This is my business blog page online of thoughts combined with comments on a variety of subjects in the modern business world. I have many ideas that I appreciate writing them here to this page. I always your welcome feedback so that this continues to improve the knowledge of everyone. This page is dedicated to the expansion of knowledge of all my readership about business and much more..
Monday, May 16, 2011
Business in a Box!!
I just got up early this morning and immeadiately got to thinking about how business is like a box in which you package it correctly and it sells what ever product or service you want to market. The idea is ammittedly quirky but then all business solutions are just that type of thing anyway. Well if you want to market a product or service and get your customers to notice them you got to package them correctly. The knowledge of your product or service must be very good before you engage in selling it to your customer base. I want to show here the new business start ups how to get your business going and what you will have to do to accomplish that task. Most new peple to business have very little idea how much paperwork and time invested is involved in setting up a new business. so going on that premise I think I will get into showing you how to get started in your own business from a prospective of my own experiance of building business and fortune 500 companies. The first thing is deciding on what you want to do which is allways the hardest part to do since there is so many choices out there to choose from these days. In this technology driven age most business start ups have some kind of techonolgy attached to them which is going to be the back bone to there new business venture. So let us say you are starting a lemon store for example that will sell lemons,lemonade and lemon cups of frozen lemon ice cream. You want top go about and incorporate your business start up to get the tax write off from Uncle Sam tax collector then you better use a 940 form and other forms to get you started but before you can fill out any other forms you will need 600 dollars just to incorporate your business and then you got to got to your state treasury and department of business regulation office to get your sales and use tax forms and state licensing filed so that you are legal business entity. You will also need to show proof of insurance in order to get your paperwork approved and get your licences given to you the same day. The same day you do this you should also file your federal forms so that is corresponds with your stae forms and insurance documents. You will need to be proactive and have a lot of patience doing all thises forms as well as waiting in line for the clerks to serve you at the counter windows in state and federal offices. Well now assuming you got all that done you are now a legal business that is ready to go make money. Your next step is to start advertizing so allways start with the cheap way of doing it and use any means that is free or costs very little such as email and telemarketing to get you started in your new venture. Ok .. So your ads are doing well and you got some customers that are paying but your still struggling to meet your new bills like advertizing,telephone,business location (office),gas and electric etc. So now what? You got to get radio and internet ads to grow your business so you no longer have to sweat the next bill payments which now come every week. Don't forget to add putting up a new sign on your office or store so that you can be found and make sure you note that location on Google and other search engines. This will help you get to the point where you can start hiring employees to do all the different tasks that that you can nolonger do your own self due to being overwhelmed by a work load. Your point is to build a business that eventually runs itself and you reap the profit benefits and your enterprise just keeps growing and you get rich from it. This is a business in a box type of company that you should be striving for achieving this kind of success. This is just a very simple overview of what you be doing as a single person just starting out in a new venture and what you will need to do to succeed.
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