Friday, December 14, 2012

Business and Life Lessons..

Well, I thought I would share some valuable lessons about being a business man including some valuable life lessons that I have learned from when I lost everything in later part of 2010 going bankrupt. I have to say that looking back about two years ago I made some bad company decisions including investments in the stock market that all lead me to fail and have to reorganize my business ventures and how I invest money. That is how you learn is from your mistakes which is very painful to do and by using a different plan for rebuilding your businesses and portfolios by never making the same mistakes again. I look at some examples of corporate failures turned into a larger success like Donald Trump who went 440 million dollars in the red and lost everything only to have the clothes on his back after all the creditors got finished with him. While my mistakes as a Executive have not been as bad as Donald Trump and many others who have hit bottom their is one thing you learn from Donal Trump and my own mistakes is to get back up and go start something new with a new larger plan to gain back all you lost. I know it sounds absurd but really if you think about it you can really turn everything around if you already have the knowledge and the skills to do it plus having the contacts in a network to accomplish it. If your a good manager you know how to turn failure into success and success into a conglomerate company because you have already learned from your prior mistakes and made the changes to fix the problems. So this is what I have done with our businesses is to make the changes that are needed and go after a aggressive corporate strategy to grow our businesses into the global conglomerate which is what we are becoming as of now from our reorganization of two years ago. The future has changed for our business in the fact we have put in place many new people and technology that will continue our vision of growing a global conglomerate business that will compete in the 21 century with other multi national and international brand names. So looking forward to the future of our brand we hope to make it a well known name that is based on quality and diversity of products including services that will make us the preferred choice of all consumers world wide. So sharing with everyone some of our global vision to hopefully to become a greater partner in business development including the global community with lots of new ideas,products and services that will put us as the recognized leader in the world. So this is what we are all about in our businesses and our plan on continuing to expand our broader base of business in the world today with all the future of our businesses.. One day in the future we hope to be a trusted brand that is like Wal Mart,McDonalds, Starbucks,Shell Oil like so many others that no matter were you go everyone will knows us and use our product and services, this is what we hope to achieve.

Have a Great Day!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Blog Changes Today..

Hello everyone I just added many new options to this blog and updated the blog to fix outdated stuff that no longer works..

John Norton

My News Business

Norton News Corporation

I would like to introduce all my business readers to my new Global News Channel as I finally decided to do this after many close business associates and friends convinced me that I should create a company that will compete with the mainstream sources like CNN,ABC,NBC,CBS,FOX NEWS etc. ... This will become a branded company offers a effective alternative to the current media outlets and will eventually serve in the future the entire planet earth including America. This company that I just started 30 days ago is providing current news and opinion stories that effect and shape the world we all live in today. So it is my pleasure to announce this news channel and it's growing important status to become what I hope will eventually serve as a global brand for accurate and reliable journalism delivered in a timely manner worldwide. You can read now the blog and be connected to it on most social media such as FACEBOOK,TWITTER, BLOGGER,TUMBLR,OAKURT,PINTEREST,GOOGLE,YOUTUBE and soon it will be a web site that will serve the entire planet including America. This is just the beginning of this new company with a ambitious plan to make this a mainstream news source that will beat the competition with a better brand and more interesting diverse items of interest..

(Nortonnewsco) on social media listed above...


Blog Hits Milestone..

Hello to all my readership well this is really awesome to report that this blog has hit a new milestone now with over 10,000 readers total in just a short amount of time. I never thought that this would ever happen in my wildest dreams but I just looked at the new stats and sure enough it is really showing that is how much this blog has accomplished in such a short time. So with my profound thanks to all my readership worldwide I wish to thanks everyone for their participation and continued support in this business blog..

John Norton

Monday, November 26, 2012

Global Sales

Well it is a touchy subject that not every company wants to tackle how do you sell on a global scale. Most people in business think that your gain your customers through aggressive local based sales tactics that is all good but that misses the great profit potential that is available to grab out there in the world today. A global sales and marketimg program will achieve more for your business than a tunnel vision local programs. Simply stated if your going to be marketing your products or services you had better be proactive in using your resources to achieve a greater customer base by targeted marketing and sales to a various wider customer base in which you spread your brand in a global market. If your a good executive or marketer then you already hopefully know the potential your going to gain by doing a strategy such as what I am talking about here. Now a days business has to be more flexible in order to compete in a global networked world that is more depending on technology and human infrastructure that at any time in previous history. You know that as a mid size or large scale business your company has to control the competition by one updated strategy which is do everything bigger and better than your competitors do. Be really good at pointing this out to your marketing and sales departments so your company keeps it edge with a global view allways.

