This is my business blog page online of thoughts combined with comments on a variety of subjects in the modern business world. I have many ideas that I appreciate writing them here to this page. I always your welcome feedback so that this continues to improve the knowledge of everyone. This page is dedicated to the expansion of knowledge of all my readership about business and much more..
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Stock Market Change Coming
Hello Everyone, I want to let everybody know that the tech aand energy sector stock are going to be a good buy in the next few weeks. The market is very busy going down after alot of bad economic data coming from the housing and job markets. Some sort of reversal from the current market gloom is coming in the next couple of weeks and it will be very profitable if as a investor gets in on it. Banks are hurting right now and the rest of the financial sytem is going bad but there is some bright spots especially in oil and commerce today. So look ahead to a better market in the coming months as corporate America restructuring and new mergers become a way for the big companies to stay in business. We are all cost cutting on personal income budgets and corporate America is forced to do the same to become more effeciant or face going out of business. Personal income is down and our national debt is going to shoot the moon soon if we fail to control our spending. This is the keys to understanding where we are going as a nation and how much we as Americas can afford to spend on the present and future. The next generations are the ones who are going to really hurt by are wastefull spending habits and that is going to also cause another stock market crash in the future worse than the crash in 1929 and more recently this past year. We all have seen the how the stock markets and corporate America react when things get bad which is to cut cost. That is going to continue to do this unless we stop wasteing our valuable resources and reinvest in our growth and save money instead of spending it like we are at a non stop party function. I just thinking about these things today and wanted to share them with the readers of this blog. There is some good companies to invest in but pick the right ones and watch your money grow is how you get ahead with this market volitility..
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Learning How To Investment
Think of all the people on Wall Street whoo have made alot of money on stcok investing is mind boggling. I am now trying to learn how to to the same thing that millions of wealthy have been doing for decades and that is making lots of money. It is allways interesting to me how people made themselves financialy rich doing not much actual labor to get there. I can see I missed the boat earlier in my life because my parent's told me to work hard labor jobs and one day you will be a success and I bought into it unfortunately. The truth is I did do those hard labor jobs and now that I am older I can see that is no way to ever get and retain wealth. I am greatfull to a few friends who showed me that stock investing is easy and it can make you very rich if you do the trading in the market correctly. I wish I had known all this in my 20 something age and started doing it then instead of doing it in my 40's now. Well, I guess your never to late to learn something new and try new ideas and hope that those things bring you wealth and happyiness. One thing that is about this investment thing is that there is too much to learn and it is too easy to burn out on information overload. Learning what you need to know is only the beginning of doing trading on the stock market as there is so much charts and different things to understand before you can trade sucessfully and not lose all your money. I am happy to say that the seminars I have gone to over the last few years have helped me alot in understanding what you have to do to make a great deal of money on each trade you buy and sell. I know now that without the seminars I have gone to i probabily would not have learned as much as I do know now about investing wisely in ones own future. So here I am newer to this way of making money and creating wealth and I can say it is challenging. You get to think this is so frustrating at times too because of the amout of daily information you need to learn and picking the right stock or funds to do our investment in a volitile market. I say this is not the type of money making that most people are told by family and parents to do but it is something if you can learn and it will bring you great joy and satifaction when you trade on the open market stock and all types of funds that are available to the small investor.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Most Banks are Seeking New Ways To Profit
Some banks are aggressively seeking deposits, and that often translates into higher yields for savers.
For instance, Discover Bank of New Castle, Del., best known for its Discover Card, has a 3.75% yield on a $2,500-minimum, 10-year IRA Certificate of Deposit. It began allowing CDs as an IRA investment, a rarity for an online bank, last November.
The bank, which has $51 billion in managed assets, also announced an online savings account paying 2% with a $500-minimum deposit, on July 7. That's the same day it priced more than 54 million shares of a common stock offering.
For instance, Discover Bank of New Castle, Del., best known for its Discover Card, has a 3.75% yield on a $2,500-minimum, 10-year IRA Certificate of Deposit. It began allowing CDs as an IRA investment, a rarity for an online bank, last November.
The bank, which has $51 billion in managed assets, also announced an online savings account paying 2% with a $500-minimum deposit, on July 7. That's the same day it priced more than 54 million shares of a common stock offering.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Farrah Fawcett Love Letters

I Miss you Farrah and you are very special women who is not to be forgotten...
Modern Blog Updates
I just did some cool updates to my blog here and I hope that it looks better than before when I just had text on it. I added some good gagets to this page and hope it makes it easy to read and have fun with. Hope every body has a really great day and will be here writing some new stuff as soon as i can get to it..
