bank is doing to prop up our failing economy that none of the markets and the Fed bank are really protected by a dollar bill currency that is backed by anything that has any real value tied to gold or diamonds. I know that statement might be considered wrong because over many decades the Federal Reserve has put real gold bullion into the vault at Fort Knox and possible another location but if you put the total value of all the gold that this country owns verses the amount of paper money printed then you see that the value of the dollar changes to almost nothing or no value. This all compared to the meager value of all precious metal including gold presently stored in any safe holding area means that our dollar bill as a currency is worth only the paper it is printed on and no more than that. No wonder why we have become the largest debtor nation on earth and yet we continue to out spend our own GDP and real net worth in gold by a huge margin. This is why we are a economic melt down is slowly happening in his country and why we are losing jobs and productivity due to our high tax and wastefull spending habits as a nation. Every time we increase the national debt ceiling we increase the amount of pain that the current generations have to bear which includes a poor economy but also the future generations of young kids who are going to find it even harder to make something of themselves due to our lack of financial sanity.So you be asking your self so why does this effect my own investing strategy and how much will I have to work until I can retire and live on my savings and investments? Good question for my readers to consider and look at thier own net worth. Well heres the answer and that is takes about $300,000 dollars in accumulated wealth to just live what little years you have left after you retire to still have a home and food and some bills paid based on current inflation. The current value of the dollar bills you have you would get about 9 years living that way and your investment accounts and savings accounts would be broke which is why so many Americans are allready broke or facing being broke due to the national debt and cost of living. So my prediction is that gold will hit $3000.00 a ounce by March of year 2011 and that is why it is a good idea to buy gold now intead of waiting for some time later. While some blue chip stocks are a good investment still and most people run to bonds when the stock market goes sour but nothing beats the real value of gold and other metals and diamonds. So investing in a hard currency that has a value and will never completely lose that value is allways a smart decision. Look at your own debt to net worth ratio and see where you can increase it and decrease your overall debt and also add more value by buying gold,diamonds and other valueable metals that is a good way to weather the poor economic ressession that we as all Americans are going through. Have a great now my friends and enjoy your day of Wednesday and stay warm!!!!
I woke up this morning with alot of ideas and money on my mind today and how it is best to invest it. I have been reading the financial section like I do every week and something really hit me that I don't think many other editors have written about much and that is the price of gold and other more valuable commodities. I just struck me that with all the Federal Reserve Bank is doing to prop up our failing economy that none of the markets and the Fed bank are really protected by a dollar bill currency that is backed by anything that has any real value tied to gold or diamonds. I know that statement might be considered wrong because over many decades the Federal Reserve has put real gold bullion into the vault at Fort Knox and possible another location but if you put the total value of all the gold that this country owns verses the amount of paper money printed then you see that the value of the dollar changes to almost nothing or no value. This all compared to the meager value of all precious metal including gold presently stored in any safe holding area means that our dollar bill as a currency is worth only the paper it is printed on and no more than that. No wonder why we have become the largest debtor nation on earth and yet we continue to out spend our own GDP and real net worth in gold by a huge margin. This is why we are a economic melt down is slowly happening in his country and why we are losing jobs and productivity due to our high tax and wastefull spending habits as a nation. Every time we increase the national debt ceiling we increase the amount of pain that the current generations have to bear which includes a poor economy but also the future generations of young kids who are going to find it even harder to make something of themselves due to our lack of financial sanity.So you be asking your self so why does this effect my own investing strategy and how much will I have to work until I can retire and live on my savings and investments? Good question for my readers to consider and look at thier own net worth. Well heres the answer and that is takes about $300,000 dollars in accumulated wealth to just live what little years you have left after you retire to still have a home and food and some bills paid based on current inflation. The current value of the dollar bills you have you would get about 9 years living that way and your investment accounts and savings accounts would be broke which is why so many Americans are allready broke or facing being broke due to the national debt and cost of living. So my prediction is that gold will hit $3000.00 a ounce by March of year 2011 and that is why it is a good idea to buy gold now intead of waiting for some time later. While some blue chip stocks are a good investment still and most people run to bonds when the stock market goes sour but nothing beats the real value of gold and other metals and diamonds. So investing in a hard currency that has a value and will never completely lose that value is allways a smart decision. Look at your own debt to net worth ratio and see where you can increase it and decrease your overall debt and also add more value by buying gold,diamonds and other valueable metals that is a good way to weather the poor economic ressession that we as all Americans are going through. Have a great now my friends and enjoy your day of Wednesday and stay warm!!!!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Winter Cold Blast and Climate Changes!!!