Thursday, November 22, 2012


I just want to wish everyone a very happy Thanksgiving and hopefully everyone is spending it with your family and friends today..

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Business Attorney

Well any good business can not do with a good attorney to sift through all the mountains of red government tape and papers that have to be filed every year. In this every changing world of the mode of business you need a person who can take the load off key personnel. So having a full time attorney that works on behalf of your business is very valuable since it makes your business run smoothly. If you want to be a successful business you have to pay the price for good help to accomplish your business goals.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Hurricane Profits

Good morning,
I know that everyone is focused on the election today so I am just going against the tide here. Has anyone stopped to think of the financial benefits to a large natural disaster such as hurricane Sandy? I know that I have with all my businesses that I own how much money is going begging. Quite simply stated anyone with long term business experience can and should see the potential profits that are for needed products and services. You don't have to be a five star Harvard economic guru to tap into the money tree that is the end results of this hurricane. Yes, sure I feel really bad for all the victims of this hurricane but I am also a business man by trade. So in my zest to smell out the next big money making idea or place to investment our company resources I allways am going against the gurus and the herd. I have built my conglomerate businesses on never following what others do which is why I have succeeded while others flopped. So on to the ideas here about making money with this new pot of gold called hurricane Sandy. First thing is to realize that all these products and services are in high demand. Then developing a ambitious detailed plan to filling the customers needs which are multitudes of needs that they have. The next thing is to get out there and start filling those needs before everyone else jumps in on the band wagon. You got to be the one business conglomerate that steps forward to do everything while others just sit on there comfortable executive chair debating what to do. Lets face it folks if your lazy the others who are your competition will profit over your mistakes. So being number one in business takes a lot of guts and zeal to keep your competition from eating you for breakfast. The best thing with this pot of gold opportunity is to just make your plan and go after it. Some piece of important business wisdom in another day of a large scale national disaster called hurricane Sandy.

Have a great day...

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Good morning..

Well this is Sunday and so it is something important to let everyone know that Norton News Corporation is now publishing articles on the blog and most social media sites effective last week. So just to let everyone know this is just the beginning of a global news service that I hope will become a standard for excellent journalism. This new venture is about to make a new standard for how the news is reported online and in.print published articles. So it gives me great pleasure to tell everyone about this news business and what I envision for it to be in the future..

Have a great day.. Smile.

Monday, October 29, 2012


<p>I just want to warn everyone to stay safe with this current hurricane. Hope you all stay safe and don't take any unnecessary risks.. Have a safety minded day... smile ..

Friday, October 19, 2012


I think today is a good day to talk about the economy in a different way than what I normally do. In the unpleasant world of change in modern society you do see some interesting new development in how businesses are dealing with global issues. No longer can a mom and pop enterprise survive without feeling the overall effects of the global market share influences. If your going to be competitive in whatever field of business your doing you had better be using a global plan. If you expect to be successful in business you have to be cutting your overhead by using technology to simplify your products and services. The only way these days to stay competitive is to outsource and offshore your workforce and production to cheaper nations so you still make a increased profit. This idea is taken hold and is becoming the standard by which business ventures and investors make increased profit share for all the people involved. We live in a increasimgly connected world that makes it easier for business to comprehensive planning for production and marketing on a global scale. To quickly sum up what I am talking about is that you have to be a business that uses a global plan to achieve both production and marketing to many countries in order to be a success.. So including a global plan for your business is a very good thing to be doing to growing your business in the modern age..

Have a great Day.. Smile ...

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Business and Stock Growth..

The good news is better than expected with most mid to larger companies showing a bigger profit margin than prior quarter reports..Then add the stock market going up at 2.7 percentage points including the technology sector which has been flat or in mostly lost money. Well the question is whether this is just another short term growth?? I have looked at the economy over the last three years and the charts speak volumes about what is happening to our economy. The first thing is a lot more companies are cutting their work force by outsourcing it to cheaper labor in countries in Mexico and India. The second thing is the use of more robotics to create products and use of technology instead of humans to do the same jobs. Lastly more businesses are moving their operations to overseas to ovoid taxation in America. When you add all this up it certainly shows a bleak picture of economic growth for the future of business and stocks in the coming quarterly reports. So what does it all mean for main street? Things are going to probably going to get a lot worse before they begin turning up hill again which unfairly we will be facing as a economic future in America..