Take Care,
Rick N.
Take Care,
Rick N.
Government Agentcies Mistake
I thought I would just update the situation with the Veteran's Administration problem today. I called them a number of times at the insurance division office and my last phone call on July 9th I got a apology from the agent in charge who said they mailed out a letter to my mothers address in my name demanding repayment of the insurance check that they sent me. In her words after looking over my fathers Veterans Administration file she found that the Veterans Adminstration had made a mistake in sending me the letter and someone in the insurance claims office in Philidelphia PA. had screwed up the file and input the wrong information in the computer system which in caused me to recieve the letter. So I got a opps were sorry for the error and we just fixed it now in response to your complaint and sorry we caused you so much trouble. I requested the check copies from the two checks that both my mother and I recieved last June so as to have proof of the mistake that the Veterans Administration has made if I ever have to call them again. I just recieved in the mail those check copies and a short letter from the insurance claims manager Yolanda Petty who sent this letter to me with the documents in the envelope. I was told the last time I called this Agentcy that the matter is resolved and no need to repay the money to us as we had allready checked out your insurance claim before we ever mailed you the check. So I am told I don't ever have to contact this Veterans Administration again about this matter or for anything else related to my Dad's file and it is permanently closed since 2008. I sure hope I am getting the right story from these people and not more lies as I have to assume the lieing part from past experiance with most government agentcies. I hope this is finally resolved and I don't need to contact them or anyone else pertaining to this problem with my Father's V.A. File and insurance policy...
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Farrah Fawcett Betrayed By Friends
In my personal letter that is posted on this site and heard around the world, I showed video of O'Neal romping on the beach with a brunette as well as some other unidentified women. O’Neal during this time was allegedly, asking a 20 year old for sex acts in exchange for a car. To my knowledge that case is still pending, now O'Neal is not married and could not marry Farrah as she could not or did not accept his proposal. However, that is beside the point, O'Neal, is constantly on TV, and in news broadcasts crying and stating Farrah is the love of his life. My issue has always been, if Farrah is the love of his life, life partner, soul mate, or what other new word definition you can come up with to describe your relationship. Let me make this clear, only a low life, morally bankrupt individual, romps on the beach with other women, while the soul mate is in a bed dying of cancer. It is obscene that a person would go on TV expressing his undying love while frolicking with other women. This is a lack of respect for the woman herself, and no different than what Senator Edwards pulled. I am weary of this obscenity of a human being (Ryan O’Neal) being taken seriously or even getting his opinion printed let alone even entertained. There are many people out there, (that have written me) that believe the same thing. The big question is why is the evidence, news reports, etc being ignored for the statements of this individual.
Additionally, we brought to the attention of everyone that Alana is actually the woman she is exposed to be. We alerted everyone on the statements that were made by Alana, the camera person, her ethics etc. to her motives for cashing in on this tragedy. We exposed the fact that the diary was missing, statement made on tape within the journal, eyewitness etc all stating the same thing. All ignored.
My original question stands. Who moved the rock and let these people crawl out. Who does this? It just amazes me.
Griffin O’Neal and Greg Lott are working very hard to expose the truth. They should be listened too and applauded. This takes strength, and the man deserves our respect.
Comment; I wanted to post this today because this comes from a close friend of Farrah and so it should be known how bad she was abused and used for her wealth and fame. I have to say that I am greatfull for the author of the article published by this nice person who knew Farrah very well. It is about time that my dearest Farrah be given through God the real truth of her life and it is sad to me that all but a few people were really there for her ever in her life. I can see that now that Farrah is gone nobody is really caring about her and honoring her for all the wonderfull good she did as a loving caring Christian faith filled women. It is terrible to see her friends trash her and make money off her last days on earth while watching and waiting for her to die.. I personally think that anyone who does this to Farrah is a awefull person and lacks in moral caracter not to mention but I will that it is lacking in basic humanity to do this to Farrah. I can say for certian that when they start dieng from some fatal illness they will reach out to God and he will probabily do nothing to help them even though he could do amazing mericles and save them but I would be willing to guess that he will let the punishment stand and they will die miserable and be planted. God gives to the good and not to the wicked and as it says in Matthew in the Bible and he never changes the way he does anything and you can count on that allways. I think it is wonderfull what Farrah did in making the documentry about her life and battle against cancer and I will allway love her for her humanity and courage and much more.. Farrah Darling your were the real woman in my life and I honor and cherish you and all that you lovingly gave to the world of earth. Farrah I wish you could have read my letters and gotten to know a real good man here. One who would not have used you for your money and fame but instead allways be there for you including at your bedside on your last days of life on earth and cared for you in every way. I feel my way of treating you would have made you see the difference and you would have left all but a few of these people in your life behind permanently and you would never have looked back as you Farrah would have been very happy being with me. I know you died Farrah but you are not gone to me and I hope that you are allways remembered for the loving person you are and were on earth. I will continue to honor you in every way I can including putting flowers on your grave as often as I can do it because you are special to me and you deserve this Farrah. I also want to say that Farrah's vision and use of the documentry is for helping people with cancer and all fatal illneses have a voice for all the sick people of the world. I can say also that Farrah in no way would have wanted anyone make money off of her miserable lifes end with cancer. I think Farrah really wanted to show what life is about when you get cancer and the things you go though to keep living longer and use her own life as a model for education to the world which is wonderfull to do..
