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Monday, April 11, 2011
Market Investing!!
I want to step up to plate today and look more in depth into the stock market and show you how to make money. The old addage is still true you buy low and sell high but in a ever constantly shifting tide on Wall Street you dont want to go running with the bulls every time the herd goes big into one market or more market areas. Thinking more sensible is a better way of doing it don't follow the herd and be a leader by sifting through the data and going against the market leaders is sure to line your pockets a lot faster than if you follow with your herd and heart and feeling,when the herd is shifting it's position. To be a smart investor is to buy on the dip or watch the bounce much like a ball and get in on your pips when the candlesticks show you to buy not when you try to read the market crest or the market will beat you every time. If you follow simple logic then you stand to gain handsomely from not following what all the other guys are doing. This is really the first rule to investing in a volitile market where you can make a fortune or lose your shirt if you don't follow the rules. Rule number two allways and I can't say it strongly enough read the MacD and also chart the earnings reports for every stoc or bond fund that your vested into so that your not going to get some nasty unexpected suprise like what happened with Bears Stearn and Leaman Brothers when the stock went into the tank and lots of investors lost very big those days when it happened. Rule number three to be a success in this market you have to treat it like a business and that means refer to the other prior rules which includes in perticular not using a buy and hold long term stratergy. If you short your stocks and options on a time frame of one day to 90 days maximum then you reduce your risk by half which will improve your portfolio and keep you vested longer with a good growth margin. This is the best way to do market investing I have found and if you learn these techniques then you will beat the market by a 8 or 10 to 1 margin every time while reducing your cash flow output. I know this sound very technical but follow these steps and your wwell on your way to make a fortune on Wall Street and why not all the other mover and shakers are doing this so you can do it to. In rexcent month the bond maket has been in the tank and the T-Bill and other bonds have declined so they are not a good investment in the early part of this year. The tech stocks have done better in some areas with Facebook,Microsoft, and Verizon leading the edge of higher earning but still the overall sector is a mixed bag right now. Just look at the data the bigger companies are down sizing and merger are the normal way of business becoming like hot cakes on a griddle in order to stay in business this is how they are reacting to the the global shift in technology and manufacturing. Consumer Goods index is showing a slow down which means that manufacturing is being hurt by the loss of revenue which in turn effects everything else including employment. If you look at the current employment data along with consumer lending and credit by the nations bigg3est banks you start to see the overall picture that your better to short your stocks and buy into gold ETFs then buying into the tech giants like Apple right now. That is a smart move currently to do since the next quarters economic data is not out yet so it is better to wait and watch everything before jumping both feet back into a market the will burn your portfolio to seared lobster. Granted there are some good buys out there and if you can buy them on the dip and wait for the short bounce and sell them high then do so knowing that the risk is still there but at least your minimizing them to your portfolio. Allways hedge your risk and do your research before you buy in to any security on the market so that way you go in with your eyes open and then you keep your business running smoothly with positive growth of at least 6 percent a quarter. Investing is a good way to promote wealth at what ever age your at just you have to be smart and keep your feeling out of it at all time that way you win. Have a really great day and read more again...
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