This is my business blog page online of thoughts combined with comments on a variety of subjects in the modern business world. I have many ideas that I appreciate writing them here to this page. I always your welcome feedback so that this continues to improve the knowledge of everyone. This page is dedicated to the expansion of knowledge of all my readership about business and much more..
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Population Changes!!
In doing current analisys of how the demographics of the United States with a current look into the state in which I am living presently I find that the population of this state and Country has changed alot in the last 3 years according to U.S. Census Dept.. More hispanics have moved from other countries to this state and on a national average have grown by 21 percent just in the last year alone to become the second largest population in America. Minorites also have become the face of long term unemployment who has shown increasing growth in the effect on social welfare programs by being dependent and not enough of them are using welfare to work job training programs. They are prodominatedly suffer descimination as due other minorities due to dealing with these language barriers to employment and housing due to the fact that we are a english speaking country. Yet the education available to this group and all minority groups is very limited because their is not enough available to hispanics and other minority groups to enable them to get a better education and thus able to become employed . The average minorities in this country usually never gets past a high school education and thus is very limited later in life by the lack of higher education and is stuck with lower paying jobs that do not allow them to have the ability to purchase a home or other basic needs. This is why most minorities now make up the fastest growing sector of homeless or either under employed or totally unemployed in America according to CNN News reports. Language training classes in this state and America really are not readily available to the average minority because these classes are very expensive for the allready under priviledged poor minority groups which makes them veunerable to being left out of housing and good paying jobs. More minority people in general have immigrated to America and to New England states in perticular because of a better job prospect until year 2008 when the economy hit rock bottom. So with these bad economic times and other barriers to jobs and housing in urban areas minorities are feeling the squeeze in the many ways to obtaining a better life in America. The average working minority has to work two jobs just to make a life for them and their families with the cost of food,gas and other necessary items being very costly it amounts to burning the candle working overtime in one or both jobs that they hold just to have housing,food and all the basic needs of life met weekly and monthly. More job training programs and skills based education oppertunities need to be available to ensure a better life for minorities and to improve the overall life of these groups of people in America. If You do this then you also get these groups off of welfare and social goverment programs that are a large financial burden for America by putting them back to work being succesfull employed persons that created usefull goods and services. This is much needed for the poor and under privilidged people of minority status to allow them to better themselves and to be engaged in a creating a better life that is both deverse and brings pride in accomplishments for the work based rewards that they receive every week in their paycheck. Work is allways a better way to a better future instead of dependent on social programs to provide for a good long healthy and happy productive life.
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