God Bless Farrah Fawcett!!!
Additionally, we brought to the attention of everyone that Alana is actually the woman she is exposed to be. We alerted everyone on the statements that were made by Alana, the camera person, her ethics etc. to her motives for cashing in on this tragedy. We exposed the fact that the diary was missing, statement made on tape within the journal, eyewitness etc all stating the same thing. All ignored.
My original question stands. Who moved the rock and let these people crawl out. Who does this? It just amazes me.
Griffin O’Neal and Greg Lott are working very hard to expose the truth. They should be listened too and applauded. This takes strength, and the man deserves our respect.
Comment; I wanted to post this today because this comes from a close friend of Farrah and so it should be known how bad she was abused and used for her wealth and fame. I have to say that I am greatfull for the author of the article published by this nice person who knew Farrah very well. It is about time that my dearest Farrah be given through God the real truth of her life and it is sad to me that all but a few people were really there for her ever in her life. I can see that now that Farrah is gone nobody is really caring about her and honoring her for all the wonderfull good she did as a loving caring Christian faith filled women. It is terrible to see her friends trash her and make money off her last days on earth while watching and waiting for her to die.. I personally think that anyone who does this to Farrah is a awefull person and lacks in moral caracter not to mention but I will that it is lacking in basic humanity to do this to Farrah. I can say for certian that when they start dieng from some fatal illness they will reach out to God and he will probabily do nothing to help them even though he could do amazing mericles and save them but I would be willing to guess that he will let the punishment stand and they will die miserable and be planted. God gives to the good and not to the wicked and as it says in Matthew in the Bible and he never changes the way he does anything and you can count on that allways. I think it is wonderfull what Farrah did in making the documentry about her life and battle against cancer and I will allway love her for her humanity and courage and much more.. Farrah Darling your were the real woman in my life and I honor and cherish you and all that you lovingly gave to the world of earth. Farrah I wish you could have read my letters and gotten to know a real good man here. One who would not have used you for your money and fame but instead allways be there for you including at your bedside on your last days of life on earth and cared for you in every way. I feel my way of treating you would have made you see the difference and you would have left all but a few of these people in your life behind permanently and you would never have looked back as you Farrah would have been very happy being with me. I know you died Farrah but you are not gone to me and I hope that you are allways remembered for the loving person you are and were on earth. I will continue to honor you in every way I can including putting flowers on your grave as often as I can do it because you are special to me and you deserve this Farrah. I also want to say that Farrah's vision and use of the documentry is for helping people with cancer and all fatal illneses have a voice for all the sick people of the world. I can say also that Farrah in no way would have wanted anyone make money off of her miserable lifes end with cancer. I think Farrah really wanted to show what life is about when you get cancer and the things you go though to keep living longer and use her own life as a model for education to the world which is wonderfull to do..
God Bless Farrah Fawcett!!!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Ryan O’Neal may not be the loving, doting partner he’s portrayed himself to be, according to several of Farrah’s friends and family members. They have come forward with surprising accusations including that Ryan became too close to her best friend Alana Stewart. “They were sharing a room together,” Ryan’s son Griffin O’Neal, who is estranged from his father, but is still close with other family member and friends, tells In Touch. But a rep for both Ryan and Alana denies any impropriety. Javier Salazar, a hired companion for Redmond for the past year, also confirms to In Touch that he thinks “Ryan and Alana’s relationship was fishy.” In fact, Griffin reveals that Farrah’s father, Jim, once visited her from Houston when she was ill and walked in on Ryan and Alana together in a spare bedroom. Griffin says. “It made Jim uncomfortable, so he packed his bags and went home.” “Ryan and Alana are a little too cozy with each other,” a former business associate of Farrah’s tells In Touch. “It is raising eyebrows. They both stayed at Farrah’s in the end.” And in May, family friend Dania Marin filed a restraining order against Ryan after he allegedly sexually harassed her for phone sex. “He freaked me out,” she says.