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Rosey Report

Today is a day of some good news on business and Investment as the Dow edges up on reports of some companies actually post profits. The good news is a huge shot in the arm for many companies and smaller investments. The unfortunate part of this is it is not a reflection of long term growth in the economy. With unemployment still average at 10.8 percent and many companies still forced to downsizing the workforce the effects have certainly being felt at the middle and the bottom of the economy. The flip side is that more people are getting richer at the top end of the spectrum and moreover salary in this bracket has seen the largest increase. This is good for business and investment but bad if your like most people who are the other ninety percent who ate the cost of job failure. The rosey picture is becoming only for the select few who have adjusted to this global economic shift in this recent decade. To be a success now you no longer can do it with simple sales and products but instead you have to add many new components to add value to beat your competition. This does reflect the overall attitude and climate of both business and investment in the 21st century.  Completely different from even a decades back when the product or services just sold themselves. This is how much business and investment has changed just in this century to a value added technology based profile..

Monday, September 3, 2012

Monday, August 13, 2012

VJ DAY Holiday...

Good morning to all my readership I just want to wish everyone a nice holiday today. Hope that everyone attends a veterans celebration and  goes to a veterans cemetery. Everyone should honor our veterans with putting flowers and a American flag on all veterans graves even if your not blood family related..

Thank You

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Next Big Tidal Wave

I think I will state the obvious and then hit the nail on the head this morning. Well to my readership it is obvious that what I predicted is true with wall street clearly cheerful over the movement of the markets to a positive position with some quick dips. If you look back a few weeks ago that I said this is going to happen with the market data bringing lots of smiling faces. So I hit the nail on the head about what the markets would do in the coming weeks. It is time to roll the clock ahead to now to look at the market data to see what's up next. Here's what I see which is that the cheers are going stop when the news that has been affecting Europe hits here on our shores of America. I am talking about the massive debt crisis that has buried several countries like Greece. When this economic tidal wave hits our country the effects are going to be devastating. The market effects are going to slam head long into investors with major declines in their portfolios. This wave of bad economic decline is just a preview to a the Commerce Department and Treasury department reports which will floor most people. Yes the full impact of this second wave of economic data news is going to cause lots of people to loose their jobs and everyone to feel financial pain. This will happen this year most likely within the next six months with the data that I am reading on credibile sites like Market Watch. So here I go again making a perdition about investing,jobs and the economy. I just hope that this tidal wave will not reach our economy here in America. The problem is that we in America are already reeling from poor GDP growth and chronic debt burden. This tide of upcoming crisis is going to worsen the ailing economy we have in America. I am hopefull that this wave of bad economic stimulus will be adverted quickly.. We in America have to our our financial house in order so that overall problems like the ones that come from overseas don't do damage to us. Have a great morning everyone and a wonderful day.. Smile..

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Stock Market Pendulum

Well, it certainly has been a gut wrenching roller coaster ride this week for investors. The news out of Europe just hit hard home here in the US and has given many investment people cause to reach for the tums rolaids. Just when everyone thought the European debt crisis was over here comes the next wave of bad news. It really has investors scratching their head and taking a selling off panic in their portfolio.. The mainstream on main street herd has just pulled out of the market thinking we are heading for a huge gillatine crash in both stocks and bonds. This is not true because if you are a smart investment guy,you are looking at the charts to see what they are showing you.. That certainly is a different picture of a simple market correction that is going to last a short few days. Any good trader knows to be a success in investment you have to jump in when everyone else hits the panic button on wall street. You do the opposite of what the herd does as a contrarian and your the one who gets rich.. If you play your games short and long correctly your going to make lots of money. So with that said about investments this week do yourself a favor and buy in heavy while the market sinks. Then when the reversal comes next week ride the wave to to crest and then sell off your stocks which is calked shorting the market. By doubling your profits this way you beat the market instead of the market beating you on your short game..For the long game I recommend buying solid dividend paying stocks and investment in bonds like Vanguard Total Equity Return.or Janus High Yield Investor to hedge your risk.  Thus you beat the market and no matter which way the markets swing up or decline.. Hope that this helps everyone to make a truck load of dough..
Have a Great a Day...