Hello everyone today well well cold sure has come to this northern region and today it is 14 degrees here which I say is nice for the snow lovers but not for me. Yup you know that christmas is coming soon and in fact 15 days it will be here. Wow this year has surely gone fast and this year has been a strange one for me and alot of people I know. Can hardly believe that it is perdicted a foot a snow for tonight and a warming trend this weekend if you call fifty degrees warm. I see the weather map and most of the country is in a artic type freeze right now. Just a few weeks back old man winter dumped about three feet of snow in Chicago and the twin cities of Minnapolis and Saint Paul Minnasota. I have been to that area and you can tell the climate change from the rest of the country as even during summer it is still sometimes during the day bitter cold and never gets past fourty degrees day time temps. I don't know how those people can stand that type of cold and want to continue living with it full time. This year is even more different as the extreme south of the USA is getting bitter cold temps just the sameas new england is getting this December. I think the whole country has changed due to major climate changes that are reflection of the slow deterioration of planet earths noorth and south poles as well as the deforestation of the amazon rain forest and other key parts of the worlds eco system. One recent study suggested that I watched on discovery channel suggests a more grim prospect for the future of earth and that is going to have another Ice Age which would wipe out most of life thst currently exists. My opinion is that after watching and studying the data from various sources of information and different core samples from earth plus much more it all points to some where in future time this planet is going to suffer a catastrophic event that is goiing to change earths core and crust to a frigid cold or blazing inferno. Either way the search for another planet is a neccessasary thing to do and will give the hoe to all animal,human and plants and treees etc. when this planet is no longer habitable. You also have to look at the large metorites in space as a real continued threat to our existance on earth due to the size and number of them. The fact that we as earthlings have already experianced the destructive power of this kind of event hitting earth and we can look at a good example of that event that created the grand canyon in Arizona. So that alone could set this planet into another ice age or worse. Another more recent type of climate change example is Mount Penatubo when it erupted and spewed lava and ash that covered most of the earth with it. The ash other particles were carried some as far as 15,000 miles away from the mountain itself which harmed plant and amil and human life for many years to come. These are just some climate events that lead me to think that with the cold being so exstreme this year and each year it ha s gotten worse that on a scientific basis I think it worth noting that with all the wars and famine and poverty and other things that plague this planet are revelavant but not as important as where earth is headed to and why and how are we not going to prevent our race and all plant and animal life from being wiped out by natural events such as a Ice Age or metorite slamming into our planet from some far away place.. I think we as a human race have much more to learn from our planet and galaxy history and present as to how and what is going to be a real threat to our continued existance and how best to prevent this planet from from dieing on us. some more recent estimates show from scientific data that Nasa Space agentcy and independent research suggests a far more darker prospect for the overal longeveity of earth based on it's current rate of decay that we may only have only have another mellenium or about one thousand years of life of time left before this planet is a dead planet for life and resources. That is not a good prospect for earth and something that is more to fear and get to understand about earth that we all live on than man made problems. even though some of those are acellerating these planet and climate changes. Some important things for my readers world wide to ponder and do something abot to improve earth. Have a great day everyone and enjoy your weekend!!! BIG SMILE!!!!!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Recconnecting with People!!
Hello I just wanted to note that a stroke of good fortune happened today as a life long friend contacted me and offered to help me today. Wow it sure has been a while since I last talked to him and it is wonderfull to read his mail today. I am greatfull for his kindness and understanding thoughout all the years I have known him. I just wanted to sit here and say thanks to him and all the friends I have which is not many but they are all important to me. I know that many times when no one would step up to help me these people have done that and I am fortunate to have friends like them. So Have a blessed day to all my friends that I know in person and stay well and happy!! Take care now!!
Rick N.
Rick N.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Correction of Error of Post!!