According to Griffin, “Ryan was using Farrah for her money and fame.” Farrah, who Griffin says was worth about $20 million, may not have left anything to Ryan in her will. “Redmond will get most of that if he can keep it together,” Griffin adds. According to Griffin, Farrah stayed with Ryan for so long “for Redmond. Just to let him know they were a family unit.” But Griffin said Ryan was never a good father to Redmond or his other three children — Griffin, Tatum, 45, and Patrick, 41. In addition to never celebrating the kids’ birthdays and never getting them Christmas presents, “He set no boundaries,” the former business associate says. “He never wanted to be a father. It was too much responsibility for him. He liked the kids around as long as it didn’t interfere with him. If he and Farrah were watching a movie, he’d try to shoo Red from the room.” “He was violent all my life to all of the kids,” Griffin claims. “He punched my teeth out when I was 16. He shot a gun at me once and missed. He’s an uncaring man.” Ryan described his actions as self-defense.
Comment; I can't help but to print this part of the story about how much pain my Darling Farrah must have gone through all the last years of her life and how she might not have known that the people in her life were using her for money and she sadly did not know this fact. I am sure that if she did talk more to her family that she would have come to getting rid of these people called friends.. I understand her wanting her kids to have a dad but in the end it cost her everything she loved and that is not right.. Slowly and surely the real facts and truth are starting to come out but is too late for Farrah to know them since dieing and having her funeral last month. I wish you were still living Farrah my dear that I could then help you with your lifes problems... I am personally sad and mad over how Farrah is treated and how she is being remembered by all these people in her life. I would have treated you Farrah with the love and everything you need and much different being a christian way and not the way your friends have done to you this year and past years of your precious life my dearest Farrah Fawcett...
According to Griffin, “Ryan was using Farrah for her money and fame.” Farrah, who Griffin says was worth about $20 million, may not have left anything to Ryan in her will. “Redmond will get most of that if he can keep it together,” Griffin adds. According to Griffin, Farrah stayed with Ryan for so long “for Redmond. Just to let him know they were a family unit.” But Griffin said Ryan was never a good father to Redmond or his other three children — Griffin, Tatum, 45, and Patrick, 41. In addition to never celebrating the kids’ birthdays and never getting them Christmas presents, “He set no boundaries,” the former business associate says. “He never wanted to be a father. It was too much responsibility for him. He liked the kids around as long as it didn’t interfere with him. If he and Farrah were watching a movie, he’d try to shoo Red from the room.” “He was violent all my life to all of the kids,” Griffin claims. “He punched my teeth out when I was 16. He shot a gun at me once and missed. He’s an uncaring man.” Ryan described his actions as self-defense.
Comment; I can't help but to print this part of the story about how much pain my Darling Farrah must have gone through all the last years of her life and how she might not have known that the people in her life were using her for money and she sadly did not know this fact. I am sure that if she did talk more to her family that she would have come to getting rid of these people called friends.. I understand her wanting her kids to have a dad but in the end it cost her everything she loved and that is not right.. Slowly and surely the real facts and truth are starting to come out but is too late for Farrah to know them since dieing and having her funeral last month. I wish you were still living Farrah my dear that I could then help you with your lifes problems... I am personally sad and mad over how Farrah is treated and how she is being remembered by all these people in her life. I would have treated you Farrah with the love and everything you need and much different being a christian way and not the way your friends have done to you this year and past years of your precious life my dearest Farrah Fawcett...