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Economic Perspective

I recently found myself talking to a couple of college students about the economy. In talking to them I found out that they have been actively looking for a job by putting out over fourteenth job applications a week. These students told me that even with the constant effort that they still have not gotten a paying job. They are so dissatisfied with with the situation with employment that these college women are going to move to another state to secure a paying job. This discussion about jobs was joined by a middle fifties person who said that he worked in construction all his life until it went sour in this decade. He said that going back to college was is not a easy decision for him but it seems to be the only one he could do to get a better job. I am finding that lots of people are in the same predicament with the slow economy that is effecting a huge part of the population in America. The disappointed people I am talking to said that the overall job problem is a menace to their lives. For some I have talked to they ate trying to get full time employment but they are currently working part time presently. Many people are doing this type of employment but it is not enough to pay for basic expenses for their family. It is tough to get a job and even harder to keep one because so many people are either under employed or totally unemployed in America. This problem needs to be dealt with so that every American has a good paying job and government is not doing discrimination against any part of the population. In the last decade government regulations have and are becoming more discrimination against everyone except the rich in this nation. This is causes more people who want to work left out because government has taken away their freedom and ability to live through the use of cruel regulations. This is just additional layer of problems to the already bleak economic and social situation that exists in America today. I think back to Ross Perot who said what is needed is to cut government and shrink the number of regulations in America so that we begin to be a nation of freedom instead of a dictatorship. I agree with his analysis of what has to be done to put America back to the front of leadership instead of being nearly a third world nation. I think that if we do tough decisions and do the items listed above America will have a great renewal and experience huge amount of growth in the coming years... Let's do the right things in America and put this country on the right track so that we improve the lives of everyone instead of practicing discrimination.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Business Expansion

I thought today I would turn to something that has been recently in the news. Most businesses both large and small are in certain sectors of the economy are actually growing this year. Yes, even though the economy overall is still showing weakness some well known companies are actually expanding. This is good to see growth in technology and utilities such as Microsoft and Teco which until recently have been hit hard by huge losses. Some other not so well known are making amazing strides in picking up new contracts and adding new workets. This makes the smart smaller companies more able to generate more revenue than the large conglomerate companies in a weak economy. The fitness of the modern business is heavy depending on outsourcing and new product innovation. Some areas of the economy are ready to start booming like the housing sector which has recently started additional new home orders. This will effect a lot of other people in other businesses if this continues since real estate is the core predictor of how much expansion the economy will do in the future. So look for most businesses to group together with mergers and to consolidate in order to go ahead with planned future expansion. This kind of business plans will work for some businesses but for some others it will spell their overall demise due to lack of financial liquidity. The big gains will be in technology,utilities and  manufacturing which continue to most flexibility and profit margins this year. The best business plan is to start into a business that would be in one of the new growth economic sectors so you would be sure of your success..

Friday, June 29, 2012

Market Rally

After a really bad roller coaster ride for investors this week with some flash declines due to economic data. Friday investors decided to weigh in on the European crisis after getting good economic news from overseas. The markets rallied to a 277 point 2.30 percent increase on the Dow Jones and other markets today with short sellers jumping back in on the market rally. Investment brokerage houses however down graded stock valuations on several stocks like Rimm ( Research In Motion) and Ford Motor Co. due to poor overall performance. Some analysts see the market overall weakness as a sign of a possible return to a bear market in the short term future. In other economic news that hit investors and business this week is the GDP fell by more than one percentage point to 2.1 percent. This after the last quarter seen no improvement in growth reported by the Commerce Department for both this quarter and earnings for business in fiscal year 2012 stayed flat. Lots of investors reacted sharply to more companies laying off worker and shrinking investment in new product development by businesses this year. Economic pundits talked over this week if the currently proposed fix to European fiscal crisis is actually going to solve the problems that many EU currency nations are dealing with now. The current solutions to dealing with European problems have been the hot topic of conversation at many board rooms in companies in America and abroad. This month the Federal Reserve changed the interest rate and announced more change to the Twist program. This caused many on Wall Street to review their investment strategy and some institutional investors to bail out before the markets radically declined. On the bright side more investors seen new opportunity to buy cheap stock and make a profit even in a weak baseline market. Look for a new rallies next week as investors size up the news and economic data set to come out from Europe and from the Treasury and Commerce Department. Most analysts project a fiscal expansion on some sectors of the economy but with more bad news from government sources could cause a scale back by investors and businesses. The green shoots in the economy are driving some expansion that both business and investors see as a sign that the economy is about to greatly expand. How the expansion is going to happen is what makes investors nervous about their portfolios. With slow economic growth most business and individual investors are taking a reserved approach presently. When the opening bell for next weeks session on Monday happens for stock markets look for most of main street and wall street to jump fully back in the market indexes. Have a great weekend and enjoy it be prepared to get in early Monday and make some great money..

