Well some new good news is in which shows a increase in overall sales by 27.8 billion dollars. This is good news for most businesses who have seen slower than usual growth this year. Overall this year has been troubled for retail in 2011 with many large chain stores and other small business feeling the pain equally. The last quarter of this year has been the best in three years for many sectors of business that had seen many failures. If you combined all the current growth though over a years time it still is not as good as it could be done. The new payroll tax law that is about to become law will further impact business by making employers pay more to keep employees on the books. The ugly truth is that even with the new economic data for the fourth quarter it still needs improvement. Well I am going out on a limb here and going to stare into my christal ball and make some new years predictions. OK. Here goes the banned predictions about the economy. Just making a dry humor joke.. Stop Laughing!!! The new year will bring a continue growth in retail and other sections of the economy for 2012 year. You will have to watch precious metals prices and employment data as a good indication of how the new year will shape up to being whether mixed or bad results. If precious metals stay high and unemployment climbs to 13 percent average you will see business take a wait and see attitude. This will greatly shape the consumer confidence and buying habits for the upcoming new year. While I am going with mixed bag review here I think that there will be some constriction on the stock market in the new year the market overall will be more favorable to investment. The big question is how will all this good news be received by the Fed Reserve and how difficult it will be to obtain credit for most employers? I think that it will be a shaping factor in year 2012 as business will be more inclined to investment and expansion if fiscal policy is geared to improvement. If the Fed and banks lower the lending rate to a better rate then you will see major economic good happen. Think your exempt your not because your in for a better ride in the new year with lots of good economic data to be happy about. This will make for a interesting new year in 2012 with all the changes that will happen so enjoy the ride.

This is my business blog page online of thoughts combined with comments on a variety of subjects in the modern business world. I have many ideas that I appreciate writing them here to this page. I always your welcome feedback so that this continues to improve the knowledge of everyone. This page is dedicated to the expansion of knowledge of all my readership about business and much more..
Monday, December 26, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
I am still doing my holiday vacation so I just want to update my readers that all is going well with creating a new project list for year 2012. Due to a lot of changes in my business ventures,journalism and other things I doing I am going to bring to the table lots of new ideas. Hope everything is going well with everyones holidays. Next year I will bring a new style of journalism that is going to be interesting. Just having a new step in a futuristic process for development of this blog will bring news combination with video transformation. This process I started early this year which incorporated current news and opinion to bring to my readers a new journalist view. I will continue to add YouTube videos and commentary that is both stimulus to my readers that will increase knowledge to all. Happy holiday to all my readers and enjoy your week.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Holiday Tribute
I know that I have been strangely absent from here but I have been working three jobs plus management of all my various business ventures. So now that I have a little time this Saturday morning I wanted to let my readers know that I am still going to keep posted everyone about current events. I have taken a short vacation from writing and doing news pieces but now I am back so look for the news and great commentary.. I admitted to myself that I could have done a lot better with keeping my readers up to date but my mother and one of my dogs died this year so I took a vacation to deal with the pain. Hopefully I will get to writing investigation news articles soon and so you will have lots to read combined with important topics of interest. So sorry for the vacation but I needed some personal time away from here..
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Turkey Day
Well this year has been all about change and most is not for the better of me. My mother died in July and my living situation is a disaster plus way to many other problems. I lost mostly everything I own in a storage unit in February of this year including my beloved truck. So what does Thanksgiving mean to me this year? My answer summed up is I feel I have mostly nothing to be thankful for this year. For the first time in my life I truly feel I don't care about this day since my sweetheart wife is gone and both my parents are dead. My other dog and cat that got stolen from me in 2007 are probably both dead now too. So my day today is just going to be about visiting my other dog that is still living as I have had two dogs. This will be Turkey day and what it.means to me.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Business Flux
This morning has been so far a really great opposite open opportunity to learn how to market trade your investments. You see why this because of the yo yo of the market swing. If you combined the third quarter earnings of all the technology stocks and big bond holders you would see the clear picture. Until now the mostly you would have invested heavy in these companies and your own company because of such rosey economic data. You would now be living a nightmare because you failed to see the landscape ahead of you and fell into this sink hole. If your going to invest in a swing time like this you had better read your plan carefully and allow yourself wiggle room. This way you can change with the times ahead and put your money to work for you making a profit. Watch the stock market when you own and run your own business so you always have a good idea of what the economy is doing at all times. By doing this you are less prone to make a costly mistake and put yourself,your company in a better position to profit from current and future economic data trends.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
News Reports
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Financial Volitility
Well my readership I have been watching the stock volitility in the markets on Wall Street and also the recent protests about economics. I do say that it is another system of a larger problem in which is causing the markets to react so sharply to the cuurent trend in data coming from both in Europe and here in America. It shos that the recession is growing much deeper and the financial pain is becoming more felt by Average middle class and rich alike in that everyone has to cut spending at home.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Talk Show Update
Plus on WKNR radio and other stations so come join the live talk and discussions of current political issues.