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Spending Time Making Changes
I thought to would sit here and write something about making changes in life and what it means to start doing something new. I am going to launch a new company soon and in fact this week if I can finnish all the needed paperwork. I really hate doing the paperwork and the costs it takes to put together a new business but i am going to do this anyway cause I am not happy with my current way of doing things. I wish that you did not have to go though submitting lots of Federal and State forms just to be self employed and make a living wage to support yourself. Sadly it is made increasing more difficult to become a new businesss and to stay in business for a long time because of expanding government regulations. This week I have decided to start doing a new business that I never have done before and hope it becomes a success over the long term. I has been a few years since I have done any kind of self employment and so i feel I am rusty at doing it but I realize if I don't do this then nothing is going to change for the better fo me. In doing this new business and other business ideas that I have I hope to be able to change my finance situation and also buy a different home that is bigger and nicer than the one I own which is too small for me. Basically I am tired of the home I have and want something better and I need the money to get this home and other things too that I don't have now so this is good motovation for doing this business ventures. I want to do radical changes in my life and so this week I am going to start doing those changes for the better and happyiness of me... I hope I will succeed with my plan and become a happier person from the plan i am going to be doing.. This is all I got to say today and hope for the best to come to me sooner...
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Farrah's Friends
Alana Stewart rushes to cash in with book about her friend Farrah Fawcett
Who will be the first to cash in on the death of FARRAH FAWCETT? Less than a week after the brave icon's funeral, her close friend Alana Stewart is first out of the gate and well ahead of the pack with a book based on the Farrah's cancer journey journal that was supposed to be the basis for her cancer documentary."My Journey with Farrah: What I've Learned about Life, Love, and Friendship" has shown up on Amazon.com with a healthy discount off its hardcover list price of $23.99.As . the celebrity ex-wife's book is being rush-released to take advantage of the worldwide outpouring of love and publicity for Farrah.The title is set to be pblished on August 25th, the two-month anniversary of Farrah's death. Alana Stewart accompanied Farrah through much of her cancer battle, traveling with her to German cancer clinics and running the video camera as Farrah documented the cutting edge treatments that gave her hope and extended her life by years after doctors in the States told her there was nothing more they could do. Working with her longtime confidante and producer Craig Nevius, Farrah shaped the footage into a "cancer journal" that explored the question of why lifesaving treataments are not available in America and beyond the reach of most all but the very rich.Farrah sold the project to NBC. When her condition took a turn for the worse and she began to fade from consciousness, her longtime on-and-off lover Ryan O'Neal took control of her affairs, forced Nevius off the project and, with the help of producers from NBC Dateline commandeered the recutting of the documentary into a maudlin, morbid entertainment called "Farrah's Story" (a reference to his 1970 film, Love Story).Alana Stewart reportedly held up the project, demanding a producer's credit and a fat payoff, before the special aired. the day before Farrah's death that Alana was turning Farrah's journals into a book of her own:"Farrah's journals, we're told, are being turned into a book by Alana Stewart... The book, we're told, will be announced after Farrah's passing, 'for maximum effect.'"At the reception following Farrah's funeral on Tuesday, Ryan O'Neal confirmed that a sequel to the high-rating Farrah's Story is in the works. Cameras filmed the funeral. It's still not known whether, as feared, O'Neal also filmed Farrah's passing.
I love you Farrah darling and miss you alot and this is very sad that you are still being used by people who had only the purpose of using you for money. This is one of many reasons why I am publishing this article today because I am hurt over the way you are being treated and remembered. I wish you were still living Farrah and got to know me personally because I never would have treated you this way your friends have done to you. You would have lived your life with me and allways be treated very good and I would have looked out for you and taken care of your needs. I am hurt over you being used and abused by these people and so i have to add my feelings to this today.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Resolving Issues With a Government Agentcy
I have one heck of a time trying to resolve a issue with the US Dept. of Veterens Affairs over the last couple of days in calling them because of recieving a letter about five weeks ago and unfortunately lost the letter. It is nice when you actually talk to someone who is nice to you and willing to help you but it can be frustrating as heck to have to call many different parts of the same agentcy in a couple of different states and get many different responses. I find this to be true in trying to resolve a issue in a letter I mistakenly lost about about five weeks ago and now finally got the right phone numbers from the internet after pouring through several thousand doucuments and different parts of this agentcy from the Veterens Administration web site on the internet. It is very frustrating to try and find where to make a call to as the web site and the people you talk to allways refer you to another call another phone number and mailing address just for one simple issue as to wether or not the letter sent to me was a valid demand for payment or it is a fraud letter trying to get money from me either in the Veterans Administration or someone who is in another part of this country trying to committ fraud against me.. I truely after calling six different phone numbers and talking to alot of people in different parts of this agentcy am still puzzled as to what to make out of this problem and to do about it.. I would pay it if the letter is for real but what I keep being told is that the there is nothing wrong with my dad's file for his life insurance policy that he had. The Veterens Affairs offices I have spoken to so far on the phone don't see any complaint in his file or demand for repayment of the money nor do they see any letter mailed to me but only one letter dated June 9th was mailed to my mothers address here. I recieved as part of the my fathers insurance settlement that he wanted me