Hello Friends I just wanted to quickly get this update done as I made a mistake on the page address I called it www.1source.com actually it is www.suite101.com so for the mistake but now it is fixed.. have a great day now!!!!
--->> John <<<-------
--->> John <<<-------
Hmm. Learning About My Readership!!
Hello friends I just got myself quite a shock at the list of countries that read my blog as I never been to that menu and oh my I can say I am stunned at how many people have come to my blog page. Ok Ok I been been ignorant and thought no one was reading this page at all till I just clicked on a world view map and got my eyes opened. Ok my life is not easy and right now it is very hard but I guess I thought no one would ever read my blog here. Hmmmm.. Guess I am wrong and sorry to my reader for being blind as to what I post here and not knowing that this page is read in I counted about 19 countries around the world. I appologize for not knowing and since it is that well read it means I will try now from here on to improve this page with more content and less of my personal woes and pain of life. Since I am the editor I will try to bring more quality journalism to this page and who knows maybe this page will the catalist for starting a regular newspaper online which I have thought of doing many times. I have written many books and some are published with those that did get published making it to the New York Times best seller list so that i am still proud of. So with that note at the end of the day I will continue to write to this and improve on it since now I know it is worth while doing it.. I also want to note that I just started today writing on a journalism forum called 1source.com and hope to make some good things happen with that soon. I started a new music page to promote my music on OURSTAGE.com/JohnNorton and in spite of my lifes woes I still plan on making a music video and show of my tunes that I have written. I unfortunately have not done anything with my www.exploretalent.com/johnnorton page to get movie and modeling contracts but I will have to turn to doing more about that sooner. Have A Blessed Day Now To EVeryone!!!!!!!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Recent Update to Blog And My Life!!
Well all my friends it is the beginning of the worst part of the year that ugly nasty thing called winter is here being that is December 7th today. I see that my readership has increased recently which is just really great as I finally got to putting a page counter on this page that actually works. I tried many different page counters but they all failed till Google finally put this available to me and I love it cause it works with no bugs. I just proofed my page and I do see a few links have failed to work and shortly I will get to fixing them sooner. Sorry my friends and visitors for the not being as prompt on the updates this year but I still am dealing with computer and bad money problems. I would love to be here more and keep this page more interesting but I am financially failing and about all I own this month. To add insult to injury my car blew a fuel pump and it is stranded at my friends house while I work out how to get money to fix car. Well as of November 30th I got evicted out of the temporary apartment that I was living in and the same week I got my supplemental income cut off too. So the money I planned to use to go home to Forida at the end of November is a no a total zero as in I am broke and stranded in a place I hate with a passion with winter cold. Well since December 1st I have slept in my car until my friends have told me politely that they don't want to see me very often about 4 times a month. I am told by all my variety of friends how wonderfull their lives are in comparison to me being stuck in a winter place that is going to end up killing me sooner if I can't get a real house to live in and money from somewhere. Tonight I am forced to walk the streets freezing to death and it makes me really realize how little people really care about me when I have no job and and I am stranded in a place that is going to end my life. Even if I go back to my car at a friends house they don't want me hanging around and trying to keep on living with what I own including seeing my dog which they have been caring for since December 1St.. I appreciate all the help I have gotten from these people but they never are able to see my point of view and that is I never have had much in life and all I got I worked for and some came more recently from a family trust fund for me. I am trying to hang on to what little I still own and my two vehicles and my dog and when you don't live a life of over $4000.00 a week in income like all my other friends do you learn how to do the impossible and live with little to nothing for money. You really find out how much people care about you when your given a lecture about being a fourty something yer old man who is a failure and given 4 bucks and dumped at a homeless shelter and told bye and see you next week or in a few weeks. I now know this is why I hate this state and the attitude of people here who only care about you if you got money and a fancy house and plenty of toys. As soon as you show themyou got nothing the tune changes to what are we goiing to do with hima and get lost loser and come back a week or so or never from a homeless shelter and sorry pal I am not paying your bills or anything else. Real friends would not care about how much it costs or how long you would stay with them just that you would have a place to live away from the freezing cld of winter that kill people. You soon learn none of that matter if you don't show any money and other things of wealth.. this is my story today!!!
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