Monday, June 25, 2012

Dow Losses

It sure has been another blood bath for stocks on wall street today as we feel the pain again of another dose of triple digit loses. Most investors just bailed out of stocks and really went looking for safety in their portfolio after last weeks disaster decline on Thursday. Stock performance started out this Monday as the same sour note with investors hedging bonds over stocks. This shift has driven the market indexes to another 146 plus points decline before closing bell with most stocks and some bonds off a full percentage point or more today. I think this is just a market correction that we have all have to bear the brunt of this week. On the brighter side some under value stocks in the oil and utilities sector actually gained a average of 2 to 3.5 percent  in today's market weakness which is good.
Stocks like Geo Petro and Teco Energy gained a healthy 2.4 percentage on the market share price. Look for a some solid stocks to do well such as Verizon and Microsoft in the coming days as investors buy back in on cheap dividend payers. Good investment in the cheap stocks and bonds are a solution to the building your individual wealth even in a weak market. Have a great day and invest wisely so you earn money on your portfolio especially on dividend paying investments.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Back to Work

Well, It sure has been a rough ride with my health for the last six weeks but I am happy to announce that I am all better now. I know that that I let this blog go dormant and forced to walk away from posting to it because I could not see the screen for several weeks. So I lost my readership on here due to my illness but I am back to work here now. I hope that everyone took the time to read all my back articles and gave a lot of thought to what I have written. It is great to be seeing this page clearly again and be back to writing hard hitting investigation articles with plenty of commentary. I apologize to my readers for being absent but I hope in my absence you found simple quality time to spend with your family and friends. Now that I am here again to stay and write the good opinion articles and investigation news pieces look for a great deal of journalism coming your way. Everyone have a really great weekend and stay cool as most of the country of America is on sweat mode averaging one hundred degrees today.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Pink eye..

This sucks having pink eye in both eyes and dealing with blurred vision. I can barely read this screen today and what would be very easy to do is one heck of a chore to do. I apologize for not being able to post regular to this blog due to health problems. Thanks for your understanding with this blog...

Monday, May 28, 2012

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Vision Problem ..

I am sorry to my readership that I have not been posting to here like I promised but I am having blurred vision that is very annoying to me. It is making it hard to read the screen and everything else this week. When it becomes better then I will go to posting to this blog frequently but until I can see clearly I will not be here for a short time.. Sorry for the inconvenience to everyone online who reads this blog..

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Stock Correction Coming

Well stocks were mixed this week with heavy trading in all major markets. This week has seen a 217 point drop on the Dow only to have institutional investors come to the rescue after a sharp decline. The decline was due in part to more economic data showing slow growth in the first quarter going into second quarter earnings for American businesses. This combined with some good news that unemployment is staying at 8.2 percent is giving investors pause for thought on this new information. We see that most major investment houses and the federal reserve holding the line on pouring more money into the market. The reaction by the federal reserve this week was the usually muted yawning and we will wait and see if this is going away soon. Mostly investors just held their noses and jumped back in on the upside on late Thursday when the market indicated a upswing starting. Some recent data shows that the GDP for this quarter has actually gotten better with a 2.4 percentage growth over last years report. Still not enough to put joy in the hearts of investors and more money in everyones pockets but it still is better than the last three years. The last three years saw America with crippling double digit inflation and combined with more national debt increases to add to the problem. Credit has gotten harder to get for every part of the economy and banks failures have become more common as pancakes with homemade apple pie. So what to do this year? Investors watch out the seesaw of the markets is going to continue with more mixed economic data to come. However I see the third quarter of 2012 should have a more stable field for the avid marketeer. Why? Simple you will see the big companies shifting to cutting costs meaning that they will be hiring more workers but at a cheaper labor rate. Profits soured by tight credit will be offset by new venture capital being involved in the later part of this year. Overall if your going to invest go with diversity and by all means add plenty of dividend paying stocks to your portfolio. You might want to also go with managed bond funds like Vanguard or Janus that provide you longer term stability with lower market risk. In any investment decision think with your head not your heart so that you win more than you lose by a three to one margin for winning trading. Strap on you jet pack this week coming is going to be a shift climbing up in the markets so everyone should be poised to jump in on the new growth. Have a great Sunday everyone and enjoy it to the maximum. Smile .......