to have and the Veterans Administration paid on the claim made by me after they just admitted to researching the claim before paying any money to me and family after my Dad died in Oct. 29,2007...He did put my name on it and and family and the first Veterans insurance representive spent a long time on the phone with me and said that she does see that I am a benefiterary on his life insurance policy that no letter was ever mailed to me and his file shows no demand for repayment of the insurance check of $3169.08 that they gave to me by mail. I just called the St. Paul Minnisota regional office and the Philidelpia Pennilvania office which handles insurance claims and collections on those claims and the women named Kim Perri told me that I don't owe them anything and further more were puzzled looking at my Dad's records why any letter would be sent to me at all since my Dad's file has been closed for a little over a year now. I also called the Dept. of Debt Management Center in Saint Paul Minnisota and the women I spoke to today that also no letter was ever mailed to me demanding repayment of the insurance money and nothing in my dad's file shows anything of a unpaid debt for my dad or from me and my mother. I recieved the money according to Veterens Administration in Philidelphia,Pa which handles insurance claims the claim that my mother and I both and cousin Barbara made was valid and his file was then closed June 09,2008 after the payment was sent to me and my mother and my cousin Barbara. The two representives at the regional office in Philidelphia on named Kim Perri and the other named Maira Stumplewood told me that the lettter was a hoax and so did the other representives I talked to at Debt Management and Pension Benifits all told me the same thing no letter was mailed to me for demand for repayment of the money I recieved and told me my fathers account is correct and just fine no reason to contact us again about this issue. I still was told to be sure about it that just mail a handwritten letter to the Veterens Administration at a post office box address for this agentcy respond to by mail. I am still not certian if I am being lied to by the reps at the Veterens Administration and even if any thing was real about the letter. I just am not sure at all since I have been burned by government agentcys before and so I lack trust in most of them. One thing is for certian is I decided to still write the letter anyway today to the address I have been given and hope for a reponse from the Veterans Administrations and I am told today that if nothing wrong on the response from the Agentcy office in Philidelphia,PA then just forget about it and I was oppolgized to by the last representive that I talked to on the phone at the Veterans Affairs call center for what she calls a Agentcy error on the part of the Veterans Administration. I have to say humm?? cause I don't know what to believe and who is telling the truth or just lieing to save their job and or it is for real and I will have to pay back the money.. Lots of questions I have about this issue and still feel someone is trying to do something bad to me after the all the phone calls I have made to this government agentcy.. Is it a legal trap diliberately set for me hoping I won't be able to pay the money back and go to prison the rest of my life or is it a hoax and somebody in goverment again trying to defraud me as has happened before to me or someone else is printing this scam letter trying to get money from me???? This is the questions I have about this issue after this Veterans Administration file on my father has been closed for a year now and what more I can do to resolve it I am not sure but I will try to do this so no legal problems come from it.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Pop Star Mike Jackon's Funeral Today
Today Is Mike Jacksons funeral in Los Angles California and I want to comment on his Life. He was a different kinds of man that created his own type of music and that he did this well was a true statement. I never liked his music but as a musician myself I certianly do appreciate him for becoming a mega star and joining the ranks of being a great celebrety. I am a guitar player and keyboard man myself so I have a general understanding of how you get to be good at music but Mike Jackson created a new music style and genre all on his own. I think it is great to do something like this and be a great success as he made himself in the 1980's and through to the 2000 years . I did think he was strange in his life choices but from everything I know he used his fame and wealth to help the less fortunate people of earth and he believed in God that made him a good person. I don't think all that the bad in his life was really what the news media made him out to be as a bad person but instead a man just trying to do a great career and raise his kids on his own terms. Well the world lost a great music star and a really creative talent but his music and fame I believe will live on just like Elvis Presley did and so it it with this honor I say good bye to a living legend today as he has his funeral and is buried today and hope he is never forgotten for all the good he did in life. Mike Jackson Rest In Peace with God!!!!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Great Farrahism Quote From Farrah
LIFE IS NOT MEASURED BY THE NUMBER OF BREATHS WE TAKE BUT BY THE TIMES WE ARE MADE BREATHLESS. This is a quote from Farrah Fawcett on what she thought of life and doing things her way... I thought today I would share this quote with everybody about how my beloved darling Farrah treated living on earth and other people in her lifetime.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Happy Fourth Of July Today
Today is a day to appreciate this country that you grown up in what is called America and celebrate your life here. I am thankfull to have grown up and live in such a large and deverse country as America really is if you travel enough to see it. I want to celebrate this country today asI am doing and it's constitution and for all the complexity that makes it real. Happy July 4th to everyone and hope you have a wonderfull holiday celebrating with your family and friends as I do here. If you have traveled enough you definately see as I have that this country is a huge place to call home and has alot of different things every where that you go to see them. Reflecting on the heritage of America it is easy to see that it is a grander place that the rest of the world to call home and that is why so many all over this planet come here to start a new way of life.. We simply have more of everything and that is what people want and that is very good for us here to be a beacon to the rest of earth. So with that thought I wish everyone a really great family holiday celebration and hope your life is filled with joy and peace on this really great holiday... Peace and Joy to everyone in America.... Smile Today America it's your Birthday!!!!