Note barring any other unfortunate technical problems that creep into the show I will be on air on this new schedule..
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Creditor Practices
Thursday, October 6, 2011
World Finance Problems
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Apple Stocks Climbing!!
Well with the new generation of Ipad and other Apple products coming out soon to hit the store shelves it is a sure bet that those wise investors who put their money invested into to tech stocks like Apple will see the dividends share price make them very wealthy this quarter of year 2011. I am a firm beleiver in solid investing strategies like using tech stocks as a platform to leverage profit. If you buy good dividend paying stocks you will add value in your portfolio especially if you do it on a up swing in the market. Recently market data has been poor proformance in many different areas that used to do well. Hold strategy is not dead but it is better to not do this strategy unless you are only care about your monthly dividend check. Proper investment requires lots of research into what solid companies are a good value. If you do investor pulse on the market you will get to see what way the is going if you are a smart contrarian. So fix your eye on doing this investment decisions on good data instead of using your heart and running with the bulls on wall street..
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Video Added and Important News
Have a great day everyone .. Smile...
Wall Street Investing
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
New Bailout Spending Package
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Tax Code Changes
Monday, September 12, 2011
Friday, September 9, 2011
Talk Show
If anyone wants to be a guest on my talk show please email me and tell me about yourself and what you do for a living. Example.. (Journalist for Time Magazine,Director of POLITICAL PARTY,Federal Reserve Bank President,President Of Major Company ETC..) this would be the kind of people who my shows listeners would tune into on my talk show that is interesting for them.
My Talk Show...
Radio Stations..
If any radio station wants to pick up and carry my talk show live on air I would gladly accept them just email me at the above address. I am looking for new radio stations to carry my show live with Them to boost my ratings and overall listener base..
New Video Magazine
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Modern Political Thinking
TEL. (818) 572-2905
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Waste Recycling
New Talk Show
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Green Energy
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Jobs In America
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Old Blog Revival
I am also in the process of making this blog a more business,travel,investing,news and much more to this blog so as to gain more readers and keep things interesting to my loyal readership. So go check out my personal Blog and look for some good things to come on both blogs sooner. I almost forgot to mention that I am now a accredited journalist on CNN.com and you can find me and my news pieces on I-Reports now on CNN News so look for me and sooner I will be providing the link to it here so stay tuned.. I am also write as a staff writer with a news colomn that you can read in a local newspaper and the link is.. http://www.streetsights.com/ and look for me in that newspaper too. More to come so as I get to doing it I will post it here on this blog....
