I find that recently I have been reading some articles about the new uses of solar,wind and other green energy concepts to provide clean cheap energy for home owners and commercial usage. In reading these articles I am struck by the lack of total users and producers that generate and use these methods of power consumption. So I like a lot of other American are too much dependant on modern power sources like batteries,coal and nuclear power and the list goes on of fossil based fuels used to generate power. If more effort and resources is going to be put towards green energy then everyone ultimately benefits from it and more people including government,business,home owners would gladly make the switch to this cheaper and more efficient energy sources. The trouble with it that most don't know much about it and it is not generally offered to the mainstream public because of initial investment costs of getting your own system to be off the grid permanently. The cost of the initial system is ranging from $10,000 to $30,000 which makes most people not able to afford it except the wealthy who can afford this for their home or business . Most people in America don't even know that there is several government tax credits and programs that are available to install and use this kind of power production system. The usage and install of such a modern system in what ever application they intend to us it for over the life cycle is actually more cost effective and cheap to use than current regular method's such as coal,nuclear,gas and it does little damage to the environment. So if you spend the system cost and itemize it over the period of say just a decade which is ten years you will see that your actually spending tons less in money and yet you get the same or more user output as compared to the regular power systems currently used. You could use those cost savings to build and expand your own grid using solar,wind and hydro electric power for which you could sell to the grid to generate a fat profit share off of the excess electric power that you don't use at your location. There are some good companies that produce solar,wind turbines and hydro power production systems that have more than enough capacity to provide heat,light,water and more to your home or business and even government location. So why are people,government and business not jumping on the band wagon and getting their own systems and using them for all the power needs? Good question.. Well besides te costs involved of initial system purchase and setup then you run the gamut of very costly licensing and permits that can take months or even years to get approved for with your state,town,city that drives the cost up through the roof. Then you got to get approval from the Public Utility Commission to even run the system because you are now put in a separate category as a power producer which is very heavy regulated by both states and the federal government. I know something about this as my father and I tried unsuccessfully to get approval for a solar and wind combined system in the late 1990's and got rejected repeatedly by the P.U.C. (public utility commission) and we found out the hard way that even for a home owner that every system has to licensed and then inspected regularly by the state. Each system must meet federal and state guidelines for power generation which in in of itself is a dizzy array of mindless regulations and hoops that you got to go through before and after your install and system usage. While each state is a little different everyone has to still comply with everything from the location of the system including it to the usage and maintenance of the power grid production which is all cataloged in a government database which is monitored for rules violations. This is why most people who want to put in such a power system eventually give up on ever installing it due to the heavy handed approach of government involvement and the sheer cost of installing it and maintaining it. With all this people just are basically forced to go back to the regular grid power companies even if they really want to be self sufficient and not have to pay for some other source of power. When you all add the system cost the fees and then a ten thousand dollar license fee from the Public Utility it really makes green energy is not affordable for the average person and only affordable for a very select few who have the dollars to invest in it . The other reason why so few private power systems are functioning today is that nobody wants to be subject to regular inspections and ridicules regulations by government agencies that give the others who are wealthy big business producers a gift in edge against what would ultimately be their competition. It makes it a elite club of companies that have the dollars to invest and are already a part of a public utility a unfair advantage over those who don't have the financial ability to make a green energy power system installed and functioning. By reducing government involvement and opening it up to private sector companies and people and introducing more privatization you would make these systems more affordable and more of these systems would be in use today and the future. This all by the way very good for the environment as it reduces green house gas emissions,carbon emissions,freon and other pollution that cause serious long term damage the environment. By selecting green energy as a method of satisfying our current,future needs for power we all benefit more from it's installation and usage. This while reducing our dependencies on fossil fuels such as foreign oil,gas,coal,nuclear which choke our environment and drive up the cost of producing and transmitting power to the customer. It is better to derive a future for all of us by using cleaner sources of energy that do our environment good by not harming it and yet provide for all our power consumption both in the short and long term in our communities and our nation as a whole.

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