Friday, July 3, 2009
Trying to Decide on Guitar Amps
I want to get a new guitar amp so I can play my Gibson guitar but there is too many different brands and models to choose from. This does pose a real problem as i have certian ideas as to what i really want for features. I know i am willing to pay about 200 dollors for it but not many amps are real good at this cost or below. I am thinking of maybe Line 6 amp but still I like Marshall amps too so this is not a easy decision to make. It really comes down to features and how good it sounds and what I am going to pay for the amp. I hope the music store tommorrow will shed more light on what I can get for the money I am willing to spend. I just created a couple of new songs last week and can't wait to try them out on the Gibson and the acoustic too.
Take care,
==> Rick <<<<<<<<<<<<
any suggestions let me know I could sure use the help.. smile...
Take care,
==> Rick <<<<<<<<<<<<
any suggestions let me know I could sure use the help.. smile...
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Living With Loss of Farrah Fawcett
I think it is fitting to just say a few words about Farrah and what it means to lose a great person. I feel that this loss is more personal to me that that of other women in my life that are gone either by moving away or by death. I want to say that Farrah was a real loving, caring women but also a real great mind and visionary in her own way. I love the faith that she showed as a Christian and admired and love her for her devotion to God and the Catholic Church. I think her faith is one of the many things that first made her real as a person and a person of beauty that trancended all parts of her life. Just sitting here reflecting on Farrah's life and death is difficult for me to know that unfortunately what she and we will never get to share anything together as two people of Christain faith because she is dead and gone now. Well also she will never get to know and share my love and affection for her is really hard for me to deal with as I feel she would have really wanted to be with me. I am sure that she would probabily feel the same way about me too if she had been given a real chance to know me in person. I unfortunately was not part of her inner circle of people in her life but I certianly would love to be married to her and I wish she would have known this and me in person. So I sit here sad over losing her but also sad over the facts that Farrah did not get to meet me in person and have fun together and share good times and her battle with cancer too. I just think this is terrible for me but also for Farrah that she died and is gone now so I say to Farrah My Love... I Love You Allways... you are not and will not be Forgotten by Me Farrah.... Peace of Christ to You .... Psalm 24 and Mark 6 John 13 in the Holy Bible is for you...
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
A Heart Felt and Tear Filled Somber Goodbye To Farrah Fawcett
Actress Farrah Fawcett remembered at LA funeral
– Ryan O'Neal touches the back of the hearse carrying Farrah Fawcett's casket after her funeral service …
Tue Jun 30, 10:52 pm ET
LOS ANGELES – The life of "Charlie's Angels" star Farrah Fawcett was celebrated Tuesday at a private, music-filled funeral that one participant called "stirring."
Her longtime companion, Ryan O'Neal, was among pallbearers who accompanied the casket, covered in yellow and orange flowers, into the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels.
After the ceremony, mourners said they overheard O'Neal as he tapped on the hearse's back door and said, "So long, babe."
Fawcett's friend Alana Stewart and "Charlie's Angels" co-star Kate Jackson were among early arrivals before the hearse pulled up, accompanied by 10 motorcycle officers.
Two mourners carried copies of Fawcett's iconic poster, showing the actress wearing a red swimsuit, tousled blond curls and a broad smile.
The service, which was closed to the public, lasted more than an hour as fans and the news media watched from across a street.
About 500 people were invited to the service, said entertainment journalist Eliot Tiegel, who attended as a guest with his wife, Bonnie, a producer of TV's "Entertainment Tonight."
"It was one of the most musical funerals I've ever been to, and that's what happens when you go to a show-business funeral," he said after the ceremony. "Overall, it was very stirring."