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Government Debt
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
National Debt Problem
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Business Outreach
Getting into looking at how and who in business does reach out with their brand of supporting community develeopment. Business as a whole is allways very active in promoting housing and work based programs that increase both thea awareness and financial support of social community programs. These programs such as Habitat For Humanity which builds homes for the under privilideged and the United Way Homes for Life Program are all good examples of business and the community working togethe. By bringing these needed resources and the financial backing of the more wealthy companies we build a partnership to solve community problems in both urban areas and the rural popolulation too. Business can through enterprise zones and wealth generation bring more change with innovation than can most of what goverment do on this kind of basis. The Innovators and CEO's of all size companies contribute a combined total of 83 percent of all donations to community sponsored reinvestment programs such as the ones I previosly listed and many other that I have not listed too. Forbes Magazine ranks Fortune 500 list companies that share and contribute the most to community reinvestment and new develeopment by a ladder profile. These companies like Mac Donalds,Star Bucks,Penara Bread, Exxon Mobil,CVS Pharmacy,Shaws Supermarkets and many others contribute more per capita in donation and sponsorships than all the others out there according to both Forbes And Fortune magazine. Most Chambers of Commerce and local and national Business groups are heavy involved in civic development and support of charity and community reinvestment. With the joining of business and civic organizations together it is better able to address and manage problems both at the local and national level when their is a need to be filled. The engine of business is the leaders and problem solvers who can put forward both financial and intellectial resources to get the job done and solve the commmunity needs at a more efficient and greater stable platform than can most any other vehicle do that is available. To be realistic Looking at past data from Bloomberg Online business can step into to fray and be the catalyst for great changes in community affairs with out a blue print to start with. It can offer a fresh out reach to community leaders and give more suggestions and solve problems that otherwise would be left to the back burner or never tackled at all. Partnership in a world of every day change means that you can have both businesses and civic organizations work together to achieve common goals that solve issues that beneifit both sides. By doing all this you achieve a better system of commmunity and through private business outsourcing and in partnership with civic groups. You are then able to grow a very nice urban or rural landscape that is both astetic and funtional while also creating new jobs and homes where more people will want to stay and raise their families for all future generation to come. Business is allways the solution and will continue to be the ones who reaches out to better everyones lives in concert with government and civic organzations we can grow a better future tommorrows..
Monday, June 27, 2011
Birthday and Business!!
Product Review For June!!
Movie Review For June!!
Movie Review For June!!
Book Reviews For Month Of June!!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Population Changes!!
Friday, June 3, 2011
Poverty In America!!
Friday, May 27, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
Business in a Box!!
Check out This book!!!
reading it. this book is also worth buying it fro Amazon and is reasonable priced considering the enjoyment you will get from reading this sometimes accurate protrayal of retirement living..
Friday, May 13, 2011
Economic Meltdown!!
Just yesterday, we learned that retail sales growth is cooling rapidly and
The gains in employment are slowing. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that wholesale price inflation is rising much faster than expected — up 0.8% in April alone and up 6.8% in the past 12 months!
Bottom line: The scenario presented here is America’s Financial Meltdown
ever-increasing economic pain plus soaring prices — is being played out before your very eyes!
WHY has the Fed just rated the United States a mere two levels above “junk” status?
Is the U.S. really likely to default on its debt? If not, will the crisis end or just get progressively worse?
Is the latest correction in gold and silver opening a window to buy them as a hedge against inflation? What’s the best way to invest in the precious metals?
Specifically which investments are the most certain to rise when the dollar falls?
Should I sell just my long-term treasuries? What about Treasury bills?
How about U.S. Savings Bonds? Municipal bonds? Corporate bonds?
Which investments should I be buying now for maximum profit potential as inflation and interest rates rise?
Does your higher rating on countries like China, Malaysia and South Korea mean I should be investing in their stocks and ETFs as well?
How will soaring interest rates impact the value of my home? What are your recommendations?
A crash in treasuries means that the U.S. dollar would get slaughtered — right? What should I be doing right now to protect my family from skyrocketing prices?
What will happen to my Social Security benefits if the dollar ends up buying next to nothing?
In the worst case scenario, will U.S. stocks continue to trade? Or will the markets be shut down like they were after on Black Monday?
Which stocks will get hit hardest by soaring interest rates and the crashing dollar? Are there any that will actually BENEFIT from this crisis?
Are my money market accounts safe? How about my CDs?
These questions are on the minds of everbody who is in business and employees as it effects everyone from the rich to the very poor in America. This is only part of a larger problem which include Real Estate property values going into the tank and consumer spending going at a snails pace. This is combined with the largest national debt ever recorded at 154 Trillion Dollars in national debt and we are still writing more rubber checks and debt to fund just even paying our debt payments as as well as other pork pet programs that we don't even need. To sum it up we either get our financial house in order in this country and start bailing our country out of the red ink debt load we carry or we are going to really regret not doing the right decisions now later on by our own generation and the next few generations beyond us. Hope everyone has a great day and enjoy your weekend.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Business Location Value
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Stock Market Data!!
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