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Kid in a Candy Store

I am just feeling really gitty about the stock market today decline. You see while all the investment houses stole the show by telling investors to go in big on the market over the past month. I told everyone to get out now so that they would keep their portfolio intact and wait until the market dropped enough on down swing. OK.. I hope everyone took my advice here and did not listen to the advisors in wall street fat cat firms who lined there pockets when the market nose dives. The numbers don't lie and neither does the chart data which shows the knee jerk tears and sobbing of the outside investment community.  The smart ones in business bailed out when the chart data started to reach toppings at the peak signaling at reverse decline going to happen so they kept their money. This market has been really strange this year so far with many changes in the past few months both positive and negative. Some advisors have suggested that the markets are going to climb to 15000 marker this year but I think it is very unreasonable to get everyones hopes up. The real story is unemployment is up and more businesses are cutting back or folding up shop permanently. This will effect the investment plans of many individuals and corporate investors who feel that they are skating on thin ice praying that they can all stay afloat. Having a good insight as I do I could see this coming and bailed out until the markets go down to the bottom then buy in on cheap stocks. You know folks this decline is temporary so take advantage of the cheap stocks then ride the wave to near the top. Every smarter investment guy will you that your nuts to buy on the down side supposedly because your losing your shirt. Trust in you knowledge he does not know his bank from his wallet so he is a loser doing his advice column. But if your smart like me you buy on the dip and bail out when the charts are screaming sell it before you get to the top of the wave. This after all is a business and anyone who is idiot that treats this any other way is just going to lose their entire portfolio. Take your risk at a calculated ratio so you get at least three to one on wins and losses. This way you grow your portfolio meaningfully while other poor slobs are popping tums and crying in their towel over their losses in the markets. My advice is buy in now while it is low this morning and watch your charts to bail out later this week. Yes there's going to be a few volitle stages but do the smart thing and stay with it unless you think the stock is going to the toilet then by all means bail before you lose everything in you accounts. Following this advanced advice here will make you money and after all that is the business you choose to be in which is a very risky but profit driven one.. Have a good day now and really reap the rewards you deserve..

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Factory Output Slow..

You would think that with all the current hype that the economy is getting better. A good prediction of how the overall economy is doing is to look at factory orders for durable goods such as refrigerators and computers etc. Looking at the GDP which is how we currently measure economic output it tells a total different story which is factory orders are sharply down. What does this all mean for our economy and more over how is our trade partners affected. The answer will surprise you in the fact that when our output slows the rest of the world feels eventually the same pain as we all do. If you look at prior documented slow GDP you see a pattern of weakness in the rest of the worlds monetary system. Usually the banks are the first to react to these changes as they have the inside information to know how to deal with their own business interest well before you and I know about it. So watch the banks and the Federal Reserve to see if there is any changes in policy which would certainly show a attempt to heading off a financial crisis. A economic slow down allways has some prior individual indications just like if you look at a chart for a popular stock you want to buy.  Taking a deeper look into the economy you see that the current weakness is due to a combination of factors including heavy handed government regulation of business in America. Every time you add a new layer of regulations more businesses in this country fail which slows the GDP because you are losing output. The larger companies are more able to shift to meet the new government demands. However the small business entry is forced to use more creative ways to generate new revenue or fold up permanently. If the backbone of American business which is the mom and pop shops continue to fail at the current attrition rate we can see more of a deeper recession. This is a pending disaster that the government bean counters and the Federal Reserve have not taken into consideration lately. You can not have a soft monetary policy that does not fix the problem which shows a total lack of understanding of all our countries problems. For many decades we in this country have been like a dumb chicken running around on a drunken spending spree and passing the problem to the next generation. It is time to start supporting our own national interests and let the rest of the world sink or swim on it's own. That is the only way we are not going to have a total financial collapse in every sector of our economy. Having a clear understanding of our overwhelming financial mess we are in is no easy task. We in America do what is right by cutting our national debt and supporting ourselves not on credit then we can fix our financial mess sooner. So let's pump up the GDP by getting our financial house in order and pay off the massive debt we have incurred over many decades.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Stocks Mixing Today