Singer-songwriters Carol Bayer Sager and Richard Marx were among the guests, Tiegel said.
Fawcett's and O'Neal's 24-year-old son, Redmond, gave the service's first reading. He has been jailed in a drug case but received a judge's permission to attend the funeral.
Accompanied by Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies, Redmond O'Neal wore a suit and "was somber," agency spokesman Steve Whitmore said.
The funeral program, which featured a photograph of a smiling Fawcett, also said Ryan O'Neal read the 23rd Psalm and eulogies were to be given by Stewart and Dr. Lawrence Piro, Fawcett's cancer specialist.
A bagpiper was the first to emerge from the cathedral after the service, followed by several priests and the pallbearers carrying Fawcett's casket. Her father was helped into a limousine as dozens of other mourners waited nearby to board several white shuttle buses.
Fawcett died Thursday at age 62 after a public battle with cancer. O'Neal and Stewart were at her side.
"After a long and brave battle with cancer, our beloved Farrah has passed away," O'Neal said in a statement last week. "Although this is an extremely difficult time for her family and friends, we take comfort in the beautiful times that we shared with Farrah over the years and the knowledge that her life brought joy to so many people around the world."
Diagnosed with anal cancer in 2006, Fawcett's battle with the disease was documented in "Farrah's Story," which aired last month on NBC.
Stewart, a producer of the documentary, said Fawcett was "much more than a friend; she was my sister."
"Although I will miss her terribly, I know in my heart that she will always be there as that angel on the shoulder of everyone who loved her," Stewart said in a statement.
Ryan O'Neal waved to reporters and fans as he got into a limousine after the service.
– Ryan O'Neal touches the back of the hearse carrying Farrah Fawcett's casket after her funeral service …
Tue Jun 30, 10:52 pm ET
LOS ANGELES – The life of "Charlie's Angels" star Farrah Fawcett was celebrated Tuesday at a private, music-filled funeral that one participant called "stirring."
Her longtime companion, Ryan O'Neal, was among pallbearers who accompanied the casket, covered in yellow and orange flowers, into the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels.
After the ceremony, mourners said they overheard O'Neal as he tapped on the hearse's back door and said, "So long, babe."
Fawcett's friend Alana Stewart and "Charlie's Angels" co-star Kate Jackson were among early arrivals before the hearse pulled up, accompanied by 10 motorcycle officers.
Two mourners carried copies of Fawcett's iconic poster, showing the actress wearing a red swimsuit, tousled blond curls and a broad smile.
The service, which was closed to the public, lasted more than an hour as fans and the news media watched from across a street.
About 500 people were invited to the service, said entertainment journalist Eliot Tiegel, who attended as a guest with his wife, Bonnie, a producer of TV's "Entertainment Tonight."
"It was one of the most musical funerals I've ever been to, and that's what happens when you go to a show-business funeral," he said after the ceremony. "Overall, it was very stirring."
Singer-songwriters Carol Bayer Sager and Richard Marx were among the guests, Tiegel said.
Fawcett's and O'Neal's 24-year-old son, Redmond, gave the service's first reading. He has been jailed in a drug case but received a judge's permission to attend the funeral.
Accompanied by Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies, Redmond O'Neal wore a suit and "was somber," agency spokesman Steve Whitmore said.
The funeral program, which featured a photograph of a smiling Fawcett, also said Ryan O'Neal read the 23rd Psalm and eulogies were to be given by Stewart and Dr. Lawrence Piro, Fawcett's cancer specialist.
A bagpiper was the first to emerge from the cathedral after the service, followed by several priests and the pallbearers carrying Fawcett's casket. Her father was helped into a limousine as dozens of other mourners waited nearby to board several white shuttle buses.
Fawcett died Thursday at age 62 after a public battle with cancer. O'Neal and Stewart were at her side.
"After a long and brave battle with cancer, our beloved Farrah has passed away," O'Neal said in a statement last week. "Although this is an extremely difficult time for her family and friends, we take comfort in the beautiful times that we shared with Farrah over the years and the knowledge that her life brought joy to so many people around the world."
Diagnosed with anal cancer in 2006, Fawcett's battle with the disease was documented in "Farrah's Story," which aired last month on NBC.
Stewart, a producer of the documentary, said Fawcett was "much more than a friend; she was my sister."
"Although I will miss her terribly, I know in my heart that she will always be there as that angel on the shoulder of everyone who loved her," Stewart said in a statement.
Ryan O'Neal waved to reporters and fans as he got into a limousine after the service.
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