Nice to see that some small stocks have made gains while blue chip stocks are taking a beating. Looking at the overall Dow proformance today can lead me to think that this is the beginning of the course correction I wrote about last week. One can see that looking at the Mac D and other charts this morning that we will see over this week a futher decline in most technology stocks meanwhile raw goods such as sugar and corn will go up. Where to invest this week is of important matter since most stocks are down. Well buy the cheaper beaten down tech stocks and mix your portfolio with some solid dividend paying ones
Everyone knows that buy on the down market is good to do but read your chart data out to one year from date of possible purchase to see if it is a reliable proformer. Look for the upswing on the stock and ride the wave but get out before the stock tops. If you do ride the wave this week be careful not to read the charts incorrectly so you fail to get the most out investments. Hope everyone going to make lots of money this week and this should be a good week to do it.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Wealth Management

Anybody with some good skills can make money but not everyone knows how to do wealth management. You have to know how to invest your savings and make it work for you. Be careful to avoid putting your money in risky bonds as well as other low profit tools. Investment wisdom should be to look to buy cheaper stocks that pay a fat dividend so your money works for you. By doing this you grow your portfolio with tools that help you achieve your goals over both short and long term. Try many new ideas to group your investments into a positive position so that you have more winning trades combination with dividends. Lastly if the market goes up or down read your chart data before buying any securities so you know everything about it before putting your hard earned money in it.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Stocks Waver

It is that time in the new year when most people are focused on all those new resolutions that they would like to fulfill. If your are a investor it is time to create a new strategy to successfully get boat loads of dividend in your portfolio account. It makes sense to do your research and go with cheap stocks which do exist in the busy market. The problem with this is the current market is beating down some big name stocks and pumping up the short term little Guy stocks. So should I go short term or play the long game by buying and holding? This is the matter of which custom strategy you go with as to where you invest your hard earnings into the market. If your like most of the small cap investors you will go with buy and hold in about 10 stocks that hopefully do small shifting in the market. The problem is with this strategy is you stand to loose most or all of your portfolio if those stocks go in the toilet. With the current market volatility you cannot afford to make this kind of common mistake. It is better to put a smaller amount into your stock portfolio and play them on the short game. By flipping the stocks on the short game strategy you minimize the risk and increase your overall profits. Sounds easy but trying to do it takes some skill to make it work in your favor. It is however the best strategy to make your investment portfolios grow at a level above 6 percent. This should be part of any investment goal to achieve a good return on your money. In other words make your money work for you by playing the short game to keep buying and selling on a short term basis. If your like me you look for good deals in the market and buy beaten down stocks then sell them as soon as goes up to a certain accepted level. This makes money while lowest risk at the same time is the way to beat the market by a seven to one margin. Do strategy in the current market and you will become a Wall Street fat cat and a favorite with all your new found friends. Happy investing!!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Business Prospects

I continue to see some new economic data that is encouraging business expansion in this new year. If you look closely at the GDP this month the numbers tell the story of a revenue reversal in the positive direction for corporate America. The decrease in unemployment has most business people planning a new phase of experienced worker's hiring. This reflection is good for every part of the economy with most companies saying that first quarter earnings are up.  Better quality workers are now available now with more people having a college degree that makes it more comprehensive the hiring process. Some businesses have now started offering better benefits packages to lure in these high skilled workers. Overall with this kind of improvement it is in favor of making this year a great year for corporate America to beat the overseas competition in every aspect of business. While the stock market is double what it was in the past year it still shows a shaky recovery for this year so far. Hopefully that will change in favor of a more solid recovery as this year continues. In order for this to happen their needs to be more investment by both government and private sector business so that the economy growth is more than 3 percent. It looks like we might see that happen if the stock market becomes more bullish and corporate America become more confident in the new green recovery. This will be good for the economy if all that I am talking about happens this year.

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